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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. Echoes was awesome ... though that Boost Ball Guardian was a pain. Killed me at least once before I returned the favor.
  2. IC: PainkillerThe medic wasn't sure whether or not to be pleased when her device showed a mockingly-unobstructed view of the two Sparks, which were still beginning to undergo fusion. For a moment she thought she heard mocking laughter, but she couldn't determine its source no matter where she looked ... though it was probably from that blasted pirate. After a few moments glaring through the device, she removed it and prepared the anti-virus, injecting it into the scout. If Crosswise in control, she could give him an update ... if it was Crossbone, she could tell him exactly what she thought of him.-Inferna
  3. OOC: Yep, the universe is screwing with Painkiller today. IC: PainkillerAfter about ten kliks trying to examine the device without setting it off -- a delicate task, considering she couldn't be close to it without it beeping ominously -- the medic was finally forced to concede defeat: with the device there, she wouldn't be able to split the Sparks hidden under it. That said, she spent another klik silently ranting to no one in particular (though a certain pirate was definately who her ire was directed at) before she made anything else.Sighing, she sealed his Sparkchamber again, hoping that closing it up would make the device's protocols be shut down. Afterwards she retrieved the device she had used to examine the chamber earlier and used it again, checking to make sure.-Inferna
  4. OOC: When it comes to her patients and her medbay, you could be Primus himself for all Painkiller cares -- she decides what to do with a Spark. IC: PainkillerTo the medic, it was like the universe was messing with her. First she had to deal with medically-inept leaders, and now this -- this!Scowling, she set her tools -- which were meant to seperate the two Sparks -- aside, and gingerly began examining the device, looking for a way to override its programming and grant her access to the sparks. She took care to not let her servoes touch it too much, in case she set off some emergancy protocol she was unaware of.-Inferna
  5. IC: PainkillerThe back-up Prime didn't get a reply, as Painkiller still wasn't a full-on member of Alpha Squad (and her interest in it was waning with every passing breem that Alphonus was leading it) and thus didn't feel she needed to follow his orders, as she was the Chief Medical Officer and more or less equally ranked with him anyway. That, and she was still operating under the fact she thought the lot of them were medically ignorant.----When she did return to the medbay, she placed the scout onto her table and took a few moments to clamp down his pede and hand joints. While rare, it was known that at least ten percent of patients that needed their Sparkchambers opened reacted to them by their shell moving.Carefully, she lightly ran a tool over his chamber to weaken the magnetic bond the two parts of the seam had, then began to pull them apart: first through tools, and then with the tips of her servoes. Soon, the two Sparks inside lay exposed.OOC: Anything changed, Nebula?-Inferna
  6. You're back! Huzzah! =D -Inferna
  7. IC: PainkillerShe looked, if possible, even more annoyed at Grindcore's question. "... I did say he's not coming around until I give him the virus' antidote. If all I'm doing here is listening to you lot repeat questions I already answered, I'm leaving."There was a certain amount of Grumpy Medic TM in her air and step as she scooped up Crosswise/Crossbone and left the mess hall at a pace that was not unwarrented, given the problem on her servoes and the fact her comrades were -- at this point -- certified ignormouses.OOC: Nice job. -Inferna
  8. OOC: Figured it was one of those.Nebula, what would you be able to work with in regards of Crossbone's Spark being transferred? Protoform or nothing, or using a drone or shell?IC: Painkiller"I understand that," she snapped, clearly irritated. "But do you have any idea how hard it is to scavange a complete Vehicon frame after a battle? I'll give you a hint: it's nearly impossible."-Inferna
  9. OOC: Can't spot it. And lol at the Shatterquake suggestion, though she's still not sure if he actually did it or not. He was rather vague about it, after all. IC: Painkiller"Oh, I'll just get one of the three hundred diagnostic drones we have out of storage," she replied sarcastically. "... no. Even if we could spare a drone -- which are rare these days, thanks to the War -- I would rather not place Crossbone's Spark into a machine that is in charge of keeping up with repairs. And we don't have the means to place him in Spark stasis, though I would do it if I could."She eyed the still-full mess hall. "Sure you want me to split their Sparks here, Grindcore?"-Inferna
  10. IC: PainkillerWithout hesitation, the CMO pulled out her injector of virus and introduced them to the scout's system. "And he'll stay down longer now, at least until I administer the cure for that."Looking at Alphonus, she sighed internally at his lack of knowledge about her practices, then elaborated for him. "The Spark splitting is easy; the problem is removing one of them. As we don't have any blank protoforms from the Well, I'd have to make one from scratch, and that takes a while. And I'd have to keep seperating the Sparks while it's being contructed -- if one isn't removed, they will continue to fuse together and switch control over Crosswise's shell. "To put it bluntly, it's not as simple as splitting them."-Inferna
  11. IC: PainkillerOver the comm, his reply was an audible screech of tires as she was forced to do a vehicular about-face, then the sound of the engine gunning again. Overall, it took her less than two kliks to make it from her former position (two-thirds of the way to the briefing room) to the mess hall, as they were fairly close anyway.All the same, when transformed outside and came inside, she wasn't pleased about the sheer number of times the plan was changing. The CMO looked at all assembled and sighed, then walked briskly towards Grindcore and the collapsed Crosswise/Crossbone. "How long's he been down?"-Inferna
  12. IC: PainkillerThe CMO mentally calculated how saying she would prefer they did the operation in the medbay would go over, then decided that she would be better off just following orders. At least the operation didn't need many tools."On my way," she replied, placing her more obvious equipment in her subspace backpack. The injector went in there too after carefully capping the business end of it, and then she transformed and raced towards the briefing room.-Inferna
  13. OOC: That works too.IC: PainkillerThe CMO shuttered her optics in surprise as Grindcore's private comm. opened up. She always had one with him and the other chief officers, in case she was needed elsewhere. After getting the message, she shuttered them again and sighed before replying. "Everything's ready. I'm guessing that the other Spark took control of the Private's functions?" she inquired, getting the virus injection prepped.-Inferna
  14. OOC: He linked it in his post, Boss. Here it is again.Any way for Painkiller to insert herself in the mess-hall standoff?-Inferna
  15. IC: Burning Sky"I thought he looked familiar," she mused outloud, looking at Deltus' hologram thoughtfully. "Yes, I did engage his mentor, back when the War was on Cybertron. One of the more challenging fights I've had. Pity he's deactivated."IC: Firestorm"I'll see you later, then," she replied, before flicking off the comm for now and simply enjoying the hot oil that surrounded her.IC: PainkillerHer message waited in Crosswise's, every once in a while sending out a ping to try and get his attention to the fact he was keeping the CMO waiting. As Shatterquake could attest, that was a delicate position to be in, since it usually involved wrenches flying at high velocity toward one's helm.-Inferna
  16. IC: Firestorm She paused just before entering the baths to take the call, annoyed that it had come just as she was about to submerge herself but willing to humor him."My shift's free for two joors, assuming Alpha Squad's not called out during that time."With that, she sunk right into the oil, sighing in relief as she felt it sinking in to her joints and washing the filth away.-Inferna
  17. IC: Firestorm"Thank you, sir," she replied, transforming and taking off after them. She hung off to the left soon after leaving, though, heading for the section of New Iacon that held the washracks -- and the hot oil baths. As she headed inside, she shut off her comms, only allowing the most important messages in.-Inferna
  18. IC: FirestormIt was at this point that Firestorm decided that her job here was done. She'd gone into the restricted labs, she'd greeted Star Saber, and now they were all talking together and pretty much forgetting that she had been down here first.All the same, she sent a private comm to Grindcore. "Permission to leave, sir?"-Inferna
  19. IC: FirestormThe soldier nodded and stepped back, ending her salute and letting her commander and Star Saber change talk. Once he dismissed her, she'd head off for her much-needed hot oil bath.OOC: You may want to edit, Kray. -Inferna
  20. IC: FirestormShe shifted her gaze, glad that she now didn't have to look down at someone she equated with a legend. Before she could reply, though, Grindcore rushed in, and she turned to salute him. -Inferna
  21. OOC: Got it right anyway. xDIC: FirestormHer optics shuttered in surprise, as she had half-expected someone much taller. All the same, the name rang a bell in her head, and she inclined her helm. "It's an honor, sir."-Inferna
  22. OOC: Allowance?IC: FirestormThe soldier froze in her tracks, not daring to move. She knew the sound of a gun when she heard it -- and unfortunately, her guns were still out of ammo. The 'allowance' part flew straight through her processer without registering, but her name and rank she could provide."My name is Firestorm," she started. "Private in the Autobot army."-Inferna
  23. IC: Firestorm"Who is this Bot? He must be important, to have gotten your attention, sir."-Inferna
  24. IC: Firestorm"What's special about this chamber, if I might ask?" she asked as she walked around through the lab, helm turning to examine the numbers.IC: PainkillerAfter seeing Alphonus off, the femme cleared up, and once again took out of the virus tube that she had prepared for Crosswise's Spark-splitting surgery. Opening her private channel with him, she sent an indicator to him, requesting he come to the medbay when he could.-Inferna
  25. IC: Firestorm"Thanks," she replied, as she headed towards the door.IC: Painkiller"The circuitry I can fix, but the armory would be better off to get replacement on the faceplate and back armor," she replied, as she started to rewire his back.-Inferna
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