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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    Arpy and I are going to Roman Catholic mass over BrickFair weekend, because, you know, it's kind of...important.
    Essentially this is to ask if anyone else going to BrickFair also needs a ride with us. Since I'll have a car. Just let me/us know by Saturday before we leave. (I can only think of one person off the top of my head...)
    I think the most sensible thing to do would be the 5:00 mass at St. Veronica's on Saturday night (that parish, as well as St. Timothy's, is just 2.5 miles from the con). We'll get back just in time for the yard sale. (Sunday morning masses have yet to be ruled out though.)
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    Wowza. I open my store and less than 24 hours later I have made three transactions totaling $32, plus shipping.
    It is mostly of Star Wars figures, but someone also bought a ton of minifig tools. Which is good, because I was afraid they would not sell.
    This all goes back to my LEGO spending, strictly, sort of sell what I do not need to go buy what I want/need. Replenishing hobby. I am eying the LSW Pirate Tank, which, if I can not find at BrickFair (either discounted or regularly priced), I can calmly buy through S@H without breaking my budget. (And then sell the figs, though I am keeping the blue torso maybe (for a possible Jayne fig) and the goggle-eyed head (for steampunk stuff).)
    Now I am just waiting for my [good condition] Viking chess set to be bought, which is $65 and the best price unless someone wants it new for $80. But other than that most of my "good stuff" was bought buy one guy in Denmark! I may add actual pieces later on, but I need those for MOCing and will only add stuff I absolutely do not feel like keeping. Maybe some tires...
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    My brother is at scout camp this week, so I took over his (our) desk and hooked up his computer's monitor to my laptop, as seen here:

    If you see anything you like, it is probably his. My stuff can at least be the laptop stuff and LEGO stuff.
    As you can see, the main reason for doing so was to use two screens, connected (as shown through Songbird being on both). I've spent my days putting a video (Stargate, Doctor Who...) on the monitor while doing usual activities with my laptop.
    Ultimately, this is a test to see if I really want a second screen when I go back to school. So far I am not sure. On one hand, it is really nice doing just what I intended it for. On the other, when watching something I really want to watch, I do little on the computer, so I should be able to wait for my show to finish, or just stop for a moment halfway through if I get an email.
    Maybe, however, I should also try to use it for work. Having work on both screens. No messy switching between programs, etc.
    Ultimately, though, it will depend on what kind if deal I can find, and if I feel like buying it after summer.
    Other features of working at the desk are able to hook my computer laptop or iPod to my brother's stereo to have more powerful sound.
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    Andrew-Lee Potts would make a great 12th Doctor for Doctor Who, in a few years of course.
    (The blog entry title also works for the BrickFair Mosaic Project, where someone needs to claim piece 8 first, and then perhaps piece 4 and maybe 3 if we have enough enthusiasm.)
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    Last week I saw Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. It was good, for free. Worth my time, at least, and generally not bad as opposed to reviews. Also, Alfred Molina, so yeah.
    It was also cool how the time traveling worked. In sci-fi you are limited to real-world practicalities, like paradoxes, but with fantasy you can ignore that because it is magic.
    I also watched Syfy's miniseries Alice. It is a modern take on the Alice in Wonderland characters but definitely has a different story underneath. It is also worth the watch, but I think what my problem is would be the length. Best to watch it over a period of two nights as aired than for three hours straight like I did. But in the end I would recommend it to those interested in the miniseries or Alice in Wonderland in general.
    Also, Hatter as played by Andrew-Lee Potts made me realized that if he became The 12th Doctor (in a few years, of course) then I would be more than just slightly pleased.
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    I have just recently discovered them, but knew about them before they went mainstream. In fact, I don't really listen to the radio too often anymore, so did not even know they were mainstream.
    I would describe their sound as a mix between Counting Crows, The Fray, Sister Hazel, and O.A.R. And it sounds good.
    That's about all I have to say. A quick entry since I can not make any of the others as of yet. (Though I could say...go volunteer for the Onua Mosaic.)
    PS, off to the beach until Thursday night. I will have limited internet, if any at all.
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    Had to drive 5 hours straight today (Wednesday)...by myself. Luckily I was able to take my dad's car, which was slightly a surprise (though welcome) when I woke up this morning. "My car" has a tape deck, but I did not want to use my tape adapter as it keeps popping out every ten minutes, it seems.
    So on Tuesday I bought an FM transmitter, which hooks into my cigarette lighter power source and can also charge my iPod at the same time.
    Best drive ever.
    I guess.
    I made a playlist the day before titled "5 Hour Drive"--it turned out to be 10 hours long. So I shuffled it before syncing and I guess I listened to half of it on the way down and the other half will be on the way back up.
    I also realized how great Queen's Don't Stop Me Now is for driving. Totally an awesome driving song. (And I hadn't really listened to my Queen stuff until Arpy made that entry two weeks ago. Then I did and have a few favorites.)
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    For Lent, the Catholic season before Easter, I will be sacrificing something I enjoy and whatnot for prayerful fasting and able to grow as a person...and stuff. (Religious discussion, etc.)
    Anyway, I'm giving up most of all my fun internet usage. I spend way too much time on here, so I feel that this will be a good sacrifice for all the reasons us Catholics do this.
    Note, however, that I didn't say I'm giving it up entirely, so as to not be hypocritical. While I'll refrain from the blogs/forums, and other sites I visit way too often in a 24 hour period, I'll still get on to do my staff duties, homework, and the occasional side-trip to things that don't horde my attention constantly (if necessary)--assuming my homework and other tasks are done first.
    That's the main points. You'll be seeing less of me. (IM, however, is a different story.)
    Cy'all at Easter!
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    Note: Don't put them on things that you use frequently and fly around everywhere. I have 5, and the only one still alive (not having some part of it broken off) was not on my backpack for very long before being moved to my house keys. Three have been on it and are now broken in some way, mostly involving a missing wing somewhere on campus. (The other one is the landspeeder which only lost its middle engine and still looks cool on my school wallet/keyring.
    Maybe I should just go back to putting holes in LEGO bricks and then stringing a keychain through it.
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    Christmas Eve Mass and then Outback Steakhouse with my family and grandma.
    Then she came over the next afternoon for gifts and dinner.
    It was a good day.
    It was even white! (Though by default since the snow had come on Saturday.)
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    Random post b/c IDK what else to say...
    *BMP is still going, yes.
    *Work scheduled me over the period of time that I was going to go visit my Grandma in PA for the first time in 2+ years. I'm very disappointed.
    *I got my Uncle The Onion's Our Dumb World Atlas. He travels a lot, so I figured he'd relate more than a casual viewer than me. (Though it's still unwrapped because I'm enjoying it. (Vatican City: The Catholic Disneyland. Lol.)) He is not, however, coming over tomorrow. He is leaving on a plane in the morning to visit my Grandpa in WI.
    *Grandma is coming over though yay!
    *Avatar still rules.
    *gtg Mass time so I'll quick post this and go.
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    My dad told me that he was enjoying driving the "breaking down" Cavalier (and I know that is spelled incorrectly because it has the red underline but now right click is not helping with spelling. Actually, all of Firefox's preferences aren't showing up. Grr. Anyway, the "Cavalier" or whatever...) that's something around 14 years old and has had its share of problems so much so that I'd want to take it to school but I doubt it would survive the 3 hour drive down, enjoying it over his 2 year old Pontiac Vibe (hey look I can spell that!), something about the Vibe being small or whatnot.
    Why he's driving a half-working car anyway gets me.
    Or why he doesn't like the Vibe too much (well, I know a few reasons, but a car's a car in the end).
    So I was all "You want to trade?" jokingly, of course.
    Gosh I want a car. Though I don't think that was the point. (So go ahead and fix my Ubuntu's Firefox please?) Working! (Though I don't really need a car. I find rides home for breaks plenty fine. I guess I just like the option of being able to drive around a little. And then there's that girl...)
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    But now, hear this with sensibility and practicality and not pessimism: I have almost 30 pages of homework essays to write for class between now and December 7th. Some due this Monday, some after Thanksgiving break, and two 10 page papers right before finals. My grades are most important, of course, and this novel is going to prevent those grades from being their best.
    I greatly enjoyed writing over 26,000 words of creative fiction in 21 days, but for now I think I'm going to have to stop.
    There is a chance I will pick up my novel and finish it, even if it doesn't come out to 50,000 words, and I might just add on to it in my boredom free time when I'm usually just mindlessly going to the same three or four websites over and over. There is also a better chance that I will decide to write another story before next November, when I can write a little on the weekend and not worry about finishing a certain word count and not feel guilt about editing something.
    For now, though, best of luck to Arpy and Hahli Husky and all my other friends IRL (that can't see this) in reaching 50,000. I'll meet you at the starting line next year. (I'm thinking Steampunk...)
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    So...here are the results of the Bionicle-Steampunk building contest I held:
    ///////// Entry 1: Clockwork Strakk
    ///////// Entry 2: Cloud Raptor
    /// Entry 3: The Marvelous Work Machine
    // Entry 4: Steamlord
    (One post was edited; nulled.)
    As you can see, there is a tie for First Place between Clockwork Strakk and Cloud Raptor.
    There are two things I can think of: either Primus and Brickthing figure out their prizes (it would have been first place winner got to choose, second chose what was left, etc), or I have another poll solely to figure out first place. (Or I count my vote twice and Strakk wins. That doesn't seem fair though.)
    I'll be PMing the two winners about the predicament, and if they don't want different prizes, we'll vote tomorrow night.
    (I'll also PM Veq? to get his address for the third prize.)
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    But first:
    (Does that update daily and not immediately? Because last I checked it was wrong...)
    Second: Entry deadline is Thursday at my noon. Build! Enter!
    Anyway, over on Flickr is NoVVember, a month dedicated to Vic Vipers, a type of shape for a space ship fighter inspired by an old school video game.
    nnenn is a profound builder that just keeps cranking them out. I was particularly impressed with his ship he posted today:
    Notice the Technic box keeping the wings on. And the shape of the wings themselves have such a nice shape. I love the cockpit too...that shape with those pieces is always cool. (The tail-fin, however, eh, IDK. I just think it's angled weirdly, though it does fit with the rest of the design. Maybe it's just me and a slight lack of tail-fins in my own MOCs.)
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    [insert number here]Not enough words so far...

    (We're probably watching V for Vendetta tonight...unless I realize I can use that time to write more!) (Which actually wouldn't be a bad idea considering homework has kept me away for the past few days.)
    (But no classes tomorrow so...)
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    Just recently saw two cool movies. The second I could even describe as great.
    1) Surrogates
    -For free, of course, back at home over Fall Break. This one was really good and cool. Story, action, plot, characters, situations, slight drama (to really show the situation), and plot twists upon plot twists upon plot twists. Wow. (Now I want to read the graphic novel.)
    I would definitely suggest this for sci-fi fans that want something different. (I remember a review describing it as part I, Robot and part Blade Runner. I can see that, and those kind of movies don't come around too often.
    2) The Island
    -Awesome. Movie.
    Like, go watch it now.
    Incentives: Ewan McGreggor. Great job there. (Oh and Scarlett Johansson, guys. *wink*)
    Plus, story that really played itself out well, action, plot, and wasn't dull.
    I don't want to tell you what it's about because I already knew because I've been looking at it online before and it spoiled the first half for me. DON'T do that. It's kind of reminiscent of Brave New World. (Great book.) So basically it's another "different" sci-fi flick, but I'd recommend this before Surrogates and to people that don't normally reach for sci-fi first. It's great. (Whoa there I said it!)
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    I was going to go to ballroom tonight, but just didn't feel compelled to. Last year a friend and I decided to do it, so it was fun to have a buddy there (guy, so not dance partner. Plus, all partners are switched off every few minutes) and both of us would get excited each week. But no word from him this year about it, so I just went to the first meeting on my own. I guess it wasn't that bad, there just wasn't anyone to share with after, and someone to convince me to go again and again (remember, I'm an introvert, and any loyal blog reader knows how I am with girls).\
    Plus, I had had a big, busy day, so maybe I just wanted to relax instead of go to another event.
    I'll check with him again, or hopefully at least I'll want to go next week. It is fun, even though not the first thing you'd expect to see me at. In the end, however, this is a life skill. (I better decide soon though...next meeting I attend I have to turn in my dues, so I better want to.)
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    My (closest) LEGO Store has a "Window into the Community" display in the back next to Pick-a-Brick. This space is given to WAMALUG and we switch it out every month with each meeting. I volunteered to put in some stuff between July/August, and, having done Bionicle last time, went with some Space stuff. My friend Zack also made a mech bay that really helped add to the display.
    I had a bunch of Microspace MOCs lying around ranging back a few years to the present. I also might have had one or two starfighter-type ships, but pretty much I didn't have anything impressive until I got back home from school, when I could really build and not worry about my studies. I built some minifig sized things at a WAMALUG meeting and a mad rush to make a space dock for my microspace at the last minute...which turned out pretty well and, IMO, gives life to the display.
    Yadayada, I'm talking. Here are the pix you're in here for (BShelf folder (when public)):
    The MOCists
    The Display
    Star Port Central
    Close up of the Port
    Zack's Mech Bay
    Hanging things!
    Black Fantasy Attack!
    (I really don't know why I linked the folder. Almost all the pix are here!)
    Two more space ships
    Also while at the LEGO Store I picked up a PaB cup and filled it with goodies such as odd windshields, white grills , trans red and green 1-stud tiles, and 1x2 and 1x4 instrument panel tiles . (There are probably other amazing things but I forget....) I also picked up the magnet set with Boba Fett, Slave Princess Leia B) and a Red Guard, pretty much for Fett, but Leia's always a popular fig, and the Reg Guard is pretty cool. (In hindsight I should have waited until next month when I buy Ackar and two of the K9 Space Police set and I would have gotten a stamp on my Loyalty Card. Oh well.)
    I think that's it. Thanks for reading. If you're near Tyson's Corner Center Mall before August 8th, I'd be overjoyed if you checked out the display. I'll get more pix of the space ships and whatnot up soon. I have to resize pix (these were done in GIMP but that took a while so I might just go back to Paint) and upload them to BShelf, not to mention let the folder moderate.
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    I won't be on too much this next week, as my grandpa is in town (from Milwaukee) and his "bedroom" is the family room (couch) and the cord to the internet is also down here in the family room. At the very least I don't expect to be on past 10, but hopefully I can play some quick catch up before work in the morning...assuming he gets up early. He won't be here Saturday night, though, and maybe not Friday night either, so I'll have my chances.
    Luckily I have a few entries in draft, so I can just get on and make them public. Also, I can always just refresh my Ambassador entry, of which I would still love some testimonials, assuming you think I'd make a good Ambassador...
    So yeah, cya around...
  21. ChocolateFrogs
    Today we played a game in Interpersonal Communication in which the setting was post-apocalyptic!

    Yes, that's right. We were all survivors (50-75 students) and had to go around finding resources and deciding to share them or not.
    Pro: It was cool that we were using that genre. I kept saying things like it's every man for himself and watch out for zombies.
    Con: We didn't quite need it this late in the semester. I would have much preferred to discuss what was on our exam next week.
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