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Bitter Cold

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Everything posted by Bitter Cold

  1. Bitter Cold

    Make It Stop!

    Lol. I can't ever finish a real sente
  2. Bitter Cold

    Full Of Spam

    I hate when you do this. For real, I mean it was kinda cool to get a first look...for a while. But now I just wish you'd give us a link already! Heehee, I found it on your B-shelf...pretty cool, but the....well, I'll review when you make a topic. If you were going to say that the rahkshi feet stick out a little on the sides, that was intentional.
  3. Bitter Cold

    I Tease

    YYYEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!! (I found it on your B-shelf) It is very cool. VERY cool. A little more undercarraige wouldn't hurt, though. Does it transform..? You might have more pics of it in ROBOT MODE...
  4. Hmm. I thought the movie looked good. Haven't seen it yet though. I like misnomers, when I get more than I thought I would. My bed is covered with Bionicle pieces. It has been for about a week. I've been sleeping on body pillows on the floor. I usually put my pieces in a box but I go on MOCing streaks. [/rant] Because that had something to do with you saying you were on the floor because something was on your bed. Yeah, I missed my stop on the Train of Thought. Will Smith is WIN.
  5. Golden Sun?!?! I love that game!!! Ahem..yep. I just had to say that. I don't read Epics. Like, ever. They're all so..epic. I don't have time. Or concentration. But I read SPIRIT's CSI: Metru Nui. I don't know why I did, but it was good. So if I have a brief moment of insanity again, I may get started on your Epic, and then when I regain sanity I'll have to finish it.
  6. But...what is it, ((Primus))? We want to see MOAR PICS!!! *Raids ((Primus))'s Brickshelf*
  7. I feel your pain. *leaves* *forgets about blog*
  8. I'm gonna have to say, much as I hate to say it, I don't know you anymore either, man. Who are you now?

    XD I have no idea what's going on.

  9. Bitter Cold

    Dorky Girls

    Hmm. Perhaps you're right... What's up with the <33? It looks like nothing! Except maybe a double scoop of ice cream...
  10. Bitter Cold


    Kex has a crush. That's what it sounds like to me.
  11. iM In uR BaSe Had to, you know.
  12. We will all be in the magical floating base in the sky.
  13. Bitter Cold

    Intimidator T2

    No, vroom vroom vroom. It's not a Kia commercial. I am probably wrong, that's probably Nissan or something. I don't remember. Mazda
  14. Has to be a TransforMOC. Of Batman. I just hope it doesn't blow mine out of the water, or I'll have to make a new one!
  15. Your sig is cool.

    Yup. A whole profile comment just for that. XD

  16. Feeling 'crabby'? [/badCaraparpun]

  17. Color grouping. Like Transformer combiners! Yep, I agree.
  18. Bitter Cold


    Furst post lolz!!1! Yeah, I'm not really so sure 'bout your logic there...but FAIL/WIN, I like.
  19. Bitter Cold


    No!! Grey is a challenge! Which is why I get mad when people paint pieces. *glares at Alchemyst*
  20. Right now. As soon as you read this. There. Now do it.
  21. Bitter Cold

    Meh, I Give Up

    Ah em cohnfyooz'd. Eet's lahk yoo kahpeed evr'ytheeng. I can't read that! Looks like you bought a few pieces, though.
  22. tHaT WaS mY SiGnAtUrE!!!!!!! Before it got removed, my sig said iM In uR FaCe
  23. Neon green! Yeah! Blue is fine, people complain too much. If you don't like the blue axles, don't use them. It's a challenge.
  24. This is among the greatest blog entries ever made. I loved every word. And it was interesting, too. I envy the people that work at LEGO. One day I will be one. Seriously, though, how do you get qualified to be a set designer?
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