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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. IC: FirestormAt some point during the moments of silence Firestorm's doorwings had folded back out, becoming stiff and rigid as they usually were during battle. She didn't bother lowering the Scatterblaster: even if it wound up not doing anything, it made her feel better about her chances against the pirate."Considering the fact I'm not on a pleasure trip, seperating you to," came the reply. She decided to leave the fact she had no idea how to do that out for the moment.IC: Painkiller The CMO turned away from her terminal where she had been monitering Firestorm's progress and headed over to her assistant, putting a new charge into her Repair Ray and starting work on Red Alert."It worked anyway. Thanks, mech," she said to Shatterquake.-Inferna
  2. IC: Firestorm"... well. No wonder this place is a madhouse."Shoving her comment and the rooms she'd gone through out of her processer, Firestorm promptly pulled out her Scatterblaster (she didn't think too much on how it'd gotten in here with twelve clips of ammo) and pointed it down at Crossbone. He was most likely the one to cause a fuss about why she was here, but between the shotgun in his faceplate and the fact she was at least two times his size, she was confident she could keep him in line.OOC: So how will this work, Nebula? Keep in mind that both Painkiller and Firestorm are flying by their skidplates here; our good soldier will have to either find out by experimentation or be told how by one of our Sparks. -Inferna
  3. IC: FirestormShe'd heard that 'wingers' were attractive to other Cybertronians, but this was taking it to another level. Several of the pictures had made her doorwings exaggerated beyond preportions, up to the point in one case where she looked like a bipdedal cyber-hawk. Strangly fasinating as it was, it wasn't the way to Crosswise. She awkwardly began turning around to get at the door again, hoping her next choice would be the right one.-Inferna
  4. "Call Me When You're Sober" ~ Evanescence-Inferna
  5. IC: FirestormThe soldier was acutely reminded of her height as the door sealed behind her, making her hunch over and fold her doorwings tightly against her back before she was even slightly comfortable enough to look around and register what was plastered all over the walls.Then, of course, she couldn't help but stare. The light of her optics helped illuminate the room, and thusly the pictures. She focused on one in particular -- a picture that took up an entire wall -- and tilted her helm slightly to look at it at a different angle, puzzled.She wasn't a vain femme, but even she had to ask: "Do I really look like that?"OOC: -Inferna
  6. IC: FirestormDespite the fact she was alone and no one was able to hear her, Firestorm couldn't stop herself from sighing in exasperation. "I ask a simple question and I get a game of Polyhex roulette," she muttered -- a saying she'd picked up from her superior officers back on Cybertron. Looking around the cargo bay again, she then chose another door at random and pulled it open.-Inferna
  7. IC: FirestormDespite the fact she was a femme on a mission, Firestorm couldn't help looking at the treasure in awe for a few moments. Afterwards, she looked over her shoulder and around her, looking for more doors that might lead her elsewhere, since she wasn't sure if both of them would be in a cargo hold. Knowing Crosswise, it would be a place where items of historical significance were kept: while the cargo hold was a good guess, considering that Crossbone was a pirate, she wasn't sure.OOC: Off for the night as well.-Inferna
  8. IC: FirestormIt took a while, but she eventually reached the end of the road, transforming on the deck of the large ship. The soldier looked around for anything, and was slightly disappointed at not seeing them at the end of the road. Spotting a door nearby, probably to the ship's interior, Firestorm made her way towards it and opened it.-Inferna
  9. IC: FirestormThe terrain shifting into something more navigatable was taken in stride and accepted by the soldier, as she shifted onto the highways and began to follow them. It led to the ship, and she guessed that both of them were there.That still didn't change she had no idea how to seperate them, but she'd come up with something. She hoped so, anyway.-Inferna
  10. IC: FirestormThe soldier's optics shuttered a few times as she took in the view. No one was around to hear, so she didn't bother to speak, but inwardly she was stunned and startled ... followed by confused. How exactly was she supposed to seperate them?Well, she decided, I guess walking's a start. Or driving.Going for the latter because it was faster and more comforting, she transformed and drove, looking for her friend and the pirate that had hijacked his shell. She had read a little bit into the patches, and knew that the personas of those in the patch would appear as themselves. Judging as they were two in one body, if she found one, the other was probably close by.-Inferna
  11. IC: Painkiller & FirestormPainkiller gently touched his shoulder to try and reassure the scout, then took the end of the cable into her servoes and took her own long cycle of air."Initiating the cortical psychic patch," she said, and plugged the other end into the port in the back of Firestorm's helm.Firestorm, whose optics had been shuttered, jolted a little when the cable connected with her processer, and for a moment her train of thought blurred. Slowly, it all came back into focus, and she carefully looked around.OOC: Ball's in your court, Nebula.-Inferna
  12. IC: Painkiller & FirestormThe medic helped the pair onto their respective tables, and began hooking them up to the patch. The main wire was hooked to Crosswise's back, while the other end of it was prepared to be added to Firestorm's helm. The soldier was calm -- if she was worried, she wasn't showing it."Are you ready?" she asked quietly to them both. Firestorm didn't hestitate. "Yes."-Inferna
  13. IC: FirestormThe soldier transformed, arching an optic ridge but taking his word for it. "I won't," she promised as she followed him inside.IC: PainkillerThe CMO's voice warmed a little at Star Saber's comment. "Alright. I'll contact you when I've finished with my current project."She shut off her comm after dictating to Red Alert to not bother her unless it was an emergency of the utmost importance, triple-checked her rig, and then waited.-Inferna
  14. IC: Painkiller"Busy," she shot back. "My first attempt at seperating Crosswise and Crossbone failed miserably because of a failsafe device built into his Sparkchamber. I'm going for another method once he gets back from the mess hall. Once I get it finished, I'll contact you, and THEN we can talk."-Inferna
  15. IC: FirestormFirestorm might've been raised by a military and lacked many of the social attributes of pre-War Bots, but even she had heard of the Innocent Whistle. She decided to call attention to that after the patch was done -- Crosswise wasn't looking too thrilled about the whole thing, and the last thing she wanted to add to his nervousness.Still, she was amused as she transformed and followed them, pulling up right beside Crosswise and keeping pace with the scout.IC: PainkillerAfter a few kliks of searching (apparently some half-wit had moved her tools again -- how dare they), Painkiller finally crowed internally as she dug up the rig. Subspacing it and sealing the container, she left and drove back towards the medbay, beating all parties looking for her by a klik and beginning to assemble it. -Inferna
  16. OOC: I swear, Firestorm's doorwings are eyemagnets to Crosswise.Painkiller would be mentally wrenching them if she wound up as part of the combiner. IC: FirestormThe soldier popped the rest of the oilcake into her mouth, then finished the rest of her cube. Wings now rigid, she stood up and neatly tossed the empty container into a disposal unit. "No time like the present. Let's roll."OOC: And yes, I will now reference Firestorm's doorwings as often as possible for Crosswise's benefit. -Inferna
  17. OOC: With Painkiller in the mix just to keep things interesting. IC: FirestormIt took her about two astroseconds for her to understand what Grindcore was asking her to do. She had heard about the patches, like most Bots, but thought they were a thing of the past after Optimus Prime and Ratchet had banned them, on the grounds that they were dangerous.That said, it took her one astrosecond more for her to make up her mind. "I will."-Inferna
  18. OOC: *takes a bow on Firestorm's behalf*@Burnmad: It was more a reference to a multitude of fanfics focusing on Prowl and the like, along with fanart where various beings (human fangirls, for example) are stroking Prowl's doorwings, but that'd be hilarious. IC: Firestorm (the femme of the moment)So that was what this was about? Wing sensitivity? It didn't make sense to her, and she was pretty sure he was trying to cover something up. Pointing this out was likely to just make things more awkward, so she just rolled with it."Yes, they feel," she replied. "The same way a Seeker's wings can feel and react to being touched, by servo or by wind. It's ... painful ... if they're damaged."She had been waiting for his reply when Grindcore showed up. "How can I help?" she asked, previous subject forgotten.IC: Painkiller"Alright, alright," she replied. Shutting down her comm system, she nodded at Red Alert as she left the medbay and transformed, heading towards the medical storage bay. That was where her stash of extra tools was, and the equipment for the patch was buried under it all.-Inferna
  19. IC: Firestorm"Hopefully she does soon," she replied. It didn't take long for her to notice his staring at her doorwings again -- his reaction upon realizing that he'd been staring was amusing."What about my wings?" she replied, flicking them for emphasis.IC: Painkiller"Yes, but it will take some time to find it and set it up. Ratchet made a point of destroying the rigs we had when the Prime banned them. Don't ask how I saved one."OOC: -Inferna
  20. OOC: *checks off "Doorwingers are Hot" on fantropes checklist and continues on*IC: Firestorm"The medic have any way around it?" she asked, putting more of the oilcake between her denta and consuming it, followed by a swig of her EnergonThe soldier had a definate expression of amusement when she noticed Crosswise's stare at her doorwings. It was nothing new -- doorwingers like herself were a rarity on both sides, much like the Seekers -- but those staring were at least trying to be subtle about it. That said, she decided to not mention it unless he brought it up.IC: Painkiller"... it's an option," she allowed, after she got over the shock. "It's been stellar cycles since I used them, after the Prime banned their undertaking. The device would still be a problem when I need to seperate them permenantly, but by then we might have come up with a solution."-Inferna
  21. IC: FirestormThe soldier had been nursing an Energon cube, a half-consumed oil cake beside it, at a table close to the main entrance. She found his question rather humorous, considering its effects were pretty obvious, but she decided to not point that out. Her doorwings did flick a few times as she replied. "Very good. It was nice to get the mud out of my joints. How'd the surgery go?"-Inferna
  22. IC: Firestorm"Alright. I'll be waiting."IC: PainkillerThe CMO didn't respond to the question, as she was busy listening to Grindcore's comm. and going by the rational that it was probably a rhetorical question anyway. She did have a knowing expression on her faceplate when she waved him along, most likely at his reasoning for heading out."I'm open to suggestions."-Inferna
  23. IC: Painkiller"It seems that way. Until I can find a way to get around the security protocols, I won't be able to get Crossbone's Spark seperated and out of you. The more obvious way to do that would be to do the operation while you're online, but I would rather not. It can be rather unnerving for some, watching someone open you up. Even with your pain receptors turned off."IC: FirestormAbout three nanokliks after Crosswise checked the messages, Firestorm herself entered the messhall, looking good as new after getting the muck cleaned off ... and was confused by the scout not being there. A questioning message was then sent over their private comm, asking where he was.-Inferna
  24. IC: Painkiller"Yes. Crossbone was the only Cybertronian that was known to have planted his Spark into young protoforms to give himself immortality. As he was a pirate, it would make sense that his Spark is the one residing with yours."She sighed inwardly, then continued. "When I opened your chamber to preform the split, some form of security device closed over it to deny access. From what little I was able to gather, it was primed to destroy both you and Crossbone if I came too close to it. As such, I was forced to abort the operation."It was at this point she remembered she had strapped him down, and moved to release him.-Inferna
  25. OOC: Um, she didn't remove the braces that are holding him to the table. It'd be kinda difficult to sit up.IC: PainkillerPainkiller did her best to push away her annoyance: she didn't want to take out her frustration out on the scout, especially since he couldn't help that he was in this situation. "I'm guessing that Crossbone took over while you were in the mess hall. Grindcore called me to retrieve you and preform the Spark-splitting .... though it didn't go nearly as well as I had hoped."-Inferna
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