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Status Updates posted by Gavla

  1. Im good you?

  2. Sad face. Oh well. Whats your day, gonna be like? More Pewku fanship?

  3. Well remember your also talking to a guy with a female bionicle name..so YES I am freeky :P

  4. Oh gosh. That avatar. So.. PONY.

  5. Nice :D Was it fun? Also, I need to send ya a PM.

  6. I was jokeing NR


    Im funny like that

  7. Why does no one ever comment Here RTNDNA?

  8. I missed your B-day? OHZ NOZ! :( But still happy (VERY LATE) birthday!

  9. You to Khols! Also we need a new Whatever and cartoona comic! I miss them =(

  10. Oh snap. Well then, hows your night? XD

  11. Hey Jordboy! I added you as a friend!

  12. Hey to you too!

  13. I allready knew new ones were out. But I allready saw them ;) I saw them before your comment.

  14. Sweet :D ate some nachos XD

  15. Well I never had a french one, but yes I must agree.

  16. It fell into a jar of candy. I just picked it up, and ate it.

  17. Really? Sounds like you have a busy night.

  18. And with that I say: Indeed.

  19. It fell into a jar of candy. I thought it was candy and ate it. Now I dont keep bionicles on the counter.

  20. Indeed :D So tell me about the name, Zippy =P

  21. Indeed he did.

  22. Wild Dlakii in a tree! Throw a pokemon at him!

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