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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    I recently posted this, and it seems to be getting mixed reviews. (although nothing quite specific, except one)
    So I would appreciate posts, along with what you like/dislike/tips/excetera. Maybe the views just don't quite understand it. (in short, I had the armor idea, as well as the body idea, and although they don't quite look like Toa they do have 5 studs between the shoulders and 3 between the thighs, so I guess it works. Maybe it's a little long, I realize that, but is it really that bad? Also, what's wrong with the colors? Maybe the arms are long, but the Inika's arms are long too.
    Hmm, I had to get that out. Please tell me what you think. Preferably in the topic first.)
    PS. I can take constructive criticism. Just, these MOCs are OK, right?
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    (Pictures below!!!!!!!!)
    So this past weekend my Boy Scout troop took our annual Memorial Day/Weekend camping trip to the Northern Virginia Gun Club (Gun Club (GC))
    Anyway, weeks leading up to the campout, we have gun safety classes. After that we get there Friday night and leave Monday morning. We shoot .22 calibers, .30 calibers, black powder, shotgun, and archery.
    But instead of telling you how much fun I had, I'll show you pix of the range, me shooting, and our 20 foot fire we built on Sunday night!
    Quarters I shot with the .22
    Our Fire (I'm first on the left, closest to the fire)
    The fire before it was lit
    Me pretending to light the fire (because we lit it with a "match"--a stick with a shirt on the end
    My staff with the fire (because we all built it. That's the match in the far right guy's hands. I'm in the tie-dye light blue shirt)
    Me shooting a handgun
    Me shooting a .22
    More of me shooting
    A pic of my friend shooting next to me (so I put this in to put him online!)
    The range
    Another pic of the range
    (these not including the shotgun range)
    The folder when public, with more pix
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    This past weekend I took part in a Boy Scout camping trip. The Order of the Arrow, Boy Scout’s national honor and service society, held their “Ordeal.” On this Ordeal everybody does service, in our case we helped out a camp with service that for us took a day, but for them would take 2 months. But it was fun, because Saturday night we got ice cream, cookies, little sausages, etc, and Attari!
    Anyway, my stats in the OA for those of you that are in it:
    -Joined: May 2006
    -Brotherhood: This past weekend
    -This campout: Elangomated, and the leaders liked my leadership so much I might be Head Elangomat next fall!
    -Because of that, I got a cool OA Boy Scout leather belt for my council, Old Dominion Council. (I’m wearing that to school instead of my Jamboree one)
    I can't say much more, that's the way our organization is. But I will tell you it is the "Brotherhood of Cheerful Service"--hope that makes things more clear.
    WWW, to all my fellow members that are bound in brotherhood
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    I'm busy, busy, busy. I shouldn't be online right now. Imaging you are reading this, comment, but tell noone. Or whatever.
    Here's what I got going in my life, and why you might be seeing less of me for about three weeks:
    -Today, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: School Newspaper until about 6 each day. (I got out early today....)
    -Friday night to Sunday @ noon: Boy Sccout Order of the Arrow Ordeal Camping Trip. (I'm going for Brotherhood)
    -Homework: In gereral, I have homework to do, and less time because of everythign going on.
    -May 25-28: Camping. My troop's Gun Club campout. Shooting .22 cals, .30 cals, shotguns (as skeets!), black powder, archery, big 14 foot fire, rain (it will happen), and I get to shoot at quarters!
    ----Note, because of this, I have no idea when I'll see Pirates 3
    -History Project: Ok, this falls under homework, but it's a big project that's crazy. My group is doing 1950's, so I have to dress for the occasion. If I can get a black leather jacket, I'll be Fonzi. If I can get the right glasses and hair gel, I'll be Elvis. Or I'll just roll a pack of cards up my sleeve. I also think my history teacher is expecting me to slick back my hair. (I'm not going to use grease though)
    -Oh, yeah, I'm camping again June 1 and 2.
    -Maybe I'll put some sleep in there.
    I will be MOCing on May 31st. I'll probably try to watch Eva: Death and Rebirth that day too. That is, if I don't have homework to do.
    Yeah, see you guys later.
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    I built an Avak MOC. (actually I posted it in the blog earlier, like in December)
    One more thing: Happy Mother's Day! Especially to those that put up with our Lego happenings!
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    In honor of Star Wars' 30th Anniversary, my High School's Star Wars Club (which I helped start) watched Episode IV today. And we're planning on having a party in a couple of weeks. Anyway, the point is, today we watched (some of) Ep. 4 and were having fun the whole hour. Something would come up and we would have a remark. Fun stuff!
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    Hey guys, I had a bunch of unseen MOCs I wanted to get out into the world, so I postes a topic here and I would really appreciate feedback on all or just one MOC. But I really want specifics....
    Please continue my 4th year BZP anniversary celebration here
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    Saturday 14 marked the end of the Washington, D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival, with the Japenese Street Festival. (In Japenese: Sakura Matsure=Cherry Blossom Festival)
    I attended, and so did other members of my Anime Club. There was lots of different booths and tents full of Japenese art, activities, food, and a whole block for Anime and Japenese Popular Culture.
    I attended this year, as well as last year. It was bigger than last year, and a lot more people (but there may have been something with the fact that it was raining hard last year...)
    The Anime section was cool, with a couple of booths selling anime and manga and other Anime merchandise. There was also a tent for Katsucon! I grabbed a flyer for Katsucon 14 for my anime club's bulletin board. A really cool part was the stage, with a great performance by J-pop band Mitsumatssu.
    So, with that, as well as checking out the other booths (including the Go tent), it was enjoyable. There were even cosplayers there! I guess I'll have to dress up for next year!
    Did you see me there? I was wearing my NERV shirt (from Neon Genesis Evangelion)
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    Yes, Easter Break, not the public school spring break a week early.
    Anyway, today is the first day of my Easter break. It will end on the 15th. Between now and then here is what I plan on doing: (List subject to change without your notice)
    Work on Eagle Project stuff
    Work on Scout stuff
    Homework :angry:
    MOC? Maybe, but I might not have much time
    Sakura Matsuri--DC Cherry Blossom Japenese Street Festival
    WAMALUG meeting (in which I will bring in Bionicle MOCs to the members' dissapointment)
    Sleep in late!
    Squeeze in some more MOCing
    And of course...BZPower!
    Work on Scout/Eagle Stuff
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    So I guess the board was acting up a little too much, because in trying to do a "quick edit" I got this
    And yes, that's Binky's blog. Great guy, great blog, and I recommend it to everybody.
    edit: In other news, I just updated my board settings for daylight savings time
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    So I took advantage of TRU's buy two, get one free deal, and got myself Pridak and Ehlek (the 07 fo the title) and I got a Toa Inika (hence '06, but s/he shall remain unnamed).
    The Barakii are awesome, and they have pieces I really needed (like Pridak's white double-joints)
    I can't wait to start MOCing with them, and so far I combined the two.
    Oh, also, I guess it's obvious I didn't win GregF's contest, so I don't see any reason to tell my guesses, but I would like to share that I guessed Hewkii would have the Mask of Gravity (it seems some of these masks are from Kal powers. Weird how some masks are also elemental powers). I think this because I have been wondering what would be up with him, being that storyline wise the stone guys are supposed to sink in water. So his mask of gravity makes up for that.
    I was so sure of my other answers as well! Too bad....
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    Well, if you don't know it by now, I love random quotes. So when I received this link in an email, I was in heaven. And then I finish the first page and find out there's 9 more pages!
    anyway, -removed- to random quotes/stuff.
    (don't be surprised if some of these end up in my "Quote of the Day")

    That site had some religious content I'm afraid.
    - Shine
    Thanks, sorry about that. Don't worry guys! You'll still see plenty of those appropriate random quotes to your right!
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    So here's a summary of SuperDance (see three entries below):
    All went well. Set up and cleanup went really well. IHOP was fun afterwards.
    And the dance was great too!
    I got CDs signed by Pat McGee, Crash Boom Bang, and The Hint. Those bands were awesome! (and I likes Pat McGee (alumni!) and CBB beforehand)
    So, being the year 2007, we did a 007 theme.
    Here is the logo
    (off the movie "Liscense to Kill)
    And the second logo for the front of the shirts)
    Yeah, I can't wait until next year.
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    So here at Superdance (see previous entry which will tell you to see the entry before that), Crash Boom Bang has played, and they were just as awesome as last year. A couple hours later, The Hint played, and they were good too, enough to make me buy their CD.
    So, yeah, I'm here in the break room to drop off my new CD.
    And the final 4 hours should be awesome!
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    So Pat McGee just played his set at Superdance! (see last entry)
    It was great! And I got him to sign my SD shirts, the cover and CD to "Shine" and "Save Me" and his autograph on the SD logo.
    But how am I on right now? We have a cool staff room! (including a GameCube)
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    OK, guys, this is the biggest thing in my school. It's been going on since 1976 and is really important, exciting, and the closest thing to all of the student's hearts. (Please read the whole entry)
    This is a fundraiser for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, a group that works towards finding a cure for Cystic Fibrosis and for helping those that have it get through life. CF is a disease that clogs the lungs with mucous, making it hard to breath.
    What makes it so special to Bishop O'Connell High School is that a student (actually, the family had a couple of kids) had CF. She was an excellent athlete and everybody knew her. Because of CF, she of course had trouble in life. But like I said, she was an athelte and was very strong in fighting CF.
    O'Connell HS started the Superdance because of her. The Superdance is a 12 hour dance (noon until midnight) that raises money for the CFF. Without SD, the CFF would have $2.8 million less than they do now. This year, tomorrow actually, we are hoping to raise over $200,000 to break the $3 million mark.
    This year is the 32nd annual SuperDance. Since the year is 2007, we have a James Bond theme. Very cool.
    This is a huge event. 16 committees made up of over 80 students, myself included, have been working since December on making SD a big success this year. We have 4-5 bands come in and DJ's to fill in the rest of the 12 hours.
    Bands include: Pat McGee Band (Pat is a '91 alumni) Pat McGee at our 30th SD
    And some local bands:
    Crash Boom Bang
    My Favorite Highway
    The Hint
    So, what is the point of this blog? To tell you about SD, CF, and that you can help fight CF by donating. There is a link on the SD website where you can donate securly. (and I know some adults read this that have things such as credit cards...)
    But I also just want to tell you that I'll be having an awesomely good time at a 12 hour dance tomorrow. (actually, I spent today setting up, and I'll be there tomorrow at 8:30 AM to about 2 AM, then we go to IHOP after!)
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    So currently I'm doing homework online. I need to write one Paragrph on 1860 literature. (and then find stuff for a research paper, ug)
    It's snowing outside. But also some dangerous ice/hail/stuff to not go outside....
    I also encourage you all to check out this entry of mine, because it's awesome.
    that's what's going on for me right now. I plan to spend the day doing homework, then watch Fullmetal Alchemist ep 4 and yesterday's stargate atlantis at night.
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    So today is National Pancake Day (according to IHOP)
    Go to IHOP between 7-10 AM for free pancakes!
    *looks at watch* Oops. (hey, the school computers wern't working this morning)
    Oh, yeah, Happy Mardi Gras
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    not to be confused with a blue squirel attack
    This is an actually legend in RPGs. Some guy had the brilliant idea to have an acklay* pop up from nowhere. And I mean nowhere. Anywhere, actually. When flying in your x-wing. Battling Darth Vader. Buying coffee at the intergalatic starbucks.
    So I joined in on that organized/themed av/banner. Aclkay!
    *an acklay is a Star Wars alien seen in the Arena Scene in Episode 2. (see my banner, just don't use it)
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