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Artemis Centauri Fowl II

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Everything posted by Artemis Centauri Fowl II

  1. I also killed you. *Points to post below, then kills your army* I also pushed Syel off the Empire State Building and into a busy road. He's gone. MWAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

  2. *Two minutes later*....... *Pulls swords out of body, and chucks them at you, puncturing your heart, arteries, lungs, kidney, veins, liver, spleen, and various nerve clusters* I. AM. IMMORTAL!!!!!!! *Crushes your body beneath my foot*

  3. Jean, I have some current events.

    *Syel's dead.

    *I'm going to destroy you.

    *I've taken over the world.

    *I've taken over the universe.

    *(Grevious voice)

    You are dooomed!

  4. *Evilest grin ever for an 11 year old* I'm not hungry. *Shoves sword down BSMS!'s throat* And I did it without touching him! *Shoots Jean in leg* Sadly, i'm too mannerful to kill a girl, but sending pain is a whole nother story.

  5. *Dead body gets up* No, my dear. You can't control life or death. *Aims a Desert Eagle at you* That is MY job. *Shoots BSMS! in the chest, then shoots you in the foot* MWAHHAHAH!!! *Disappears like ghost*

  6. Raa! *Stabs you in stomach, and takes out a new sword, which I use to stab/and/or/ mortally wound BSMS! with*

  7. ^^ *Insert terribly evil munching sounds, and cookies screaming here* >$D

  8. O.O I just made you 5 star.... whoops. Well, anyways, ask Nukaya.

  9. Alli-Alli-Shoop-Inz- Heimer! *Powns you, and steals my bases back* Fire Data! 10101010101010100







  10. *climbs up cliff* **@^&^*&(@#%! *ties Jean up, sets her on fire, stabs here, shoots her, and then throws her off cliff* Thanks for re-sending it! Im evil too! *does something evil*

  11. YOU CHANGED YOUR NAME!!?!??!?!?!?!?

  12. Sigh. I'm bored. *catches you, and mugs for cookie*

  13. Ima in your base, stealing your baseorzness! Shoop-a-diddly-doop!

  14. *throws you "Yay for Awesomeness and being an Aquatic Guardian party* Par-tay!

  15. ^^ I know. *shoots you with the awesome person maker ray* Now you are too!

  16. Your. Personal pic. Is. Arnold-ly awesome!!!!!

  17. *gags Jean and stuffs her in closet* O.K. can you re-send me the Re:Defeat? I accidentally deleted it.

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