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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    Yeah, I'll blog about it. I was in school that day, 6th grade. Nobody would tell us anything, except it leaked later something about terrorists and Twin Tower Buildings in New York.
    School went on as it could. None of us knew anything, so we did the best we could. Students were being called home by their parents, so there wern't many of us left by the end of the day. Maybe the day didn't even last that long. When I got home, I saw what happeded on the news.
    Oh, yeah, I live 15 minute drive from DC.
    One of my friends that went to a different school (really close to DC) said they heard a "boom," which we now know was the Pentagon being hit.
    Scary stuff, especially when you have no idea what's going on.
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    So I'm just surfin' the web, and finally the board doesn't act up so I can do something on BZP. I come into the blogs and realize something very important: I've been rated! I have 4.7 out of 5. Omicron only has a 4, and T-Hybrid only has a 4.2. So I must be doing something right here.
    In other news, I had to interview the coach, asst. coach, and captain of the Varsity Girls Tennis team at my school. I'm on the school newspaper and this is my first assignment, that is: writing an article on the tennis team.
    Best part was the game was right near my house!
    In other news, I'm just clicking around. I went to PodBrix and saw some cool stuff. Like a shirt with a black minifig listining to a Lego iPod. And a Lego iPod that can hold a shuffle so it looks like you're listening to the iPod.
    I also checked out Nami Tamaki web site. Just seeing if anything is new for a favorite artist of mine. Apparently she has two other albumbs out, so I might be looking into those.
    Oh, and my homework ended fine eventually. I got to bed at 11:30, then woke up at 6:00. Not much. I had a headache all through school today, which didn't go too well because I couldn't do anything about it and it was ruining my day and my looking forward to my first big part of being on the school newspaper now.
    Yeah. I'm thinking I'll pop in Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe because I still have not seen it.
    PS, If you're American, don't forget to fly your flag on Monday. And everyday for that matter.
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    Yay! I got Legacy of Evil just recently and it is great!
    I put in a short review in the Forum, so I'll post that here as a teaser until I have more time for a real review.
    Bionicle Legends#4: Legacy of Evil
    It's time for history class. But instead of 80 something, Mrs. what's-her-name, whak you with a stick and dronning on and on about something of history for whatever country you're in, it's GregF telling us the history of the Piraka from 7,000 years ago.
    The main plot of the book is telling about how the piraka came together, how they got (some) of their powers, and discussing the DH/BoM war. It gives some more information about "Birth of a DH" (from the Bio Encyclopedia) and details and personalities about some DH's.
    The book starts 7,000 years from the current storyline, and continues down the timeline a couple of thousand of years to present time. All of the piraka are mentioned, along with TSO, Roodaka, Lariska, Anchient, and other characters either known or not so well known.
    One point that might get you aroused is the origin of the Staff of Fusion (Vezon's staff) and how Vezon came to be. (Some guesses if you read "Power Play," another good book)
    Many questions are answered, as are more given. I'll be re-reading this just to make sure I didn't miss anything, but of course it's good enough for a second reading and no reason. Some mystery, some drama, lots of excitement (took me only 1 day, got it at 1:00 PM, read, stopped, quick glances, then picked it back up at 10:00 and finished at 11:30 in bed, oh the suspense!) and 100% Bionicle!
    Of course I recommend it to everybody, as do all of the other Bionicle books, and some others but that's off topic. It is a great book, detailing what the Piraka are and were, how they are together, and more notes of them hating each other. (When TSO asks if Hakaan should be killed, a Piraka doesn't even hesitate his answer ("Yes")) Various characters are around, and it is very exciting to see everything peice together for this year's storyline.
    So remember: get Bionicle Legends #4: Legacy of Evil, NOW!
    (Now, I'm off to finish some school summer reading...)
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    Yeah, it's late for me. I'm tired. Well, it's only 9:40 where I am, which isn't too late, but I'm tired and this is the second night in a row I'll be up 'til 11 doing homework. I know some of you think that's nothing, and I'm lucky to actually get some sleep, but...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    I'm still doing homework and the only reason I'm here is because I had to print some stuff out and the internet was up so I just decided to post something.
    Maybe some food would help, but I'm not feeling very hungry.
    Question: What do you do when it's late and you still have tons of stuff to do? And I don't mean party on saturday night either.
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    Well, it started Friday, Aug 25. (maybe thursday night)
    Boy was it awesome. I got dropped off at 8:00 (even though it started at 9:00) My mom signed a paper because I'm under 18, and left. So I'm standing around watching people try to get registration started, in my hands my shoebox with 4 MOCs in it and a gift for "Dirty Brickster"
    I register at say...8:45. Get my brickbadge and have to make some of it. (It's a rule)
    My brickbadge says:
    -Benjamin P*****
    -Brickfest 2006
    They all say BF06, and you build the clapper shutter on top. This year's theme is showbiz.
    We also get a goodie bag/tote bag. It has the BF06 logo on it and is awsome. In it is free stuff like a magnet, custom guns by custom modelers, and a welcome booklet explaining BF. I also got my BF06 shirt but kept my BZPower one on.
    Thoughout the event I changed the decorations on my Brickbadge:
    Brutaka's mask, to...
    Spiderman, to...
    flames, to...
    visorak and a green Kakama, to...
    Visorak and a proto miru nuva
    So I get in, and people are all over the place setting up their own models. I find the Bionicle table but no Omicron. I walk around trying to find where everything is. That's outside the Grand Ballroom where most of the MOCs are. I'm trying to find the Bionicle Room to find Omi to set up my MOCs.
    In the end I walk around the GB and set up my two non-Bio MOCs. One of them being my friend's and is very delicate, and practically fell in half even with layers and layers of bubble wrap, the other classified wrong and had to be moved.
    But wait, there's more!
    I go to a talk on minifig customization. It's actually a class! We get to take the design off a minifig body and put on a BF06 logo. We are also taught how to take a stud off the top of a explorer hat, and drill holes for gogels.
    So I'm still looking around for Omi and in the end just set up my MOCs in the Bio room. Then I look around in the GB at everyone setting up their castles, towns, moonbases, big spaceships, etc.
    At about 12 o'clock I find Omi. And Rayg. We walk around together looking at everything. We also meet another BZPer (who's name I wrote down but is upstairs in my room and I don't feel like moving) and we basically hung around for the rest of the day.
    But wait, there's more!
    We go to the BrickBazaar and but things, like minifigs and peices. I got Spiderman $3), Doc Ock($3.50, but afterword found out he was $3 at another place), and some great peices: 56 flames ($1), 7 lightsaber blades blue and green ($1), 25 lightsaber handles and 1 curved Dooku and 1 grey ($1)
    The whole brickfest experience: priceless
    I went back later that weekend and got some sweet peices as well.
    At about 3 o'clock somebody mentions lunch and we decide it'd be a good idea to get some. We order pizza and eat it in the Bionicle room because a hotel guy said we couldn't eat in the hotel eating place we were at.
    But wait, there's more!
    We keep looking at models and then go to the opening ceremony. Pretty fun and I kinda forget some of it. Basically, welcome to Brickfest, highlights, and don't forget that judging will end tonight.
    I left at 10 o'clock.
    I also met Cajun on Friday and K.I.E...maybe Bionicle Rex. Either that or on saturday.
    But wait, there's more!
    I got to BF06 on Saturday at 8:30. Looked at some models. There is this one of a larger than life Battle Droid that when you push a button, it unfolds and stands up.
    At 10 o'clock, there was the Keynote speaker, who is a CEO of Lego. He was a great speaker talking about the hows and whys of Lego. He made it clear Lego focused on the target audience versus the large amount of AFOL's* there and around the globe.
    He also talked about the new Mindstorms NXT, and how there was a panel of 4 people, and then 11, and then a lot!
    But wait, there's more!
    Also in his talk was a film about AFOLs and how they enjoy their lives with Lego included. Best of all, it was narrated by Binkmeister, who sadly couldn't make it to BF this year. It was full of laughs. One of my favorites was a quick reference to imitators of Lego bricks, and he wouldn't say any names, but that he will refer to this as "Brand M"
    Before 12 o'clock I grabed some lunch and waited for my friends to show up for visiting hours. When they came I gave them a tour that they led also. A favorite was the Great Ball Contraption. This was a buncho of builders working together to connect all of their contraptions side by side, and using motors move Lego soccer and Backet balls from one thing to another.
    But wait, there's more!
    We also went to a talk about Lego Design. This was about things that stresses the Lego elements. Such as putting a click hinge halfway between two nobs. Also a cone in a brick, because it can break the brick like a wedge. And it's not the best idea to put a lightsaber blade in a transparent cone because they are made of the same plastic.
    At 10 o'clock was the Dirty Brickster. This is a white elephant game gift exchange. Basically, each person brings a gift. An order is decided and people choose gifts. The first gift is chosen and unwrapped. The next person can either choose another gift of steal the prevous one.
    I stole Krekka from someone, but that was stolen from me. I then stole a box of bionicle and roborider peices, which was good, because no AFOL* would want that right? Well, I was looking through it and I found a chrome Hau. I made the mistake of pulling it out and another person stole the whole collection just for that to sell on ebay. I stole krekka back and he is a great set.
    But wait, there's more!
    Sunday was great too. I got there at 10:30 and immediatly went to a talk about BrickJournal. There should be a paper issue coming out withing a year. This came from the discussion of perhaps making is paper media versus internet, and charging say...$50 for 6 issues in a one year subscription. An example was given that this was the Brickmaster of AFOL's*
    I then went to a talke about Mecha building and got some great ideas there to try out if I ever find enough time to break into my system box.
    My friends showed up again and we kept looking around. Later we went to see some brickfilms. There were some pretty good ones.
    My favorites were:
    The Lucky rejection (about the sad hobo)
    and the Time Traveling Janitors
    They left and I was on my own again. Closing ceremonies came and sadly, that meant BF06 was over.
    But wait, there's more!
    It was fun to go around the GB and see it as it was being taken down. And then I went to the Bionicle room with Omi and Rayg.
    But wait, there's more!
    Overall, this was a blast! I can't wait for next year, with the talks and everything else that makes this a great event recognized by Lego. I made some great friends and some awesome memories.
    I also got some great masks. 2 proto-silver Miru Nuva, 3 transparent Kaukau, and a red and green Matatu. That's right! Misprints! I also have "Free the Band" patches. I hope to be trading all this along with a signed comic 3 (volume 2)
    It was great meeting Omi, Rayg, K.I.E., and all the other BZPers.
    See everyone next year at BF07!
    *Adult Fan Of Lego
    PS: Sorry I don't have pix yet. But it would be insane for me to load up 300 photos on dial-up. I'll do it at school one day soon and it will take almost no time at all!
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    So, for Brickfest, we get a cool “Brickbadge.” Perhaps you’ve seen them. A couple of 1X8 bricks, engraved and put together for a cool nametag. Brickfest is no different.
    It seems that everybody decorates the tops of them with minifigs or bricks or things. I once saw a couple of Kanohi on top, and this sounds like a good idea. But I’m still having troubles on deciding on what to put on top of mine. I have a couple of thoughts, with pros and cons:
    1) Brutaka Mask. All I have to do is put it on a 1X2 brick with a plus rod hole in the middle. But, it juts out backward at the top and might get uncomfortable and/or lean my brickbadge down, limiting readability.
    2) R2-D2 and a Devastator Robot. Simple, Star Wars and a popular Lego line, and a robot theme. Too bad a Kanohi won’t fit as well, there’s a good robot theme. Con: The Devastator robo is a little unstable.
    3) Transparent neon green barrels. Eight studs, so six barrels in the middle and a cone on each end. Problem that arises is that the green might clash with whatever the colors on my badge are.
    4) Find a good minifig that will look good in blue legs. Reason being is I have some crummy, loose blue legs that I wouldn’t mind gluing to my badge. I have more blue legs and I can get some at the Brickbazar. Con: I have to glue peices together so they won’t fall off. Only some legs, and can probably be taken off, but still...
    Another minifig problem: I’d like to use some Exoforce hair, but that’s kind of loose on the heads.
    So, any suggestions?
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    Well, I just got my Brickfest stuff today!
    Came in a tube too.
    Info on what is going on, and some randome peices for our use, somehow:
    *2 chairs
    *6 2X2 tiles
    *2 square studs
    *1 barrel
    *1 skid plate (Round 2X2 tile, flat bottom, studs on top)
    The Tube
    Now, just awaiting the BrickBadge...
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    so I've redone/repimp'd my blog. It's stayin like this and I hope ya like it, yo!
    And scroll down a bit. There's a special vending maching just waiting for your money.
    So, I hope you'll like it, and I hope you stick around a while before going to the other sites I've linked.
    And thank you to Omi and Tohru for their ideas with their blogs. They are inspriations for this.
    And on another note, here's another Brickfest Promo. Please go. It's a blast. Scroll down to get some details. Or click on the Lego button. Either way, it's awsome; and the MOCs that Lego builders make from all over the country. Adults. And these are pretty awsome cause some of them work for Lego.
    Go to Brickshelf.com to figure it all out. Infact, if you've been wanting a vacation to Washington, DC, now's the time to go! (or rather brickfest weekend)
    so, yeah, later.

  9. ChocolateFrogs
    image by Air-Master
    check it out. Links to places of mine in my blog or anywhere else. perhaps I'll put up a theme later, but I like it this way.
    And I'm even advertising for some of my favorite blogs. be sure to check them out once you're through with mine. Omi and T-Hybrid did a pretty good job on their stuff. And I just like their blogs. And I met Chriskopaka back when he was Bionicle Master the Mighty.
    Credit goes to Omi, T-H and anyone else with them for starting this. (And T-H put in a bouncer). So I hope you all can get into this for a customized blog!
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    Yay! I'm going to Brickfest 2006!
    I'm entering in THIS MOC, to start. I'm working towards putting in my Fused Piraka, and a minifig sized lawn mower.
    Anyway, Brickfest is a big event that happens in Virginia, USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy; August 25, 26, 27, standard Earth timing. This year it is at the Sheraton Premier Hotel in Tysons Virginia. Visiting hours are on Saturday (26) and Sunday (27) from 12-4, PM. $10 for both days, $7 for one day. There is a ton of rooms for every theme. The Bionicle Room is organized this year by BZP's Omicron! It should be great. But that's not all. There is a Mecha room, Space, Star Wars, Town, Train, Castle, Mindstrom, FLL, and the newest: Dark Room.
    The Dark Room is a room that has its lights out. Then black lights are fitted in. The MOCs on display are planned for this, and contain transparent/luscent peices. This makes the MOCs glow eerily. This years theme is water/ocean/sea, etc...
    So, I hope to see you there!
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    Well, here I am, my daily visit to BZP.
    I woke up @ 10 o'clock today! Had breakfast and then biked over to my high school for in-car. (driving practice with someone other than my parents that's certified for this kind of stuff). Kind of funny, isn't it: Biking over for a Driving lesson.
    So I bike home, cool off, and decide to get online.
    Got a PM from a BZPer I met last wednesday (Kofan), replied, and came here.
    Checked out ChrisKopaka's Blog, and read his funny latest.
    Then I added a box that will give off my random quotes. I'll be updating that each time I'm on.
    And added a box for cool links I have
    Today's quote is from RahiZaku, more commonly known as RZ, if you even know him. I don't expect some new members to know him, but if you were on BZP long enough, excellent. RZ was a master artist, and posted some awsome work on BZP. IMO, his most popular work is his RZKit. (Once again, newer members,as Kit is pixled Bionicle so you can build and color change in MSPaint. Awsome) He also had an awsome brickshelf found here. I recomend looking at "Kitbash" first, then the fisrt one of Takua over the planet. (don't forget, if you use his stuff, say so)
    I recently thought about RZ, and checked out his profile. Sadly, almost enraged, he was banned. Don't know why, don't know when, but I wish he was back. And probobly everybody else does too, except some staff who banned him. bring him back!
    So today's first quote is dedicated to him.

    Why is it that allusions to Greek mythology are considered "academic" and "classy", but references to the Bionicle mythos are only seen as "geeky" and "obsessed"? IT'S NOT FAIR, I TELLS YA!!!
    As far as Bionicle goes:
    I have some small stuff that I want to get you guys opinion on. Tell me if it's good for BZP, or should stick to Brickshelf:
    A Matoran made out of a Zamor Launcher
    His back so you can make it yourself
    And just for fun, even though I'm not intending on posting them, they look cool:
    Double kanoka staff
    Iruini Shot (considered "Art" by the weird critics)
    Iruini "Art"
    Look at what you can do with a Kaukau and a Huna!
    Thank you, and have a nice day. Would you like fries with that?
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    So I'm reading through my email and it says there is a comment in my blog by bonesiii. I'm thinking "Uh-oh, a Moderator posted."
    But then it's all cool and all because he totally agrees with me on Stuart Sayger.
    On a second note, congrats to Dulon, who is correct on the Star Wars Question. The answer is "THX-1138." It is the name of George Lucas's first film. The THX then goes on to be the name of the sound system that comes up at the start of many DVDs. (And if you're looking for it in the movies, it happens to be invisible, only appearing in darklight, or some sort of light, something special to reveal it.
    And now, on to the search and find:
    look at this
    Fused Piraka
    Kal and mini-fig
    Dot Hack Manga
    Tahu Nuva Pic
    Star Wars Pic
    Bionicle Books
    Lego Builder's Guide
    Harry Potter Books
    The answers in another Blog
    Have fun!
    Today is hot! to make it worse, I had to mow a lawn today. Luckily it only took me about 45 minutes, but still...I was sweating big!
    As for yeseterday, Father's day:
    My dad decided to take us to Kings Dominion. Woohoo. I'm not exactly a roller coaster kind of guy. I had nothing to do 'cept hang around with my mom and 7 year old sister. I ended up reading for most of the morning. (Star Wars: Labrynth of Evil, good book) Then at lunch my dad told me there was a bumper car place, so I went to go check that out. So for two hours after lunch I'm doing bumper cars and another ride not to crazy to scare me away. Then I go to the pool and we go home. I did leave with a giant jaw breaker, which I haven't started yet.
    please feel free to post about your father's day...(in comparison to mine...better, worse?)
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    Ok, I actually don't know what to post here, so let's see if my day was interesting:
    9:00 AM-Wake up
    10:00-Finish Breakfast
    Read some of my new Alex Rider Book: Scorpia
    11:00-Decide it'd be best to go out and mow a lawn before it gets hotter outside
    12:30-finish mowing the lawn, cool down while reading Scorpia
    till 4:00-, eat lunch, read, play on the computer
    4:00-go to the pool *ahhhhh*
    5:00-Get back
    play on the computer and read
    After dinner-do dishes, then play on the computer and read
    now-Blog on BZPower
    As for Bionicle today:
    *re-posed some MOCs standing around in my room. One has Lewa Nuva Swords, and looks pretty cool. I'll show it sometime.
    *Actually, What I really need now is a big picture of Hapori Tohu. Seriously. Something perhaps 600+ Pixels. That would be really good. What do I need it for? I want to print it out, that big, for a summer project, like a collage. But there aren't any really big pix of hapori tohu around.
    So, some HT help would be appreciated
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    Yeah, I think this was in SW Trivial Pursuit, but no one in Star Wars Club (that I created at my school!) answered it.
    The question:
    What is inscribed on the back of some of the clone troopers' helmets in Episodes 2 and 3?
    The answer in another Blog. If anyone even tries. If not I'm not answering it.
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    So I was rereading my Bionicle comics today (like I do every day)* and picked up Volume 2, Issues 1 and 2 (issue 0 is on my wall). While reading, I acknowledged how awsome Stuart Sayger draws. Now, I have noticed this before, but I was just blown away once again that it inspired this Blog.
    The lines were amazing. The piraka spines were aswome. His own personal Kanohi for the inslaved matoran were great. And the way he shows the Piraka acting together, it goes great with GregF's planning. (everybody on the team seems to give this their best effort).
    So, if you haven't read the comics yet, hop to it! Subscribe to Lego Magazing (it's free!) and enjoy the Bionicle storyline. (actually, read the books too, they have storyline info not told in the comics)
    Actually, a while back, I was thinking I should probably go to a comic shop and check out other stuff by SturatS. It's sure to be just as good.
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    Quite a while ago I posted about all the tiny spaceship sets I have that LEGO has made. Micro-sized (and one midi-scale) starfighters, pod racers, and more adorn my shelf. That collection has grown, and it's time I show off my extended fleet of micro-models. They are mostly Star Wars, with the Tumbler being the exception. I also didn't put the midi-scale Star Destroyer in the picture because it doesn't technically count, plus it is hard to get to at the moment.

    But I was in a filming mood when I did this last night, so I made a short video detailing each piece:

    Now, off to hunt for more!
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    I enjoy hearing some festive songs on the radio for about a month every year. But what I am getting tired of is the feel of the same old Christmas standards sung by the same standard artists from a few decades ago. I know there is a larger variety out there, just look at my Christmas music collection, but I wish the radio would realize this too.
    Now, I realize the radio has some newer things. Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights is a good laugh whenever it's played. The Waitresses have their Christmas Wrapping song that is pretty catchy. And there are a few standards by contemporary artists like Michael Buble, Pentatonix, and a special favorite The Calling's Carol of the Bells. (Oh, and don't forget lots of Trans Siberian Orchestra.)
    But the radio can do better. The Barenaked Ladies, Relient K, Colbie Caillat, and more all have their own renditions of favorites, and I'd like to emphasize that there are also some great original songs out there too: Elf's Lament by BNL, Chrion Beta Prime by Jonathan Coulton, and Lumberjack Christmas by Sufjan Stevens come to mind, to name a few.
    Would it hurt for a little more variety, dear radio stations? It sure would be nice.
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    Last weekend was Baltimore Comic Con, and I attended with a BZPower Press Pass on my shirt and comics in my backpack. I hung out with 55555 on Friday and went solo on Saturday. Both days I had a blast, got many autographs, bought some stuff, and attended some fun panels. (And I interviewed Bionicle's Pop Mhan.)
    And just as I was hoping, I got to meet Charles Soule again, and Greg Pak and Mark Waid finally. They're all really cool, and some of the panels I attended featured them.
    Unlike New York Comic Con, panels here are much more accessible and definitely don't need to require waiting in line for an hour to get in (just show up on time). BCC is a tenth of the attendance size of NYCC, so there's that. It was much more feasible to fill up my time with panels at this event, which made the overall experience more enjoyable. NYCC was more of a scavenger hunt to get autographs on comic covers without waiting in line for an hour, but this was an even mix of everything I wanted to do because the time allowed for it.
    Which included getting some awesome swag! A favorite online artist, Mike Maihack, from the webcomic/graphic novel Cleopatra in Space, was there and offering a great deal on watercolor commissions, so this was my best chance to finally get a custom piece of Kitty Pryde by him. (His style is really cute, especially his Batgirl and Supergirl comics, and as you can see he does a great Kitty Pryde too.)

    He also had a Rey and BB-8 print he just did recently, so I picked that up too (but it was really hard to choose between that and something with other heroins he's known for). The Sandman print is from another artist (Angela McKendrick) who has a great style, and I wish I could have afforded the 3-for-$25 deal. (Another issue: wall space.) I also got to meet Otis Frampton, who works on the art and animation for the How It Should Have Ended videos!
    As you can see, there a few comic covers with autographs, which is a great way to show who I've met:


    Someday I'll frame a bunch of these.
    Finally,I also bought some fake LEGO. (Gasp!) It's not like LEGO will ever make Fantastic Four minifigs anyway...

    Though hopefully they'll eventually do Reverse Flash. Daredevil will hopefully happen too (Marvel Collectible Minifig Series?), and I skipped a few other figs like Doctor Strange out of hopes for official figs come Avengers 3 and 3 Part 2. And the FF Spidey is something I would expect in a DK LEGO Marvel guidebook like LEGO Batman has, if I'm allowed some wishful thinking. (These are from Amazing Heroes Minis.)
    Alas, I missed out on getting Scott Snyder's autograph. He's a big name and a great writer, but there just wasn't enough time to get to everything and get to him. But that's OK, because the panels matter more. It's the con experience! Plus I like Charles Soule more, and I saw him plenty.
    It was a good comic-focused weekend, and I had a blast. It's more comic-oriented than San Diego Comic Con is, or even NYCC is. Though NYCC is big enough to have panels and stuff on the comic-inspired movies and TV shows while still being about comics and geekiness. A broader audience. If there's ever something like this locally that suits your interests, I definitely recommend it! It's a great way to connect with your hobbies.
    What's next for me? Probably BrickFair NJ.
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    Baltimore Comic Con is coming this weekend, and I am getting more and more pumped with anticipation with each day!
    On Friday I'll be hanging out with 55555, and on Saturday I'll be going solo unless a friend actually replies to my texts.
    There are plenty of exciting panels happening, so it's just a matter of if I can get in to see the awesome comic creators talk. So I guess it's a matter of getting in line in time. There's a talk about the 90s X-Men series New Mutants, one about comics as myths and working mythology into your story, Mark Waid talking about writing great characters, a spotlight on Waid and Charles Soule, looking at the science behind superheroes and their powers, and more!
    I also hope to get a handful of comics autographed by some favorite creators, like Mark Waid, Scott Snyder, and Charles Soule:


    That's five issues by Charles Soule, two by Greg Pak, two by Scott Snyder, two by Mark Waid including my Kingdom Come graphic novel, and a few others by some more cool comic creators. And eventually I'll get some of these signed works of art framed.
    I'm hoping to get some cool works of art in Artists Alley too. So we'll see what happens by the end of the weekend.
    And I'll be back in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. A beautiful part of the city!
    If you're going too, drop me a message!
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    I've had a BrickLink account for quite some time, and a BrickLink store for a few years too, but now I can confidently say I have an intriguing amount of parts to make something of it.
    Not like huge, just a respectable size for my needs and parts.
    So please, check out Chocolate Froggy Pieces and buy buy buy!
    I've just added some Bionicle parts there and hope to add some more System parts soon. And I've recently put in some Star Wars figs that are marked as NEW--heck, I still haven't taken them out of the sets yet. They're that fresh.
    Tell me promo code "BZP2015" when you check out and I'll take off 10% on all orders through the end of the year.
    Happy shopping!
  21. ChocolateFrogs
    Steampunk fans! Have you heard the sweet tunes of the Steam Powered Giraffe? For the uninitiated, they are a steampunk-themed rock band (with a slight hint of folk), and at shows they even act the part of being automatons through their movements and way they talk with each other. They have all kinds of songs, from things about steamboats to pirates and suspenders to magic. It's not a gimmick, their singing is really good and the songs are catchy!
    So I immortalized them in LEGO for BrickFair's Steampunk theme:


    Furthermore, I'm bringing another new Steampunk build, utilizing the Pteranodon:

    And, almost surprisingly, there are more MOCs to come! I've been keeping busy the past couple of weeks, seeing as how I procrastinated on LEGO building for a while. Stay tuned!
  22. ChocolateFrogs
    Baltimore Comic Con is happening at the end of September, and I'll be going! So far it sounds like 55555 is planning on going too, but it'd be cool to hang with anyone else attending too. Hopefully we'll be getting a hotel to stay a night and attend two days (Friday and Saturday, unless he has other plans), so if anyone else wants to join us and keep costs down, let me know.
    Right now it's planning logistics with Fivey, figuring out what/if I'm cosplaying, and which comics I need to bring to get autographed.
    But until then, I'm eagerly awaiting the convention that is coming way too quickly to keep up with my MOCing schedule: BrickFair VA!
  23. ChocolateFrogs
    There are a few good memes floating around online. Philosoraptor is one such meme. And now he's come to LEGO:
    The PhiLEGOphy Raptor!

    (Cell phone pic with decently solid background at WAMALUG using a friend's raptor.)
    Make your own!

    Maybe more to come? Enjoy!
    (Totally stole that thought from a LEGO Movie character guide.)
  24. ChocolateFrogs
    On Friday, May 1, I had the fortunate pleasure of seeing and hearing Neil Gaiman, my favorite author, speak in DC. It was a fantastic evening, shared with Toa Lhikan Hordika, who has also been a fan and is slowly being inducted into more of his works as well.
    The format was different than what I've experienced before with author talks. This time around, people could write questions down on a note card before the show. So he comes on stage, giving his usual "Hullo" we all know, holding a stack of maybe 300 note cards. The entire night is just him picking a card and answering it, going off on minor tangents when it suited him and digging deep into his personal experiences to share his world with ours. In that way it felt like we were having a conversation with him, or a very informal interview, in which he's simply talking to us, for us, about pretty much anything.
    He even answered my question! I asked what I can say, as a bookseller, to parents that are set on not letting their kids read new and genre-filled books since they're forcing their kids to read arguably boring and uninteresting books (depending on the reader)? His answer ("Ah, parents," he says, and the audience laughs) was to handsell books with a passion so that maybe they'd allow something new to be tried. A good answer, of course.
    He had various touching moments, from recounting how many women said Coraline inspired them as young girls to be brave, to speaking briefly about Terry Pratchett and writing Good Omens together. He had advice about writing and living a good life. He spoke of adventures he had even when he didn't realize they were adventures. He made us laugh, fall silent, and take in his every word in only the way his voice can as he pauses every now and then as if choosing his next word to make sure it is perfect.
    He also read a few short stories from his new book, the anthology Trigger Warning, and a few pages from Good Omens and then told us which part Pratchett had contributed to. I was especially happy because he read the October Tale from A Calendar of Tales, which is my favorite. It is about a genie who appears for someone who does not want or need anything obtained through a wish, and is happy with their simply life and starts to befriend the perplexed djinn. (The whole Calendar can be read for free online.)
    It was unlike anything I've experienced, and even if I see Gaiman speak again it will no be anything like that night. It was an evening filled with humorous, heartfelt, and truthful insight into his life and his books. What a fantastic way to start the month.
    (PS, I recommend his books American Gods, The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and his comic series The Sandman, for anyone interested in a starting point for his works. And then I recommend everything!)
  25. ChocolateFrogs
    I was cleaning up my room a bit and dug around in a few boxes. To my bemusement, I found an old Exploriens' box!

    While this is the oldest box I haven't recycled yet (I've recycled everything except Bionicle canisters, which up until recently were used as parts storage), the oldest set I still have built is a RoboForce vehicle that is sitting on my shelf (gathering dust).
    The Exploriens are my favorite LEGO Space theme, but I suppose at some point in my childhood I felt the need to take this set apart but was never compelled to do so to the RoboForce one. At this point I don't really feel like I should, if only to keep a bit of my childhood around (as well as a variety of figs).
    Also unearthed was a tub of Bionicle things I didn't miss: Piraka spines, Kanoka, Rhotuka, Kraata, Zamor, and some torsos from 2008 and on. I reorganized my Bionicle collection late last year but never said, "huh, I wonder where those Piraka spines are." But, I know they have building potential. (I wonder if the Rhotuka and Kraata are worth anything in my BrickLink store....)
    Oh and I found the LEGO Club BrickMaster CD with Bionicle comics #1-25 on it! Now I can reread most of the story (seeing as how I have no idea where in my house the physical comics are, despite now wanting to bag and board them).
    Just another day in the life of an AFOL!
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