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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. It would be a paradox if the more PMs and IMs you were sent caused you to be sent less PMs and IMs.


    So that's what's been going on.

    *didn't get SPIRIT's paradox all the way*


    Y'know, if you want me to shut up, you can just say so. :glare:



    Considering the fact I was addressing Xomeron and Alex with this, I wasn't asking you to shut up. :P

  2. My goodness! Hawaii? That sounds like fun!


    Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho!

    Yep. That's my general way of seeing it all. :P


    Hawaii? You lucky Ferna.



    You'd either have to pay for your own tickets or stow away, and I can't see the lot of you fitting in my bags. :P


    -Inferna, Guardian Mistress

  3. *gives soup, and a blanket*


    Dont freeze, Inferna!

    I'll try not to. :P


    Just use your firesword to keep you warm.



    I would, but my school has this little issue about letting the students carry sharp objects that tend to go ablaze. :P


    It's 23 degrees here. And seven inches of snow. School's shut down.

    Snow in California? Just when I thought I'd seen everything . . .

  4. I had to wax my arms and a lot of my face (I think I'm related to a wookie >>), it HURTS.


    You are forgiven for being busy. But I expect a story sometime from you.

    Ouch. Hence the reason I never wax anything other than my brows. >.<


    No worries on the story thing. I'll have three, maybe four SSs posted by New Year's Eve, and LST will wrap by then too. :P

  5. Freaky, because I'm writing a story with a Female Toa of the Mind in it. But I named the Element "Mentality" Psionics is cooler, I guess.

    That's the official name, according to Biosector.


    From whom did you learn this??

    Poking around the GD forum. Amazing stuff there. :P


    BS01 agrees, albeit without specifying gender. Also, Yay, sequel.

    All Matoran, Toa, and Turaga of Psionics are female.




    Anyway, I love the new power. Seems way overpowered, though. I mean, a Toa of Psionics can read minds, control minds, and they have telekinesis. Among other things. Cool, regardless. I wonder what color they are.



    Gotcha there, Xom. :P


    Personally, I think that their color is something like a light blue, with ice white and black. Just me, though. :P


    Orly now, Ferny?


    Sounds epic.

    Ya rly. :P

  6. Washingtonians. :P



    Go ahead and laugh, but I have to change my socks twice a day now. <.<


    Ohh nooooo!


    Get the umbrella.

    That's what I've been doing. :P


    Same here. Record rainfall and flooding. Parks turned into lakes, and roads into rivers.

    Welcome to the party, dude. :P

  7. Make multiple copies of that and I'll buy one from you.


    Name your price.





    If you're willing to pay $25 for it, I think I will. :P


    And I was planning to make the three virtues, plus some other stuff, for BFair next year... the odd part is, that I was going to connect a chain/string to it to make it look like a wearable object. XP



    Freakin' YES.



    I agree.


    Epic. Get some photos of it done :D

    That's my intention.

  8. There's a problem with that which I'll explain more fully over IM whenever we next get the chance, or if you get wind of it otherwise.


    I may, in truth, be leaving for a few days (and, if I like it, permanently). It depends how it goes after a trial run.

    I'm afraid I have to agree with EW here: you don't have my permission to leave, either. :P


    @EW: If only it were that simple. Sadly, my mom has higher authority over me.

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