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Sharktopus! (pic!)



SyFy has some good stuff...and some bad stuff.

But I'm willing to realize I may be watching something terrible, because the concept is too cool for me not to want to watch.

SyFy's upcoming "cheap"movie:


Sharktopus (Now with a picture!)


Just roll that around in your head for a few moments, be brave enough to check out my provided picture, and hopefully we can ride the ridiculous wave together.


-CF :kakama:


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I've sat through Sci Fi's (Syfy?) Raptor Island, which was bad enough. And I also watched one movie with Jack Coleman about the earth's magnetic field going bonkers on the apocalyptic end we'd meet if they didn't launch nukes into the right places... :sarcastic: ... which was low on effects but okay on plot. Not sure where Sharktopus will fall on that scale... probably far from Warehouse 13 tho.



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Is it as ridiculous as "Giant Shark vs. Mega Octopus?"

That movie was the bomb.


I can't WAIT for Sharktopus. Wish we had a picture.


Edit: Wait I googled some this movie is gonna be amaaaazing.

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Aww. My drawing didn't look like that, it was an octopus with shark fins and a tail I believe.


Ah well.


Looks cheesy but I have to watch it.

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I've known about and been anticipating this for months.


Heck, my email address name is The_Sharktopus.



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Oh yes, I've known about it since February as well.


Just forgot/didn't have the chance to blog it.


And seeing the excitement I've been getting, it doesn't matter.



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