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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    Yay, nay? My biggest worry is that Ramona is unrecognizable. I tried putting goggles on her by stretching out the regular kind for helmets, but they kept popping off her round hair.
    I have also since shortened the hammer's head by two plates as suggested to me.
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    The TARDIS sure knows it!
    But I'm abstaining from Doctor Who tonight. Not only do I have exams to study for, but I'm also going to the Easter Vigil mass tonight. Easter, you know, that thing that is happening at the same time as the Doctor Who premier that the new Who season is occurring in line with?
    Plus we don't get BBC America in the residence halls. That fact alone totally sucks.
    Exams, Easter, lack of a live broadcast...
    So 4 friends and I on campus (yes, Tils, I know 4 Dr Who fans on campus ) are having a premier party on Tuesday night, because we don't have exams on Wednesday. (I might make dinner. I have some bowtie pasta lying around, and well, you know...)
    Until then:

  3. ChocolateFrogs
    Don't do 'em, kid. Don't pull all-nighters in any grade of schooling.
    Also don't wait until the last minute to start your research paper, go to sleep at 3, wake up at 6, feel terrible for a few hours trying to finish the paper, when if you had done it ahead of time like those diligent, smart students one looks up to you could have skipped class (also a bad idea, but sometimes an exception) gone to New York City (for the first time) and met some of the coolest actors in British television.
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    I saw The Adjustment Bureau yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I would say my favorite part was the writing and action that made the movie different and not cookie-cutter:
    -The bureau members were not stereotypically shady and clouded, just secretive (you would expect the "boss" to have a raspy voice and be cryptic, but he's "normal."). You're first thought is "defend yourself," but then you realize they aren't going to hurt you.
    -For the first third or so you think "what is going on?", which is good because it keeps you guessing and enjoying the pace as things open up.
    -Various other clever moments in writing that made me enjoy this movie.
    Also, I think that in 20-35 years or whatever, Matt Damon could be the next Liam Neeson.* Not like an exact replica of Taken and A-Team, for example, but I could see him in similar government/secretive movies (kind of like how he does now, but older of course). Except Neeson has that voice.
    *Speaking of, Unknown was alright. Not bad, not spectacular. Taken was better.
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    Hey guys! Do you want to help make a large Bionicle mosaic for BrickFair 2011?
    Last year's project was hugely successful, and we've got an awesome image for this year:

    To claim a portion, head over to Nukaya's blog and check out the entry explaining the situation. We expect this to fill up quite quickly.
    This is going to turn out to be amazing!
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    Posters don't normally come in LEGO Mag anymore, and though I do not anticipate any Ninjago purchases, but the poster that came with this issue was a pleasant surprise and is now taped to my wall.
    Looking back, another issue had a long Atlantis centerfold, but it was in 3D. Shame, I would have put that up as well.
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    I finished Suzanne Collins's final segment of The Hunger Games Trilogy, Mockingjay, a few days ago, and then promptly wrote a review about it for the school paper. Here's a few select paragraphs that generally sum up my thoughts:
    All throughout the series, chapter-by-chapter, twists are revealed and shocking events occur, even despite moments of predictability. This keeps the reader guessing, pleasantly surprised at some moments and eager to turn the page at others. Its strength is the pace and action in the turmoil following Katniss as she reluctantly tries to survive and fight for those she loves.
    Katniss is a strong female lead character in “Games,” but shows ignorance as the story progresses, unaware of any bigger picture and often letting her feelings cloud any common sense. Patience is key for the reader, having to accept that she will not consider all possible and logical options.
    Her passion and loyalty to her family and friends is admirable, and complimented by their dedication to her and the cause of freeing themselves from the Capitol. And while the worst antagonists might be sitting peacefully far away, dangers still lie close to home, which also causes her to second-guess certain leadership.
    But the Games are still the most exciting part, as terrible and sickening as that may sound. The excitement and anguish of action and twists that draws over each citizen in the story is released to the reader as well, and try as one might, just like those in the book, looking away is not an option. No character is safe from harm in this story.
    Overall, great conclusion. IMO Games was the most exciting, but we can't go around just reading about battles royal now can we?

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I prefer Gale to Peeta, though. But as my friend pointed out, they really did clash a lot, especially with the politics and what was best for their fellow revolting citizens, and Katniss really thought about herself more (or at least had clouded judgment). Whereas Peeta had unrequited love. 
    In the end, this is one of those books that I recommend to whoever I think is interested. It's action packed, second-guessing, and exciting. It seems to have gone unnoticed from what I can tell, which is a shame for the post-apocalyptic genre. Hopefully that will be reversed soon.
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    The Blue Man Group is at the university's center for the arts this weekend. Some friends and I went tonight and boy, what a show! They are phenomenal. I'm sure everyone who has already seen them will agree with me, and when I say that the performances are fantastic, funny, random, and worth every penny.
    We got some pictures, with my cell phone (so they're not so good), and it was pretty exciting:

  9. ChocolateFrogs
    I swung by the LEGO Store on the way home from my New Years festivities yesterday and picked up a few things:
    Nex 2.0
    Stormer 2.0
    Midi-Scale Star Destroyer for $20
    That last one was sort of a "why not?" purchase. I didn't have to, but it looks like it has some neat pieces, and will look nice on my shelf until I make use of it. While it's no Millennium Falcon, I don't think I'll regret the purchase (unlike some sets (caughShadowSnappercaugh)).
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    The snow that is currently falling and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon have made the 3-story tall screened IMAX theater cancel their midnight showing if Tron Legacy. Unfortunately I am coming home tomorrow with no chance of returning soon to see it anyway.
    I will, however, be seeing it with my best friend back at home this weekend or the beginning of next week.
    But it won't be the same experience. Just think, with a screen that big, it would have felt like we were in the Grid.
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    Mid-season finale was tonight for Stargate Universe. A few things:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The ending was climatic, sure, but for me it wasn't explosive, actiony enough in those last moments to make me drop my jaw in anticipation for the next episode. It was kind of mediocre. Just an "oh no we're in trouble" and I know they will survive. They should have had more ships zooming faster, or an explosion somewhere (granted, if this show loses any more main characters...), or even the mothership they wanted to target turning to face them and raising a big gun--something. (In short, I felt the climax was slightly anti-climatic, or at least not climatic enough.) 
    As for the Ursini, cool that they and Telford are back. But we never saw them at the moment, only in flashbacks, and the whole "they betrayed us" thing was quick and I am unsure if they actually did that. It is mid-battle and things are happening; I do not see just where anything went wrong aside from a lack of communication. (With any luck they will be teaming up. I would love to see some aliens on the team (what this show is missing is, aside from an epic opening theme, the strong-black-warrior-alien on their team. Why not add a strange alien (Stargate Infinity did) that is probably plenty smart? The aliens would be in every so episodes, coming back for a season finale battle with the blueberry aliens. Because, while this episode was nice, we really need a big space battle.
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    Sold for $54 after shipping and packaging!
    (For the record, it was a gift a few years back. So it's not like I spent $50 on it and only gained $4 a few years later.)
    That money will go towards funding for my SHIP. (Or Hagrid's Hut, lol, or another set. I just subtract most of my LEGO spending from my sales (well, some of them. BrickFair was not included otherwise I'd be at -$200 or something.) Also, oddly enough, I have two of the 30070 Alien Space Ship saved hoping to make some profit in a year when those alien prices will skyrocket.)
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    A few things I want to build:
    LEGO fish for my fishbowl. I hope I can bring it to BrickFair.
    A SHIP. (Next semester's project.)
    A tube-like space ship with the outer hull adorned with the 75 \purple/yellow spiky bits from Dark Panther I have.
    A flower of many petal layers with the 75 purple/yellow spiky bits from Dark Panther in my posession. (For BrickFair. A summer project.)
    A secret 3D mosaic project for BrickFair. (Unlikely if I pursue with these other more promising projects).
    Steampunk stuff.
    Other stuff I either forgot or maybe haven't even thought of yet!
    Not to mention wanting to have some new and great Bionicle stuff in time for the Fair.
    This must be what going mad feels like how CzaR feels.
    I also plan to read Mockinjay, A Game of Thrones, Storm Front, Solar, the 5th and 6th books to Hitchhiker's Guide, and much of this Sherlock Holmes collection throughout the semester, and those are only half of the books I have on my shelf.
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    Remember the entry with the essay that was a rickroll?
    I used it today to rickroll my English class.
    Everyone has to give presentations of prose pieces twice a semester, alone or with a partner. My friend and I presented today, picking apart a piece from our textbook. But before that, I pulled up that image, saying something along the lines of "oh, I found this online and found it interesting..." and after a few moments a few classmates started to chuckle, one even saying "oh, rickroll."
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    Class registration was this morning, and I was fortunate enough to snag not only all the classes I wanted, but then switch one class for another with no problem. (Registration is so frustrating sometimes because there are 1000 students from one class logging in to the system all at 8:00. I didn't get through until 8:03 or something, and kept having to refresh the page.)
    *American Literature 1850-1920
    While I would rather take the more modern Am. lit class, not offered this semester, I figured I needed to take one class from the three remaining English sections for my major next semester, and this was the least objectionable from the six choices.
    *Web Page Writing
    From the "choose 4" category for my major, I actually complete that requirement this semester, so this is an elective that will help with my career path.
    *Poetry Writing
    One of the two creative writing classes (I tried for the prose course this semester, but did not get in), I did not think I would take this. But then one of my friends said he got in yesterday with his registration, so I signed up too.
    *Religions of the East
    I felt this would be an interesting and informative course to take. Plus it is with the teacher I had twice last semester who was really good. This is her area and she does a well with her courses.
    *Modern Philosophy
    The final filler course, I added this in the morning to have it replace Public Speaking, which was a night course, though apparently would have been with a good teacher. It gives me three MWF classes in a row (11-2), however, but will be a better schedule than having a 3-hour night class.
    I hope most of my books are available in an electronic type, so I can justify wanting a Nook.
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    I received a $150 bike for Christmas 3 or 4 years ago. It has been doing well, more or less, except more on the less side as of recently.
    I had not really been using it at all for the past two months because the front brakes were messed up.
    I took it to a local bike store/shop this past weekend (their website said they would work on brakes for $40, a reasonable price IMO after all the unsuccessful work I had tried on it, including advice from my bike-savvy uncle) and they said they would not fix it because of all the other problems my bike had, like a few weak spokes and the pedal/gear shaft area was a little loose (and probably one or two other things I forget or can not describe). They said it would cost, after considering labor prices, more that what would be a good idea to pay for a fix-up and that I would essentially be better off buying a better, non-Target bike. (It's a Schwinn, good enough right? The bike shop guys said Schwinn just did not make bikes like they used to.) Oh, they also would not just fix my brakes because of the liability from not fixing the other stuff; understandable I guess, yet slightly annoying.
    I think I fixed the brakes and can now use it getting to class, but I do not know if I will be going on 5-mile long road rides.
    Anyway, this winter break when I go back home, my dad and I are buying me a new bike, around $500 so I know I am getting something good from a good company.
    It is a good thing I have a job on campus now, so essentially my paychecks are going towards that. (Which, unfortunately, I have ruled out buying an iPod Touch, though the biggest reason is because my dad would then find out about my lack of thriftiness after devoting a bunch of funds to a bike.)
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    1) If Rush's wife and that other guy are figments of his imagination, how do they know more than he does? Like mentioning how he ignored the volcanic disruption, yet that guy knew about it. (I guess Rush really did see it but ignored it, and now readdressed the issue.) (I guess, however, that the notion of them being projections of the ship or possibly ascended beings also works.)
    2) If you are being suffocated wouldn't you pass out first? It just seemed like a risky move to just leave him after he stops moving.
    Overall though, I was super excited for this because I knew what Rush would stumble upon. (However, just accidentally finding it was weak, IMO. I would have had him at least piece together a few clues from a computer or two and then run down a hallway to see if his calculations were correct, or something.)
    Excited for what they are coming up to in next episode! (Theory: They could now replenish their supply of shuttles.)
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    Let me ramble...
    As far as I know, I get a new phone in December with Verizon's "new every two" deal. (I hope it does not pertain just to my mother, the plan-holder.) Basically, every two years one can replace their old phone for a new one, on Verizon's tab (unless the phone is too expensive, then you pay the difference). I definitely can not get the Droid for the expense reason, though the required $30 monthly data plan is also a factor. However, even the required $10 data plans are also throwing me off.
    As far as I know, if the phone online says it requires a $10 data plan, that is required even if I am already on a plan, which I am. (Note: my parents pay for my phone (and we're on the family plan), including the $10 texting plan which, also note, I said I would pay since I would need it despite them not being into it and expected to have to.) I want/need the full QWERTY keyboard, and the only phones which say do not require a $10+ data plan are the Samsung Intensity II, which I am detesting in looks/aesthetic and having the screen to the side, and the LG Cosmos, which is almost as bad yet slightly better looking and I think I would prefer, of the two, to have the screen to the right.
    However, the LG EnV3 (and Touch, despite me not liking touch screens) was also on my radar. But suddenly it has a $10 data plan so it seems out of the question. (I have LG's EnV2 and love it (until the front OK button broke) and figured if I stuck with LG most of the functions would still be there.) But even a bigger deal is the Samsung Reality, which my friend showed me and it seemed great!
    The only problem behind this is the additional $10 data plan requirement, which seems inescapable. On one hand, I could have an aesthetically pleasing phone, but I can not see why my parents would offer to pay for that as well. So, on a two year plan, that equates $240 over the next two years. On the other hand, I could submit to a lesser phone and save that, which could be used for a) saving, B) the iPod Touch I've been wanting c) the equivalent of a dozen medium LEGO sets (see, I think of spending money in terms of LEGO (except when it comes to LEGO itself)). Essentially I had been planning on buying a Touch this semester anyway, and rarely would I be out and about wanting internet from my phone when if I was on campus could use the wifi. Same for home. I've lived without always being connected this long anyway.
    tl;dr: spend $240/2-years on better-looking/using phone than "ugly" and non-extra money sucking phone and instead save money.
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    Deep Sea Striker
    $10 from BrickFair, but if I knew how awesome the set was I would gladly pay the full $20 if I had had to.
    I also got Shadow Snapper back in March along with the SP3 Raid VPR when TRU was havinga BOGO1/2 sale, but he is kind of meh. Sure, I'm going to have a great time with the 7 black Kiina armor pieces, and some other nice things, but the turtle itself is smaller than expected and I just could not get excited over playing with the set, posing it to look cool, etc.
    I also recently got Rotor, and he's pretty sweet. Of course, I only got him for the pieces, but as a build he is pretty neat. I feel like dremeling out his eyes though so they show through the helmet. As far as price/piece goes, this guy is closer than most of the HF sets...
    Star Wars Pirate Tank: What originally caught my eye was one of the minifigs: the one with the cool goggles. But it has a bunch of good pieces, most of them brown, and I can not wait to scrap it for parts. As a set, it is neat and has its surprises: some flick fire missiles, some good builds, and a secret hatch for a minifig to pop up out of!
    I still have yet to build Skopio though, with so much school work and a few retreats on weekends. Though I am pretty determined to build it October 1 or 2, since the weekend following is Family Weekend, and if it is not built by then my parents will think something is wrong. (Me? Not building LEGO? D: Besides, this guy looks awesome.)
    Aside from the minifigs I just got, I do not think my next set will be until Harry Potter stuff is released, and even then I need to figure out if I want them. (Or rather, if I want them now.)
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    Someone remind me next year that there should be some sort of Flickr meet-up at BrickFair. I only met a handful of Flickrites, and it might be cool if we had a panel or something.
    I'm not saying I'll organize it, but I'm not saying I won't. But come next Spring I could make a notion to something of it somewhere online, get the ball rolling...
    Currently addicted to "Don't Unplug Me" by ALL CAPS.
    While also being addicted to Heyhihello! They have this Owl City feel, but with instruments, helping then give them a Relient K feel.
    Both of which I found through a vlogger named meekakitty. I don't watch vlogs, until I saw hers. Crazy, random, geeky stuff of hers, oh yes. (And cute!)
    I am also 1/5th away from finishing The Hunger Games. (So good!)
  21. ChocolateFrogs
    First, I need everyone who has sent me MOCs read this.
    Secondly, I will be away Friday and Saturday as I visit the 2010 National Boy Scout Jamboree at Fort A. P. Hill. This is an awesome event that happenes every 4 years (though the last one was in 2005, which I attended, but this is in 2010 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Boy Scouts being in America). My brother is down there, so my family is visiting him. (And with any luck I'll also be able to meet EmperorWhenua.)
  22. ChocolateFrogs
    Ellen Page
    Just as good (and really, even better) than my first viewing.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The first time I saw it, I was thinking that he was in the dream world and Mal kept coming back from the real world to try to bring him back, but now I think he is in the real world. However, there is some cool discussion going on in CoT about all of this. Like Cobb's kids being his totem, though that does not really make sense because are totems not something you already have with you that will appear in anyone's dream? These would moreso be from himself that someone else could not place.
    Also, the top wobbles a little and does not right itself, making me think it will soon fall, since the top never wobbled in the dreams.
    My roommate is going to get it on DVD the day it is released. I hope we all watch it once, for any of my friends who had not seen it and to reaccustom us to it, and then again a few days later but we can talk throughout playing Devil's advocate on all the twists.
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