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Bitter Cold

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Everything posted by Bitter Cold

  1. Looks good. But I dislike the double-balljoint.
  2. OoooOOoooooOOOOoooooh, an insult to Chuck Norris? No comment. Oh well, if anybody wanted to sue, they would. And it would be the end of the world.
  3. Oh yeah? My mom dated....uh, lemme think.. *edits Bfahome's wiki* ..umm.. *makes a sandwich* ..Ooh! Wait, what? Oh yeah! I'm Chuck Norris! Beat that!
  4. NO U I dunno, it's big and red and awesome and WIN and four-legged and able to support its massive girth and whatnot, but I think it's a bit..excessive. I like unique ideas more than I like massive things. But it'd be fun to look at, for sure! I wish I was going to Brickfair! To see it up close, I'd say the people at Brickfair will probably vote for it. That is, unless it has big flaws that weren't seen in the pictures for some reason.
  5. I believe he is talking to me. ..hi? Is it a blog, or a chatroom?
  6. Broken broken broken broken broken broken............ I guess Hahli's ok. Good MOCing parts, bad LIME GREEN FAILSOMENESSITUDEATIONISMOSITIFICATION. So if you buy, don't build, or if you build, don't take apart, 'cause THEY WILL BREAK. I would look on Amazon, apparently they still have normal prices on some oldish sets.
  7. Well that's odd, isn't it? XD

  8. One similarity, or one copy? It looks..eerily similar to me. Same shape. Same mechanism. Besides the fact that MEGA-BLOKS (hey, they capitalize too much too!) uses exact replicas of LEGO's bricks, and the ones they don't copy exactly, they copy roughly (i.e. minifigs) I'm not saying I know enough about the situation to call a lawsuit. Maybe LEGO lets them. Maybe they're the same company. Maybe the big guys are old college buddies. I don't know. But it doesn't seem right to me. OMG total conversation with Bfahome over legality
  9. True, but the way I see it is they're building toys, action figures, and have projecti...........y'know what? Here. Go here, look through the pics, and see if you can spot the Zamor Launcher.
  10. I'dtellyouwhatitis,butIdon'tfeellikeitrightnowhaha.
  11. Huh. Never heard of that one. It prolly got cancelled 'cuz of no entries. Huh. I love when that happens. Jon Stewart does it with newscasters and I just love it. Everybody thinks they're the first to have an obvious idea so they all say it publicly like they're a genius...
  12. That's true but they pioneered it on building toys. And action figures.
  13. I miss never living in California... *sigh*
  14. @ Bfahome ('cause I'm too lazy to quote right now )Oh yeah! I had some of those! The ones with minifigs in their heads! They could sue LEGO over EXO-FORCE!! I think LEGO should sue because, aside from turning into balls, Neo Shifters have... Rhotuka Launchers Zamor Launchers Tridax Pods Look at the boxes and tell me I'm wrong. Off-topic: Why does LEGO capitalize everything? DUPLO, EXO-FORCE, BIONICLE..well that's about it, but come on...
  15. Somebody got the Dark Panther! Pretty cool, but I'm not a fan or a good judge of System spaceships.
  16. Sounds cool! Is it big? 'Cause I honestly don't know what it is. Hey, I don't feel like going back to whatever entry it was that I said I'd give you this, so...here!
  17. Anyone who entered Velox's contest built three MOCs in one month. And many of those are good. I won't nominate myself because I wanna see if anyone knows I exist. So...I nominate.. I don't know who posted three MOCs this month. Guess I could look over Velox's contest entries...
  18. Bitter Cold


    You just earned a Blog Award.
  19. Bitter Cold

    Ipod Nano

    Yah, you could put in my dead blog. I don't know why but whatever. Maybe you need to fill up space.
  20. This is a comment.[/superinformativeinformation]
  21. I've been wearing a ski cap for no apparent reason. It's to keep my hair from frazzing after showers but noone believes me.
  22. It does not work in the comments. XD Do you copy-paste the coding each time or what?

  23. *Is too lazy to read all the posts* I'll try for Noir, if he's open. Or anybody else who has an opening, really.
  24. lolz you need one of them gadgety things...the one that shows the most recent posts in entries. I gots to go back to each one and check. You seen Hancock yet?
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