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Everything posted by Astrotorical

  1. ICToron felt the pain growing "Yes, that is me. Mind if i take a seat before i collapse" he said, pain in his voice despite the joking tone
  2. Granted. Pencil companies begin to sell your pencil, and they then go broke because of it (for obvious reasons)I wish i saw the episode where Jean-Luc face-palms himself
  3. Granted, its an optical illusion what your seeing I wish i could understand Dr. Who
  4. IC ToronAs he saw the onu-matoran leave, he noticed a new arival. Nikaron was with this new person, and he assumed by the size it was a Toa. using some strain on his mask he limped over to the pair and asked "Is this the medic then?" OOC: I had missed a post where you arrived, so this post may be out of context but bare with me. Virthee, your up
  5. (*Mysterious) Just please, dont ever talk to me about the Ponies... my website was almost destroyed by them... *has horrible flashback, screaming and such* Oh, and Granted. But as it is a running gag with the Story Team, they take the power from Lewa I wish I never had to hear anything to do with My little pony ever
  6. Break the Mind, the body follows. But break the body, and the Mind lives on

  7. Granted, the franchise is continued because of it (which is bad for Hero Factory, but there was know way id corrupt a wish that kept Bionicle) I wish i could sing... well...
  8. Well Quantity it is the Hero Factory.Qualtiy is Bionicle for the sheer 12,000 (or circumferance of the entire Earth) Kilometre high power of the Mata Nui Robot
  9. Granted, but the puffer-fish is very poisonous if you catch my driftI wish I could sing
  10. Im sorry, Native American Cultured? I actually take great offense to that, being they are based off of the Maori Culture Now that thats over, I do see a valid point. But then i never noticed all the secret keeping as for being evil. I saw it more as for their own protection.An example: Turaga tells Matoran of the Mask of Mega-ness, so he decides to look for it and almost dies. So he doesnt tell him, and he doesnt go and look for it and continues his lifeThats my logic behind it anyway
  11. http://images2.wikia...ru_Exis-Nui.gifUsing the island of mata nui, and my own template, i created the Island of Miru Exis-Nui. In matoran it means Great Floating Miracle (creative license ). Apart of my Epic, Swift Legacy: The Story of a De-Matoran. The original location is much differenthttp://images1.wikia...anohi_Sakal.gifThis is the Mask worn by the De-Matoran. it is completely made from scratch, using the colour template from the Mata Nui Online Game. It didnt turn out as well as i had hoped, But still good. I am starting to think this should be a collection, with the next image. The ExiSpherehttp://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/batfink/images/3/3c/Capture1.GIFTell me what you think
  12. VEH-zonVEH-zokLEE-wahHYU-kiiVAH-kamamy-tauGEH-luMEE-tusACK-arumm...
  13. Well Lewa did create air when his group were floating in space.A Toa of Fire who faced Tuyet (Lhikan?) absorbed all the heat in her pillar of water freezing it.Put those two together and you get the vacuum-ness.He could absorb the air around them, but im not sure about a mini-nova blast
  14. To train in speed, go to co-ord's C9. i suggest you get air bladders, your only able to get a max of 10 stats (out of 100) with out them.Strategy is free and easy to find, its on the way to Po-Koro.
  15. Granted, you out grow the universeI wish people came to my party
  16. Lewa has the power to levitate. So he could act like C-3PO... Im still wating for Zaria to do stuffAgori vs. Ewoks who would win
  17. http://www.bzpower.c...?showtopic=1085 We follow the story of a De-Matoran called Tai, his adventure to find the ExiSphere Fragments, and a darker secret yet to be revealed.So far there is a brief introduction to the world we are brought into. The Island of Miru Exis-Nui. The Great Floating Miracle. When Mata Nui crashed on Aqua Magna, the malfunctioning camoflague system caused the island to have different climates. This island broke off from Mata Nui Island and drifted off into the endless sea. Tai Has yet to learn the true history of his home, and a way back. But we will get to that Thoughts, comments, etc.?
  18. http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=1089 PrologueThe black abyss of night. Only the stars and the humble glow of the lava flow rivers escaping into the sea. My home. But I am jumping ahead of myself. I am Tai, a De-Matoran. A chronicler. The only chronicler, or De-Matoran for that matter, on the island. This is not your normal island. It is large, granted, but floating in an endless sea. The Desert to the north is the great village of Stone, Po-Exis. Below is the jungles of air, Le-Exis. East of that, the swamps begin to freeze as a sign of ice, Ko-Exis. Below that the stone chord, a tunnel, connecting of Onu-Exis with surface. Ta-Exis slopes down the volcano of the region of Fire. Ga-Exis is built on, and around a large lake in the midle of dense forest. Fe-Exis villages of Metal are scattered throughout the land. My home is in the Fe-Exis town of the Glowing Rod Docks. The port is centred on the southern most edges of the island, even further south than the Void Forest, and is used to transport our metal works to the other villages. I occasionally take the boats, to chronicle. Three other ports are found on the islands. One on Dragoon Tooth Island, One being the Traders Haven in the desert and the final called then Wetland Gates of the Air village. Each section is ruled by Turaga. The towns themselves have their own rulers but they simply ease the tasks of the Turaga. The Leader of Traders Haven overseas the transport of all the cargo and such around the island over the land. Dragon's tooth is owned by the Turaga of Iron as it is the perfect spot to forge. It sits between burning lava and frozen tundra. Now you may be thinking why is the climate so different in such a small space? Well that is because of our greatest asset here on Miru Exis-Nui. The ExiSphere. It is a combination of all the Elements we possess here on the Island. When divided, it creates an influence over the land to generate the climate and environment. The Heart of Water, Pillar of Air, Mountain of Ice, Spark of Iron, Dagger of Earth, Dune of Stone and the Rage of Fire. Each of found in a secret temple hidden and protected by their element. They contained the essence of their element. Our life, our power flows through them and it through us. I have seen the Spark of Iron... it is a beautiful thing to behold. Legend says that the power of the ExiSphere shall be given to those who call upon it. But I have never seen it. I’m not sure anyone has seen it. Today is a wondrous day to go exploring. Although I cannot see the ExiSphere, I am going to be the first Matoran in history to chronicle the ExiSphere Fragments. I already have the Spark of Iron (which was no easy task) and next is the Rage of Fire. It is said to be in the roaring flames of an angry volcano, and only those with the courage, strength and peace of mind can find it. A long journey ahead of me, and i can’t even get past the Red Steel Gates. They are the only entrance to our particular village, and they protect us from intruders. But they are notoriously hard to get past. Maybe if I wait for the departure of the cargo being sent to the dock, I can sneak out...This is Tai the Chronicler, The story of a De-Matoran
  19. Welcome to the Zone of Bionicle Power.. :D Make posts, Follow the rules, have fun you get the idea

  20. IC Toron"Oh... Duty is what you make of it. I hope for your return" He said grimly, watching him leave. They were once again back to where they started. He was thinking of leaving the group aswell, try to find some of his own people and look for where he belonged.. But with an injury like this he couldnt afford to travel, let alone stand
  21. I would... but i cant. Not that i dont want to, my computer LITERALLY wont allow it. Quassy was supposed to be Quaza, but due to a mental disorder it came out wrong(i have this thing where i think a head of my self and then write it. Just because i know not to write Quassy, does not mean my hand will get the message before writing it down)So he writes a bit of both im with you.
  22. Hahli :Dpossibly macku, but thats because of the crush she had (or whatever it was) on Hewkii.but mainly Hahli. little adventurer from Ga-koro turned Iniki turned Amphibious Mahri.
  23. Its like super great to hear from him. I feel bad for sending him a message (i feel like a hassle) but if i had a kid, then id be as busy as him too.Bring on some Vezon
  24. Does Greg Farshtey actually write Hero Factory-ness? i thought he was doing Ninjago instead. Also, your theory is solid. Bringing stuff back for younger people. makes sense, puts food on the table. obviously they cant copy it, so they make changes. Personally the only reason i dont like hero factory was the first movie they made. They used the word "Hero" and "Quassy" sooo many times it put me off. otherwise i could stand it. its sort of like a tribute yes. Essentially Bionicle is more... Fantasy-ish (with elements and powers and what not) where as HF is sci-fi-ish (with ships and guns and what not) so i gett what you mean
  25. welcome to the Power of the Bionicle Zone. have fun and such :D

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