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Year 14

About Methaxx

  • Birthday 11/22/1995

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  • Interests
    Graphic Design, Music

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Tohunga (5/293)

  1. A highly customized G2 Makuta. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-Lego-Bionicle-JTO-G2-Shadow-Makuta-Shadow-Skull-Spiders/192504516331?hash=item2cd229ceeb:g:JGUAAOSwG4FatjFN
  2. I shall express my desire to be in the giveaway.
  3. If your twist relies on blatant lying to preserve it, it's not a good twist. Not saying they blatantly lied, but if they had opened up even as much as a hint to a possible link to the old universe there wouldn't be as much intrigue. Saying "it's a reboot" when it's not a reboot sounds like blatantly lying to me. Welp I'll have to agree to some extent. I guess all this could just be wishful thinking on my part.
  4. If your twist relies on blatant lying to preserve it, it's not a good twist. Not saying they blatantly lied, but if they had opened up even as much as a hint to a possible link to the old universe there wouldn't be as much intrigue.
  5. Any of Nathan Furst's classics. Other than those, I really have a thing for Creeping In My Soul.
  6. I simply like to believe G2 is in an alternate dimension and the whole "it's hard reboot" thing is just to have us surprised when some more of a major link to G1 pops up in the story.
  7. Gotta go with Botar. It's the only combiner I've ever built that actually stood out as something special to me. Other than that, the Fikou. It's the only combiner I still have intact, and I made that in purple. :3
  8. 2006. I got my first set in late 2005 (Christmas to be precise) and I really got into Bionicle in 2006 with the Piraka, and subsequently with the Inika, the Bionicle Heroes game and all that, so that year holds a special place in my heart.
  9. Looks beautiful. Well done.
  10. Looks awesome, too bad I probably won't get my hands on one anytime soon. On another note, what is the possibility of this being story-wise Skull Slicer's original mask?
  11. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lego-Bionicle-Ussanui-Speeder-ONLY-Instructions-8596-/171836583101 If someone could take this off it would be awesome as I accidentally placed a bid on it and I can't actually purchase it right now.
  12. I may as well end up doing that. I've seen several of those on Ebay as well so unless someone pops up here I'll just go with buying the sealed set. Thanks!
  13. Hey, I've recently lost my Matoro Mahri box and I just hate it when I'm missing something from my collection (yes, even the boxes are of value to me), so if anyone has one they'd like to sell, let me know! Also I'm not too sure if I still have the instructions either so if you've got that it's a plus.
  14. How much would you individually price the Bohrok/Bohrok-Kal and Rahkshi at?
  15. Nope. Imagine 2003 Takanuva with grey instead of gold. Uh, actually it was stated that Takanuva was enlarged during the 2008 storyline. He really was that huge to the other Toa. Even the comics confirm that. During Dark Mirror, he was the 2003 version with grey/black armor, a power lance and Midak Skyblaster, and when he got to Karda Nui he was enlarged a bit, not as much as portrayed in the set, but he did get bigger like the Av-Matoran. Had my information wrong then. My bad ;p
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