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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    I have a question for everyone: What is your preference between hardback books and paperback books? And not just in general, but new books, older books, favorite books, read-it-once-then-donate books, etc.
    See, I work at a bookstore, and constantly I'll hand someone a hardback (because it's new or is still selling well even after being out for half a year or more) and they'll ask "Is it in paperback?" (Um, no, this new Dan Brown book came out yesterday. It's in hardback because they know they'll make more money by people who can't wait to read it.) (Rinse and repeat for Mockingjay, A Dance With Dragons, and Gone Girl, books that have been out forever.)
    Now, I can understand that a paperback is lighter to hold and easier to take on trips, despite being cheaper. But whenever someone asks that my first thought is that they are cheap and can't appreciate the work the are holding in their hands. But customers have revealed that they prefer paperbacks due to being lighter, usually thinner, and easier to travel with.
    For me, I love that I have some gems in hardback, because I know in 20 years they won't look like they'll fall apart ala The Time Machine. I'll definitely want to reread Neil Gaiman, JK Rowling, or Douglas Adams multiple times between now and my death, and these books will need to take a beating between my hands and friends borrowing them.
    But I can understand wanting to pay less for a book you're unsure about or if money is tight. An $8 pocket paperback is more alluring than a $26 hardback for an impulse buy.
    So, does anyone feel how I feel, or do you strictly buy a paperback, even if it means waiting 8 months to two years to read the new Neil Gaiman or George RR Martin?
    (And don't get me started about graphic novels. Only the best of the best need to be in hardback to stand the test of time, dust, and rereads, but those have already been out so long they're only in paperback. And the new stuff most likely doesn't need to be in hardback.)

  2. ChocolateFrogs
    Happy Halloween!
    Scary image #1
    Scary Image #2
    What's scary is that this stuff is on Brickshelf in the first place!
    Quote of the Day: Pietrisycamollaviadelrechiotemexity - The state or condition of not having the faintest idea what's going on.
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    SyFy has some good stuff...and some bad stuff.
    But I'm willing to realize I may be watching something terrible, because the concept is too cool for me not to want to watch.
    SyFy's upcoming "cheap"movie:
    Sharktopus (Now with a picture!)
    Just roll that around in your head for a few moments, be brave enough to check out my provided picture, and hopefully we can ride the ridiculous wave together.
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    Obviously the grandfather paradox (going back and killing your grandfather so you would not exist and therefore can not go back in time and kill him so then he doesn't die but then does give birth to your dad...) is messy and a no-no, but perhaps there are some other options if the power were possible.
    I guess there is what happened in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, where Harry and Hermione stayed out of the way when freeing *spoiler* Buckbeak and Sirius. But even then there's a mess of Harry casting the Patronus. But I'm focusing on the first part where what they do does not affect future knowledge before going back in time.
    On that note, what if you could go back in time to fix a past mistake, but then tell yourself to go back in time to make sure the mistake is fixed? That way, although the mistake would not have happened in the first place, you are still making sure it is prevented.
    But then there is what happens sometimes in Star Trek and Stargate: alternate universes. One little change splits the timeline in two: One of the original and the other of it "changed." But even then there are different takes. Star Trek 11 instead focused on the alternate timeline. Something happened in Stargate Atlantis that made me think we are now watching an alternate universe Atlantis team (being exactly the same) that had the happy ending while the original group was left to die. (And then there's the whole SGU Time episode. )
    And then sometimes The Doctor realizes that, although he tries to stay out of it, he causes the event to occur. *coughPompeiicough*
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    That contest? Build a Glatorian and send it into LEGO and they choose 5 winners to get a $100 LEGO gift card? Yeah, that'll be like taking candy from a baby (well, from a 10 year old...). 5 grand prize winners. Five! Well now, if I just whip up a head like this (without back spikes) and put it on this guy, or put Ackar's head (assuming I can get him during October break) on this guy (minus actual flames) or this guy (why is he still built? That was 3 years ago!) (Raanu's helmet would also be nice, but I don't have him), or would LEGO possibly object to me using my prototype on a green guy (though not necessarily this guy, I don't think he has the right Glatorian build, so I'd have to build something in the few days I'd be home), assuming I have to use a Glatorian head/helmet (I also have Mata Nui but don't think I want to build something new with the keetorange just yet), I think I can build better than most of LEGO's target audience, the other question is this: is what I build what LEGO looks for?
    tl;dr: I'm definitely going to enter that Glatorian Building Contest (screw that I'm 19, I could use the $100 better than a target audienced kid), I just don't know how to exactly cater to LEGO's personality aside from the fact that most of the target audience doesn't know what "color scheme" means.
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    BrickFair was great! I met so many people! The likes of which include Arpy, Nukaya Cloud Fire, xccj, Primus, Nuju Metru, ToM Dracone, Dablackcat, and Waffles, among plenty of other people who I can not remember (sorry! these are the highlights).
    Arriving at the con, everything looks neat, and the Dulles Expo Center is so BIG.
    The Bionicle Mosaic Project went well. We set up Onua on Friday, got pieces Friday night to build another Kopaka square, and set him up on Saturday before the public came. Both looked awesome, if you could not tell from the pictures.
    I also did something I do not usually do: I invited a fellow AFOL we just met to lunch. While setting up Onua, Arpy noticed this lady's Harry Potter shirt, and from there we (him, her, Nukaya, me) start chatting. She had some cool HP stuff with her, so I had the stunning idea to invite her to lunch with the three of us on Saturday. It was fun crossing themes like that.
    Hanging out with everyone is tons of fun, of course. Steve Witt has repeatedly acknowledged that we are the funnest AFOLs at the conventions, not hindered by standards of behavior or sternness, and this could not be more true. We are there to have fun and make it known!
    While I wish I could have gone to more panels (or rather, I wish there were more panels to go to), essentially hanging out with people was nice too. Kindred spirits, you know? So refreshing to be around one's own kind. Plus, there were so many MOCs to look at, like the Normandy, the Pandorica, and Kazim's Mystical Creatures.
    In summary, it was great. I would do it all over again (and will next year!) because it is the best thing ever.
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    Hi all,
    I have a problem.
    I'm bad at making up names.
    You know, for fictional stories?
    So would you tell me, please, what you think some good names are? First names, last names, your best friends' names or those of inspirational 15th century world leaders. Whatever. Just drop them here in the comments and I'll find a way to thank you in my NaNoWriMo novel when I make it big.
    EDIT: I'm fine on guys' names now. I would really appreciate some for the awesome ladies I'll be placing in my story though. Thanks!
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    Quick*, what are some good Firefly pick-up lines? Something that uses a quote, of course--something recognizable.
    Or I could just start with a question. Sit down next to her and ask if she knows what the Chain of Command is.
    *Quick meaning in a day.
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    First, Ca' has some interesting notes on proporions.

    Emphasis on wide-shouldered.
    And ToM Dracone mentioned it in his review of Tanma:

    Where I'm going with this is that I really think the designs in sets need some look at human proportions. Granted, the Bionicle aren't human, but their current 11 stud wide shoulders is ridiculous.
    Look at the Toa Mata and Metru: their shoulders were 7 studs wide (once you put on the joints, where their arms moved.)
    The Hordika were about 9 studs wide, but considering their monster nature I'll give that to them. Plus, 9 studs isn't bad if you can pull it off successfully in a MOC. (Which I've seen, and done.)
    If it were up to me, and it is when I MOC, the waist would be 5 studs wide (as it always is. But the 4 studs wide people use is fine too) and the shoulders 7 studs wide (or 8 or 9 if permitted).
    I think the Toa Inika, Mahri, and Phantoka would look a whole lot better if they had smaller shoulders. (Especially Kongu Mahri and Pohatu Phantoka) Heck, the Phantoka had the chance to make a new body that had smaller shoulders, but they don't.
    Regarding the Piraka bodies, the Piraka are freaks and bad guys and can look weird to make them scary. I'm unsure about the Barraki, as they used both, but, again, they are bad guys and mutated, so maybe it's OK. But 5 studs wide waist and shoulders isn't first choice.
    Quote of the Day: You have the right to read; use that right, then act accordingly.
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    If you look at it one way, I bought the set. If you look at it another way, it was a Christmas gift bought with Christmas money.
    Nonetheless, I got Takanuva for $20 at my local Lego Store yesterday and built him promptly upon arriving home. I also bought three Slave I keychains for $2.50 each. All with my 10% discount of course. Sadly I did not feel it would be appropriate to squander more money on the $20 Droid Gunship. (I would have had the return of my Uncle's horrid gift to me resulted in cash, trust me. But now I have a useless $22 gift card to Bloomingdale's.)
    I've heard this set is something along the lines of the best Bionicle set of 2008? Yeah, that sounds about right. (Hey, Axalara T9 looks awesome, but I don't have it, so I'll stick with Takanuva as the best.)
    The Build: (Why isn't TAG Let working?!? Ah well, Comic Sans MS it is.)
    Super. Interesting. The body is simple, as are the arms (but they're better), but the best part is the legs and feet. Great to build, great assortment of pieces (2 white Hordika feet and 8 of those Throwbot things, etc!) and really sturdy. Yep, I like the legs.
    It took me almost an hour, but I was also watching The Incredible Hulk, so that slowed me down. But I enjoyed the building process. I'd say it'd be a good 20-30 minutes of fun building and "oh look" moments. Pretty good considering the other sets might not take so long, as well as 260-something pieces.
    The Pieces:
    As stated, 2 white Hordika feet and 8 of some piece that make up his legs. You know the ones.
    6 Hordika knecks
    2 gunmetal Takadox heads
    His mask is cool!
    3 white double joints (new, for what it's worth)
    Probably 14 or more white joints
    6 white Mahritoran blades
    2 white Makuta Mistika claws
    7 special balls (the hollow kind, "new" (from the Inika))
    Gunmetal Bitil wing
    The Set:
    Very cool, very pose-able, withstands the "standing-on-one-foot test," and is going to stay built so my friends can see this week, and I might just keep it built to show off at WAMALUG and maybe even at college, unless I find a need for the pieces, which I just might.
    I'll probably change his right (or is it left?) arm to black or gunmetal for storyline accuracy, but it's not a factor in set design and would in fact look weird to a little kiddie.
    This size is great. My biggest set I've ever built, probably. He stands up, looks cool, and is one not to mess with.
    The Conclusion:
    I love this set, if my speaking of keeping it built did not give that away. If you have the cash to spare, get it if you like these kinds of things and want MOC pieces. If you are lucky then he'll be on sale right after Christmas at a store or on S@H. But he is one of the best sets I've spent lots of money on is a while. I see many uses for the Takadox head and his mask, to say the lest.
    Quote of the Day: If you don't care where you are, then you aren't lost.
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    Hey! I made instrucions for my Piraka Fusion MOC.
    Folder Here
    I would specifically suggest:
    The Hand
    The Staff
    And since it seems that the Talkback Topic isn't properly linked at the time, go ahead and use this to give any comments you might have until staff does something about the link. (But, staff, please do fix it, and don't rely on this) (hey, Omi, how about you start one?)
    I would also like this to be the place for discussion for my MOC in general.
    (The News Article)
    Thanx, and enjoy!
    It'd be cool if it was a set, along with Krakua.
    Major sets used were Keetongu, and Thok (althought Vezok might work)
    You'll also need some keetorange joints, hordika armor, and 6 hordika knecks.
    The piece pointed to for the tail is a technic watch piece. (I wanted to use it in a MOC)
    I think everything else is pretty much can be seen from pix and is basic enough I don't need to expand on it.
    On note of the tail-joint-breaking problem: I have used this style of connecting before and have only had one or two joints break, and then they are still usable. Don't be too rough, and ease the rod in. (some people also don't like the tail, so of course you don't have to put it on, but then he may have trouble standing up)

  12. ChocolateFrogs
    I just finished commenting in this topic. The one on brown. I have wanted to give my thoughts on this matter (brown vs. keetorange, bringing back brown, and making sure Pohatu #3 will be brown (and tan))
    Here is what I said:

    While we're talking about color schemes, I really want the green back that was used before Metru. I guess this is myself because all I have is Lewa, Matau, and some random bits of green Technic pieces, but I also don't quite like the darker colors on green, red, and blue (and the dark white was bad too).
    More color scheme problems: white on Hahli Inika (she's water, not ice) (and lime on Hahli Mahir, same reason but she's not air), light blue on Thok and Matoro silver blue on Vezok (the silver blue should be for ice), bley on Kongu Mahri (uhg, bley....), and honestly Hewkii Mahri would be better off gunmetal than black....
    So, those are my thoughts on the issue; I've had these for a long time. Maybe this is just one MOCist's point of view, but hey, isn't building what Lego is all about?
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    It's that time of year again. Unless the last local newspaper out of the four I applied to say they'll offer me a paid internship, I'm stuck at my movie theater again. Also, they probably will not give me enough hours, so I might get a second job. More on that later. For now, the movies I am interested in seeing:
    (The * denotes the ones I'm looking forward to the most and would pay for if I did not have the job.)
    Iron Man 2
    Robin Hood (perhaps)
    Prince of Persia (perhaps)
    Toy Story 3 (Just because it's Pixar. I wasn't amazed at TS2 if I'm not mistaken.) June 18
    Knight and Day June 25
    Despicable Me July 9
    Predators (perhaps) July 9
    The Sorcerer's Apprentice July 14
    *Inception (OMG Chris Nolan!) July 16
    Salt July 23
    Scott Pilgrim vs. the World August 13
    I wish Splice was more thriller/mystery than gorey/horror.
    I am going to do everything in my power not to work the midnight showing of Twilight 3.
    I'm going to see How To Train Your Dragon on Thursday. I want to see Shutter Island on Wednesday night but have not found someone to see it with. Maybe I'll see it alone, because you aren't doing anything with the person anyway while just sitting there, and I'll be able to talk with a friend about it later online, and it'll reaffirm my introvertedness (I did the same with Avatar).
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    You know, like Tilius and his Who pictures...

    (And he was right, you know. :angry: )
    Also, my other favorite band is the House Martins. I don't know if anyone remembers the House Martins...
    Also also: Bingle bongle dingle dangle, yickle dee-do, yickety da, ping pong, lippy toppy to-ta.
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    On the first day of class, teachers usually ask me if I prefer to be called Ben or Benjamin. I think from now on I'll say, "Actually, I prefer _______."
    Possible names would be things like Indiana Jones, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, etc, and, if I can buy a Sonic Screwdriver, The Doctor (and then pull it out if anyone recognizes the name).
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    Plenty of thanks to xccj for figuring out the Pic To Brick program!
    He has made this image:

    and it looks great!
    Thus, the mosaic will be split into 6 sections as so:
    With each piece (1,2,4,5,6) being 32x32 and piece 3 being 64x64 (which Arpy will make)
    Now, we need people to make these pieces on their own! Here's the list. (Click on the thumbnail for the mosaic image)
    Piece 1 Claimed by Letagi
    Piece 2 Claimed by Xccj
    Piece 3 Claimed by Arpy
    Piece 4 Claimed by kohila piraka
    Piece 5 Claimed by Jedi Master J.
    Piece 6 Claimed by Black Six
    Here is the latest, main entry for the project (not counting this revolutionary entry) (but oh go see xccj's original Kopaka entry). Nukaya and I (and xccj) will also discuss a second image. But first, of course, we need volunteers. Volunteer here and/or in Nukaya's blog (we really need a central place). A 32x32 baseplate is pretty much a requirement (or two 16x32's), and we will be using bricks because 1) those are more abundant and 2) you can stack three plates to make a brick's thickness (just make sure the top layer is the right color). 1x1 bricks are not required and, in fact, we hope you will use longer bricks where permitted on the mosaic to save money from what you will have to order.
    There are some more details, some already discussed and others not needing to be mentioned yet, but this entry right now changes everything and is posted in hopes of getting more commitments because we will, at least, be doing one picture, if not more.
    Please remember that by saying you'll do a piece, you commit to making it and sending it in time for BrickFair (arriving on my doorstep (more on that later) mid-July), which includes obtaining all the necessary parts, which could cost you $20+ after sorting through your own collection.
    *unless we get enough volunteers, in which case someone else can have it
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    10 days until graduation!
    Seeing the front page news reminded me to write this. This isn't about how TRU is increasing the prices on their Phantoka early, but more so how they increase all their Lego prices no matter what.
    It sickens me.
    I went there a few weeks ago to get some Lego for my sister's birthday, and everything except the Mahri were increased by a dollar, or two. I think some of the $15 Exo-Force sets were $20. What really sickened me was seeing the Avi-toran at $7 each.
    I was talking with a friend about this, and she totally agreed with me, having noticed the same thing. That makes two, anyone else realize this?
    Unless they're having a buy-two get-three free sale or something, I'm not even considering looking for Lego at TRU anymore. I ended up going to Target for my sister, where not only were the prices normal, but the sets were arranged nicely and organized.
    PS, On the note of the news article, I'll have to make it a point to get Chirox next Monday at the Lego store after I see Indy, assuming I have $10 left over, and it's open after 9 o'clock on Memorial Day.
    PPS, I won't be on as much as I'd like to in the next few days. I have exams to study for.
    Quote of the Day: Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced across the grassy field toward each other like two freight trains, one having left Cleveland at 6:36 p.m. traveling at 55 mph, the other from Topeka at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph.
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    I was going to write an entry on the differenced in definition for "geek," "nerd," and "dork," all in very loving ways that do not degrade anybody, but first I want your definitions, because I believe that it is greatly the opinion of everyone to make those definitions, as I have encountered many different uses.
    So, define away, please!
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    Since I don't have time to give you a full report of what I did.
    Yes I have a prototype, but I'll show that off later.
    I met a ton of cool people who I will list later (for reasons a certain North Dakotan will know).
    There were a bunch of other cool people there who I had already met.
    I got a bunch of free stuff.
    I bought a few things at a ridiculous discount.
    I bought a BrickArms phaser and received a free, black, prototype Storm Trooper gun.
    I now have 3 red and 3 yellow Bitil wings, among some other System pieces which will come in handy.
    LEGO Bingo is fun, in good company.
    BrickFair 2010 is August 5-9, 2010!
    Yeah that's it for now since I have to go sleep since I'm heading to school Sunday morning. If I have time I'll get pix up and write a news report or so and blog some more.
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