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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    I went on the March For Life today.
    Any other BZPers there?
    I am talking, of course, about DC's March for Life, as in Pro-Life, as in no abortion, as in Roe v. Wade.
    The March For Life is a Rally and Mass in the morning in the Verizon Center (20,000 people in a basketball stadium), then a walk from there to the Capitol building with signs with pro-life messages on them. (On of my favorites was "yo mama is pro life") We are basically trying to show Congress that the decision to make aborting legal (with Roe v. Wade) was a very bad idea and they should change that.
    That pretty much explains it.
    (and I don't want any rude comments here either)
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    No, this isn't a post about the manga...
    Actually, here in Northern Virginia we finally got some snow! Not even an inch, but it it snowed enough to delay some schools.
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    That's right! I am now 17. Woohoo!
    Well, I guess some of you are past that now....
    click here
    So far I have received $55, which will most likely all go toward Lego. (or some to some Manga)
    I also expect some manga, Lego, and camping equipment. (perhaps some surprises as well)
    There will be cake. (It's white with white frosting, so my brother and mom can eat it too (allergic to chocolate), but I did have a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate pudding in the middle when my friends came over on saturday (and we went to WAMALUG...))
    Dinner will be chinese. I like Kung Pao chicken. (as well as Wonton soup. (thanx KIE!)) But do I really need to justify any reason for whatever I'm having?
    Well, that's about it. Sadly I have exams this week, as it's been for the past two years too. So it's not even announced on the announcements.
    Updates: Thanx guys for the comments
    Spoils: Defilak, Small Aqua Raiders, camping stuff, beef jerky, and the box in which I though contained manga contained Harry Potter 5&6--In French! This will be...fun?...interesting?...none the less it'll be good practice.
    Oh, and I got $20 to the Lego Store and $20 to TRU. That will definately go toward Lego.
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    As Tilius has mentioned in his blog entry, I now ask the same thing:
    Please don't pluarlize Bionicle words!!!!

    That pretty much explains it. It's not cool. There is a Toa of Light, and there are six Toa of Metru Nui. Zaktan is a Piraka, and all the Piraka are evil. There are six Turaga that watch out for the Toa Nuva.
    Generally, there are six of something and you don't need to add an 's'
    There are six types of Vahki. A swarm of Bohrok are attacking the Koro. (that is a good examle!)
    Don't do it.
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    Well, there is a new Lego Catalog out, and it has some great new sets. The Aqua Raiders look amazing (better than the Alpha Team Water Series), the new Exo Force are nice (I'll get to that in a moment), and of course there are the Barraki. I'm also set on getting the $10 clone trooper set for Star Wars, as well as the new Lego Star Wars shirt.
    Now, on with the Exo Force rant. These sets are great! The pieces you can get with them, the new-colored plug suits (That's what they're called in Evangelion), overall it's another good season. What gets me dissapointed is that they made a brick (or 2) that is basically a brick with a technic ball extending from one or two sides. Then they basically use a joint fo the other stuff. This piece is also in at least in one Aqua Raider set.
    Now, this might seem OK. It's great that Bionicle is expanding it's realm, right? Wrong. AFOL's don't like bionicle. (Well, there are some, but those traditionalists....) They don't think it has the Lego feel, even the Technic feel. So, IMO, by putting Bionicle pieces in other System sets, they might get discouraged.
    (Or they might see how cool it is and convert)
    Would it really have been so hard for Lego to use 5, 10, pieces to make a sufficent arm?
    So that's my current rant I can't do anything about.
    PS, I do plan on getting Blade Titan
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    to weekday Foxtrot comics. That's right. Sadly, Bill Amend has decided to stop doing the weekday Foxtrot comics.
    There will still be the Sunday comic, though!
    Foxtrot was my favorite comic of the newspaper. Yeah, I really enjoy Zits and Spider-man, as well as others, but Foxtrot was the highlight of my morning.
    So, let's all remember how great Foxtrot is, and remember the clever daily strips.
    And here's to sunday.
    And if a certain comic writer is reading this, I ask him to please come back!
    There is Pearls Before Swine, but the Comics page is just different without Foxtrot.
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    Well, I would like to bring in 2007 with a bang.
    So following with tradition since 6th grade, 2 friends and I got together to stay up past midnight watching movies and playing with Lego. All three of us (11th graders) spent last night building, discussing MOCing ideas (in all aspects of Lego), and playing on the computer, just to name a few.
    I mentioned earlier we exchange christmas gifts at this time, basically because this is the time we see eachother after school lets out for christmas break. So...I got Axonn! (my other friend didn't have much time to get me anything, but he did give me a gift none the less)
    And with my birthday coming up soon, lets hope I get some stuff I really want.
    We went to one of my friend's homes. He has an awesomely big field behind his house, so his parents made a bonfire! We also shot off roman candles, that was fun!
    So I slept in 'til 10 today. Now I'm online, and should get back to homework before school starts again tomorrow.
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    So as discussed earlier, I made a MOC, somewhat looking like a Mecha.
    Well, you decide. Either way it's cool. But it does have that Bohrok eye for a head (altough I almost put on a Kanohi)

    Please tell me what you think of it.
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    So while I have the home to myself this week...
    Spike is having a Star Trek: Voyager marathon all this week. So I watch that during breakfast and lunch. To me it's great because I never watched much of Star Trek, but now I'm getting into it because Spike puts it on. Before Voyager, I was watching TNG and DS9 when I had the chance. And after the new year Spike will start showing Voyager regularly.
    Oh, I'm a big Star Wars fan, so I can't let any of my friends or my Star Wars club see this blog. (I'm the President of my school's SW club.)
    Yeah, I like both, but I'll side on the Jedi side of a Trekki/Jedi fight. (Just don't toss Stargate in there...)
    -CF (who can't make up his mind)
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    Ten ay em
    That's the time I got up this morning. Christmas Break started at 2:50 last Friday, and now I got to sleep in (finally)
    I usually only sleep in till 9, but today was different.
    So I got up, had breakfast, MOCed, had lunch, made cookies for my Boy Scout Troop's Court of Honor tonight, and now I'm online.
    I MOCed Toa Matoro, for that Bionecle comic contest on an Inika vs a Piraka.
    I built him, and am really happy. Except for some chest armor. So I did a little revamp. And now I can't decide on which is better.
    Can anyone reading this help me?
    view here
    I would like some advice as to which is better, or perhaps a better piece instead?
    I might set my alarm for 9 tomorrow morning.

    *The contest was announced in the back of comic 4. A battle scene between an Inika and a Piraka. (And a story about it). It didn't exactly tell what to do, so I'm MOCing two characters, and I'll have lots of fire around them (like lava)
    *The pic to the right was my first idea.
    *I put the slizer feet on the joints to act as fingers. That is what others have done. Although if you don't think it looks like a good idea, then I might take them off. But I thought fingers might look good.

  11. ChocolateFrogs
    So tonight my youth group got together for a christmas dinner. We also did a "White Elephant" gift exchange. (see below) I brought home a bag of very nice chocolates. The trouffel balls with the soft chocolate in the middle. Got a dozen of those.
    I gave six tic-tac cases. Wrapped up long-ways.
    Anyway, the rules for white elephant if you havn't played before:
    1 bring unmarked, wrapped gift in set price range (for this, $5)
    2 everyone puts gifts in middle
    3 draw numbers
    4 number 1 goes first, and picks a gift. Unwraps it and shows everyone
    5 number 2 can either steal that gift or unwrap another
    6 continue, stealing or unwraping another gift. If "number 2" (or three, etc) steals, then that person stolen from can steal another gift or unwrap another
    7 once everyone has a gift, then number 1 gets to steal anything*
    * after 3 steals, that gift is "locked" and can't be stolen again.
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    So, remember that MOC I made and was all excited about?
    Here it is!

    Pic 2
    He seemed to have had a very nice time with Vezok and Reidak (although this doesn't seem to be possible)
    I basically replaced some rahkshi parts to make a stronger looking rahkshi, but kept with the feel (like body, and back)
    Should I post this in the BBC forum, or is this too basic?
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    So my history class did a secret santa for the past two weeks, and the person who had me was awesome! Aside from three whole candy bars for last week's small gift, this week I got the Exo-Force Grand Titan and Stealth Hunter!
    Well, I already had Stealth Hunter, so I started building Grand Titan in class! (Keep in mind I'm 16, and a Junior) It was cool for my LEGO fanness to be revealed to the whole class, as everyone there is just like, "wow, he's actually building it" But they were supportive, saying things like "He'll have that done it five minutes" and just shouting across the room "how's it going, Ben?" and I'd give a thumbs up and keep looking for the next piece. (It was a little hard, because I had a small building area, pieces in bags, and a slanted desk)
    Well, anyway, here is Grand Titan at home on my dresser (as seen in my Giant Zamor blog, check it out)
    I hope to exchange Stealth Hunter for Takeshi's next battle maching early next year. But I don't have a receit, so should I return it now or wait a month? (serously, I would like some advice)
    Other Secret Santa gifts (to others) were SpaceBalls and fancy Chocolate.
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    I need a volunteer. A couple perhaps, and someone that knows how and wants to send an email to BZPower news.
    And perhaps a non staff member, just so some regular members can get some credit.
    I can't tell you what it is all about, but I mentioned news and this is in my Lego category, so...
    Thanx to all who volunteered! (Sorry, Arpy, but you jumped on the bandwagon a little too late, but thanx anyway)
    What I wanted was someone to report that I had uploaded Piraka Fusion instructions (because I thought if I did, the staff would want me to just make a topic)
    Well, what are you waiting for, Check it out here!
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    So I built something (actually a while back) and no one has seen it unless you've been in my room lately.
    what is it?
    I'll post it soon, but for now I'll tell you its name:
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    I think Duct Tape is one of the best things in the world!

    Well who's with me!?!?!?

    I think I pretty much made my point.

    What is Duct Tape, you ask?
    Duct Tape is the best tape to use for almost anything, or everything. It should be in every emergency survival kit, and I always bring it on campouts. It comes in a variety of colors, including camo. (maybe even glow in the dark)
    Tim and Jim, The Duct Tape guys, are totally awesome. I have their Page a Day desk calander, and am lovin' it!
    I would love people to comment and add to this conversation on Duct Tape.
    And now, from the Washington Post Magazine, 11/26/06, Joel Achenbach's Rough Draft "Please Fence Me In":

    Here are some more great quotes:


    Yeah, go Duct Tape!
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    So I got this in my email today:

    There is a cool logo on the web site.
    Funny thing is I'm not an AFOL (I'm 16)
    I expect that Omi, KIE, Binky, Cajun, and any other AFOLs and anyone at Brickfest would have gotten this, too.
    Sounds pretty cool. Wish I could go. But I'll still be promoting it!
    Is anyone going?
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    So apparently today is Ninja Day!
    Do what ninjas do.
    Oh, let's also remember the Lego ninjas, and how cool their swords are. I have four in grey and 15 in black! (all from brickfest)
    HiiiiiYa! (thanx KIE!)
    :I'd put a ninja emotiocon here, but I can't open the window to see it ther is one:
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    What is the average velocity...
    Actually, with the Monty Python and the Holy Grail theme, did anyone see the Spamalot float in the Macy's Day parade? They did the song "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life." Very good.
    On the topic of Smamalot, anyone seen it? I haven't, but have heart the soundtrack, which is very funny. The play is supposed to be very funny, too.
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