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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Replies posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. Happy be-lated birthday! =D *internet hug*

  2. If anybody has enough time on their hands to pore through my latest story and find all the media references, I shall give you a cookie!

    1. Inferna Firesword

      Inferna Firesword

      Kagha, I haven't read Of Mice and Men yet. Why should I recognize its influence on the beginning? =P [/free hint]

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Metroid Prime IS secretly the best game ever. lol

  4. The Evolution of Kagha: Matoran -> Toa -> Seneca -> Comatose -> Toa -> Intangible Ghost -> Psionic presence encapsulated within a USB stick

  5. Daybreak is off the ground again. This time I'll do my best to prevent any repeated crashing and burning. :)

  6. Inferna! Are you alive? Because I'm alive! After being comatose for a bajillion years!

  7. I'm curious: Rule 117 and all it's sub-rules in your profile. What sort of research was used? Does it make Dcepticons aggressive or Autobots? Both? What about Primes? And does the speaker or performer of said illicit songs/phrases change anything? :P

  8. Happy B'day Arpy :) Have a grand day!

  9. Status: Trying to make heads or tails of this new-fangled posting-thing.

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