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Everything posted by Gavla

  1. Sorry for no comic yesterday, I was very busy. Plus a day off is always nice. Comic- Double Personalities Golden Rahkshi follow a sort of police like order. Golden Rahkshi being soldiers/police. Control Units being walking dispatch radios.
  2. To be fair, the Golden Rahkshi have always been a little crazy. Comic- Life's Visor
  3. Casio's Olmak is a legit one, I consider it the second one mentioned. I consider him getting the second one before this Tridax fellow. If AVID never happened/New Gavla never took control, I imagine Casio giving the mask to Tridax. It makes sense to me if the mask "falls into Tridax's hands." Also, Zyglak. I know where you got that, Cha-Ha. You've hit the nail a bit on the head, though that's not the direct influence for the two. I joke around with Terton that Death is like the Void's garbage man. Comic- Verbal Assault Gold Rahkshi are the only servants of Life that can actually talk.
  4. What Gavla? I see no Gavla in those few comics. Comic- The Robotic Makuta
  5. Actually, no. The Mask of Time does not do time travel. It was not established if it could. From my research, the mask controls the speed of time in a certain area. So it's a time mask with a limited range. When you think on that, Teridax's plan makes sense. Using the mask to accelerate the memory erase of the Metru-matoran, without speeding up time in the entire universe. Years of events done in split seconds. It's a fascinating idea. Comic- Timely Questions Thus that makes nine Makron/Life discussion comics. We'll take a break now, and get back to these two later. (I really love making scripts where they banter between each-other.)
  6. An entire species turned themselves into gas. Yet you decide to question on if they can speak non-words/letters. Comic- Golden Connection He's not speaking noob, it was the only sort of generator I had to make the text look.. different.
  7. Comic- Coded Reveal As I said, something simple for a busy day.
  8. Well well, everything is back. Cha. Comic- Spaced Out Now I have a busy day tomorrow, so I may just put up a small comic. Depends on the times and such.
  9. It's the Hauika. A Hau mixed with the Ignika. Comic 1 and Comic 2 showing it's creation. Fun fact: The mask comes in two modes. Normal and Anger. When he is Angry, the mask has flaps open on it's sides. The flaps are the same as a Hau's. Comic with the Flaps. The flaps are best seen at panel 9. You're free to speculate as to what happened on a technical aspect. One of my favorite theories someone told is that Gavla tricked the mask into accepting him as it's owner. I think he based the idea off of Gavla using his staff to control the robot's own energy/Mata-Nui's life energy. Another is that he used the charged staff to force the two masks to fuse. Comic- Gassed Deduction
  10. They're too happy, that's why. Comic- Coded Refusals
  11. Comic- Console Arrival Was super busy today, so some bits might look a bit odd or so.
  12. You keep the character of Death in order, which is good. It's wave pose is pretty neat, I should incorporate that sometimes. Anyway, yes. That was a nice comic. Seeing him sitting on the void is disturbing, when you take into mind what the Void is meant to be. Chah.
  13. Oh boy, downtimes. Chah. Comic- Life's Decision
  14. It, it's technically an It. Cha. Anyway, yes. You got it's character down spot notch. Plus seeing it take the ol' Red and Blue form for fun is always nice. Those Void panels are also nice. Very fitting too, yes. Twas a lovely comic.
  15. Try to look at it from Gavla's point of view. 1. He just upped his power levels, so might as well test how much he can teleport. 2. I didn't feel like adding disabled Golden Rahks' to every panel. 3. He didn't need them anymore. Comic- The Two Options
  16. Lovely, just lovely. To be honest, I was expecting the topic up after a few more comics. Chaha. However, I'm quite glad to see these show up at last. You're quite welcome, too. Always happy to help, plus I'm very interested in seeing what you do with these comics and the bits I've talked/shown you. So as others stated, I look forward to the next comical comic.
  17. He's clearly Life. Life makes Life, obviously. Comic- Fuel Depot Assault
  18. Comic- Realized Compromising
  19. Goggles Gav destroyed Chilbot. Chilbot was viewed as an organic child to Gavla. New Gavla saw it blow up. In full detail. Goggles Gavla is a Gavla and he wears red and blue. New Gavla views Death as Old Gavla. He wears the colors and carries the name of his creation's killer. Comic- A Fueled Discussion
  20. Comic- Lawful Transmission The robot's hands look odd, ugh.
  21. ^Now that gave me a laugh. Comic- Revelation Now we can get going onto the other stuff I have planned.
  22. Comic- The Flyer's Fall Establishing Goggles working with Casio was key for today's comic. After tomorrow the comics will resort back into the normal upload times. This week was technically meant to happen right after Christmas. It's been planned for some time. Though I did enjoy making slightly longer comics.
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