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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. IC: Firestorm"My name is Firestorm," she replied. "Grindcore sent me."-Inferna
  2. IC: Painkiller"Alright then, but if that changes you know where to find me and the others." Turning her attention to Alphonus, she checked his hand socket, and started clearing the cavity of any debris and holdovers from his former hand before she began wiring in the new one. Once she finished, the data that lay in his Spark would reformat the appendage to match the old one.-Inferna
  3. IC: Firestorm"Understood, sir." Still a little annoyed about the fact she looked like she'd just walked out of a swamp, but taking Grindcore's word that the guards would allow her to do ... whatever it was she needed to check up on ... she transformed and headed to the command towers.IC: Painkiller"Just in time," came the reply, as the CMO herself arrived, carrying a new hand for Alphonus. "Took me a while to dig up a spare hand, but it'll work. Need anything, Wideload?"-Inferna
  4. Agree whole-heartedly. I love their studio stuff. ^^ -Inferna
  5. IC: Firestorm"Not counting when I was helping build them? No, never. Why do you ask, sir?"-Inferna
  6. IC: FirestormShe grumbled a bit mentally -- couldn't it wait until she'd submersed herself in some nice hot oil and she actually looked like herself again? -- but she duitfully opened the comm. "Yes sir. What needs checking?"-Inferna
  7. IC: FirestormShe was glad when Alphonus moved on from the subject of the private comms to his lecture, though she wasn't pleased by the subject: the shifter wasn't high on her list to see again. Especially since she had been tag-teaming with that mech that refused to fall.Nevertheless, she paid close attention to the description, though he wished he would've just come out and said who 'Shade' hated more than the Autobots. As the transport landed, she took a few moments to leave, as much as she wanted to go get the muck off her armor and out of her gears, making sure to hear every last detail about the Shifter before she left.IC: Painkiller The medic sighed in relief as the transport opened up, and she quickly disembarked. Sending private comms to both Alphonus and Crosswise, reminding them she needed to see them in the medbay as soon as possible, she transformed and sped off to her domain.-Inferna
  8. OOC: Either way, I doubt Firestorm and Crosswise will be able to take Magmatron seriously now that that mental image's been implanted. Goodbye dignity. IC: Painkiller "Don't question the Private; he pays more attention than you think," Painkiller said dryly, as New Iacon appeared on the horizon. "Continue."OOC: Off for the night, gents. -Inferna
  9. OOC: Is Magmatron a Headmaster? The universe may never know. IC: FirestormThe soldier, surprisingly, didn't turn red at Alphonus' remark. "We are paying attention. We were simply making comments about the possible function of Magmatron's helm-wings," she unabashedly replied, twitching her doorwings to accent the comment.At the same time, she carried on the private conversation. "That would be good." Inwardly, she was wondering what the word 'flirt' meant. OOC: -Inferna
  10. IC: Burning SkyThe femme scowled at the mention. Her attention to ground troops mostly extended to who had rocket launchers and how much damage a rocket of her own would do to a tight squadron, but she memorized the Prime's appearance, who she vaguely remembered from the forest episode. "Slaggin' glitch," she hissed, in the quietest tones her vocalizer was able.IC: Firestorm"I'm pretty sure he does. Maybe his head detatchs and flies around?" she suggested. Her manner was deadpan, so it probably took a moment to realize she'd made a joke.OOC: -Inferna
  11. IC: Painkiller She quickly looked at Grindcore and frowned: how'd she miss those obvious injuries when she'd been examining him earlier? There'd been a lot of 'Bots around, but ...Making a note to check her optics' calibration levels just to be on the safe side, she turned her Repair Ray on the damage and started fixing it.-Inferna
  12. OOC: Hahaha, I ninja'd the lot of you. >=DIC: Firestorm and PainkillerFor the most part, the medic tuned Alphonus out as the base came into view, only filtering in what was important. On the contrary, Firestorm was listening intently. The part of her that enjoyed reading history logs and the tactical-soldier part of her was paying very close attention to what was going on.-Inferna
  13. OOC: You didn't miss a lot. Just some discussions between the Autobots about weapons and people being healed. The Autobot crew's heading back to lick their wounds; the retreating Decepticons are at the taken mine.IC: Painkiller"Not a problem," she replied, somewhat absently as she mentally went over the basic workings of a splitting procedure.-Inferna
  14. IC: Burning SkyOnce again Hunter-Seeker's arrogance ground on the 3IC's nerves, but for the sake of not triggering another fight -- or worse, show he'd gotten a rise out of her -- she forced herself to not react to his first statement. She was more likely to drop missiles on Grindcore than fight him one-on-one, but again she chose not to mention it.-Inferna
  15. IC: Painkiller"So long as it doesn't interfere with my duties too badly, very well," the medic replied to the Prime as she stood by the one remaining transport, one being destroyed and the other sent back by the scout, watching those using it board. "Speaking of which, Crosswise, I'll need to see you in the medbay soon after we return. I need to preform that Spark-splitting that was put on hold."As she spoke, she sent orders to the usual clean-up crew, informing them to preserve as many Decepticon shells and have them put in storage for her. The sooner she could start on that protoform, the better.-Inferna
  16. OOC: Considering that Painkiller's going to have her hands full with Crosswise and the injured for a while, anyone who has the nerve to ask her to do more work than she already has will be wrenched. No exceptions. IC: FirestormThe soldier had finished patching her wounds by now, though they would probably need better work once they got back to base. As Painkiller started walking at the head of her Autotroopers, she stood up, put away what she had, and then offered her hand to Crosswise.IC: Burning Sky & ShatterglassThe Seeker Commander looked at the loudspeaker closest to her dryly, wondering if she should bolster the Communications Officer's vanity or not. In the end she wasn't interested enough to care, and went anyway. She passed Shatterglass on the way in, who had just been relieved from his position by a Vehicon and figured he might as well listen.OOC: TNG, it's gonna take a lot longer than that to get back to New Iacon. I'm not a big fan of cheese-wizzing (as it's known by some RPGers), but I'll see how the others feel about it.-Inferna
  17. OOC: Praised be for the wiki.IC: Painkiller"You have a point there." She looked over towards the roads leading to New Iacon, then towards her own entourage. "We should probably head back now. Everyone's patches should hold until we get back to base."-Inferna
  18. OOC: They're short on protoforms, as she's mentioned before. That's why she needs to make one from scratch to fix Crosswise's double-Spark problem. Since Sparks contain the blueprints for a Cybertronian's body (or so the wiki says), the hand would probably change anyway.IC: Painkiller"Business of war, sadly." She took a moment to consider and notice something. "... you're not sounding too surprised about the fact we're short a mine."OOC: Since neither of them mentioned anything about what she said, or didn't care about the fact they lost a mine to the Decepticons. -Inferna
  19. OOC: You might not have much of a choice. Intact or repairable hands are probably some of the hardest things to find on a battlefield or in storage nowadays. :PAlso, until Zyke or another staff member decides to knock me off my ego trip, Painkiller is the CMO of the Autobots.IC: Painkiller"The bodies will be picked of anything we can salvage in the way of parts," Painkiller replied as she stood. She had finished the repairs of the worst injuries, and the other two medics on the battlefield were beginning to move towards the exit, their entourages in tow. "The mine will be repaired and the war will go on ... minus one mine for us, anyway."OOC: She's referring to the mine Crosswise scouted, btw.-Inferna
  20. OOC: Let's say he did to save time. Painkiller's fixed the worst of Alphonus's damage, though he'll need to get back to New Iacon to get a new hand and the rest of him patched up.BTW, I guess that medics have spare appendages lying around, either from supplies salvaged from the War or what they've scrounged from the battlefields after the fact.-Inferna
  21. OOC: Not all the Cons are sharp-tongued ruffians. IC: Burning Sky "And you do well at it," she replied as she finished stretching her legs. "What's the status around here? How many have been lost?"-Inferna
  22. IC: Burning SkyA soft woosh of cycled air rushed from her systems as the damage began to reverse itself, she leaning against a large rock to keep herself stablized as Flatline did his work. Her joints would definately need a good oiling after she returned to New Kaon, but she could work with that."Thank you," she said softly after the work was completed, pushing away from the rock to stand upright.-Inferna
  23. OOC: Sounds good to me.IC: Burning SkyThe Seeker Commander had landed and then nearly fallen over after transforming. Apparently her wounds had crippled her worse than she had hoped, damaging the joints that attatched her legs to her pelvis. Scowling heavily, she limped towards a medic, determined to not fall over and crawl. Transforming back and flying the relatively short distance sounded like a waste of fuel.-Inferna
  24. OOC: En route to the mine that Hunter-Seeker took. That or New Kaon, but I think was decided that the retreating forces are at the taken mine.IC: PainkillerThe Autotroopers that had been repaired and were hanging around the medic quickly heard Tsunami's groans and moved to help him, carrying the Autobot before the medic herself. She took one look at his injuries and handed her Repair Ray to a trooper for another set of charges as she started fixing what she could with her hands.OOC: Hmm. Considering that she's the only named Autobot medic right now, I'm thinking Painkiller could be the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the faction.-Inferna
  25. I would usually say wait until you have an eight-legged horse, but ... Yes. Sleipnir time. -Inferna
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