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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. :annoyed:



    I, personally, like it a lot. Makes for good tennis playing. ^_^

    I know, right? :P


    It's been like that here in Oregon too.



    Been wearing shorts for days.


    Mom still complains about the cold, though.


    Dang Mexicans; not everywhere can be the Sinaloan coast.



    My brain still hasn't caught up with the temp change; I've still been wearing my jeans and white jacket. :P


    Well over here it's like winter all year round. :P

    No change, then? :mellow:

  2. I'm not specal like you guys.



    I wish I was.

    Careful what you wish for: when you're special, everyone expects you to be special. You can't relax, you can't be normal. Sometimes, though, normality is needed to stay sane. Every now and then, you just need to get out to the middle of nowhere, get lost, and just breath.


    Sadly, when you're constantly expected to get A+s and to do the extra work and be a good little teacher's pet, you hardly get a chance to do that.

    Tell me about it. You've just summed up how I usually feel. ._.

  3. You know, I've actually wanted to ask about this, but I was too chicken to ask. :P


    After I finish counting up my allowance (give me a few weeks and I'll probably be able to pay up for the entire thing), I'll see if I want to blow my potential Cryoshell-album/microphone money on it.


    Just add me to the list; if I decide no, I'll surrender my spot. Okay screw it. I'm blowing my money. I'll send what I'm thinking to by PM tomorrow. :P



    You were afraid to ask?! I was afraid to post this because I thought I wouldn't get any offers. Lol, silly Inferna.


    Well I do have some cheap stuff, so don't blow all your money on me if you want other things (Cyroshell yay).

    Well, I didn't want to bug you or anything. :P


    And well, my original idea had a backround, but I cut it out so I wouldn't be completely broke. I'll send my idea by PM later (I'm having issues posting a story right now, so I can't talk at the moment), and we can dicuss there. :)


    -Inferna, Guardian Mistress

  4. You know, I've actually wanted to ask about this, but I was too chicken to ask. :P


    After I finish counting up my allowance (give me a few weeks and I'll probably be able to pay up for the entire thing), I'll see if I want to blow my potential Cryoshell-album/microphone money on it.


    Just add me to the list; if I decide no, I'll surrender my spot. Okay screw it. I'm blowing my money. I'll send what I'm thinking to by PM tomorrow. :P



  5. But Nuju, girls are icky!


    Anyway, you cuddled with her, so it's too late to back out. You're infected with cooties either way. :shrugs:


    As for the serious part of my post: what SPIRIT said.



    On subject: Hopefully, whatever it was you did, it went over okay and the air's clear. Reason I don't date is that I've got enough drama in my life already. :P



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