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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. :OMG:






    I am speechless. This is too cool!

    I aim to please with these things. :D


    Oh my god! Brings back Memories of Flintsmith's purple Kaukau and metal masks. I NEED to know how to do that. And if you made a solid bronze set, how would you attach the joints? And any pins might not be the right size.

    I'm making the Kirop set, which incidentally doesn't have pins. :P


    Sweet monkeys on a pancake thats awesome.


    And a whole set like that? Inferna you have won epicness.



    You have just given me the insperation to finally go ahead with my plan to make a pop-can metal Matoran.

    Pop-cans? Pft. I could take my Vhisola set and cast it in silver if I wanted to. :P

  2. Free, you say? Pfft. You have the SATs in the future, my young pyrokinetic friend.

    But until then, I can just forget about it. :P


    Free!? You can never be free. [/sarumanmoviequote] :P

    *insert me jumping off Orthanc's roof and flying away on a giant eagle*


    Says you. :P


    No freedom yet. SAT, Finals, College, job. Got to wait till Death. But don't hurry that, we like you.

    *silences with duct tape*


    We do like you.


    You dont know the POWER of freedom until you lay in a bed all day, reading a good book with Sinatra music playing.

    Actually, I'd replace Sinatra with Linkin Park and having a free laptop sitting beside me on the bed. Then you've got my idea of freedom. :P Or laziness. =P

  3. Join Villainous instead. It's like Outbreak, only BIONICLE. It even has a majorly convoluted storyline. :P

    Yeah, I tried to read that first post of yours. I got lost about five paragraphs in. :P


    Well, I'm in something like 7 RPGs, but I'm being very inactive due to an influx of homework and soccer matches that leave me too exhausted to RP decently. So, don't think you're the only one. :P


    And yeah, join Villainous. I've got a psychotic, murder-driven Makuta who just really wants to join up with you. :D

    Ah, good. Someone who has the same stressful days I do. :P


    And see my above comment about joining Villainous. :P

  4. Dude, Time Trap is easily top ten Bio Books ever, if not THE best.


    55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

    I agree, which makes my frustration that I don't have it even stronger.


    Hmm. If I ever see you unsupervised with money, I'll have to call my KGB friends. That was cheap stuff. Imagine is she had a lot of money...

    And I only had $15. Maybe if I had $25, I would've been able to get that thing of fake blood and the wings I need for my costume . . . :P


    Dude, Time Trap is easily top ten Bio Books ever, if not THE best.


    55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

    True. It's probably #1 or #2, for me.





    Ferna, you with money and not watching..equals lots of stuff.


    Sounds fun.



    Actually, I have a copy of Time Trap that we got a looooooooong time ago. :P


    New glasses are good, although I still say that you should get contacts. They are the best things ever. :P

    Yeah, well, I have a hard time getting past the blink reaction. That, and I'd rather not have them in during Chem class. :P


    Leave me in Radio Shack with money and we won't be seeing much more of nearly half the store.


  5. Why are all to cool teachers up in Washington?

    Because we're awesome. Besides, the area is literally "cooler" than California. :P (Hey, that joke was bound to come up someday. :P)


    But last I checked, hypocritical sociopaths made bad heroes. o_O

    Which one? I can think of quite a few people that fit the "hypocritical sociopath" label. :P





    Well, I hope you enjoy it Inferna. Have fun, and dont drag Akaku along :P

    He can't travel across the country, so I can't haul him there. :P


    Heya. She's just dragging me along instead. :P


    BRICK-CON IN TWO DAYS! *fanguy scream*


    You did not just hear that. :P

    Actually yes, yes we did. :P

  7. Nooo! The poor thing! D= *Hugs it.*


    What kind of MP3 player is it?




    Pink Sansa 2GB Clip.


    Be sure to give it a proper burial. :(


    -=< :s: >=-

    Only if the techie docs say there's no hope.


    Yours too? =C


    Well, to be correct, my iPod is just gradually dieing, so glitches aren't the problem, but yeah.



    Lucky you. At least you don't have to deal with the screen screwing up. <.<


    I took an old style Zune, formed a mold out of it, took popcans, melted them with the help of my science teacher, then spraypainted it for coolness. Then I put it on the Zune.


    I assure you, your MP3 player will last for your grandchildren to use.

    Doubtful at this point. You haven't seen how fast I go through headphones, do you? :P


    My ipod shuffle has been through the washing machine. Don't ask me how.



    But I am asking you. :P


    Thus is why I like CD players.


    Anyway, Inferna..it's gonna be ok. You can get a new one if needed.

    But you can only play one CD at a time. :P


    I reeeeally hope I don't. These things are expensive, and I'm trying to save up my money for BrickCon.

  8. " If you dont do it, Akaku wins the cookie jar"


    That should be enough :P

    If you don't do it, I will personally see to it that you can not hear music again.


    (I felt very evil.)



    If you don't do it, I shall show the world the time when you made that one typo on AIM, where when you said "I <3 LP", you went, "I <3 Alex." :P


    What is that, you say? That never happened? Technicalities, my little dragon friend. I am a master at forging AIM conversations.



    If you don't get working, I'll find a virus online that identifies all MP3 files in your computer, copies them, and then deletes them, with the copies sent to the DRM people, saying they were pirated.

    :fear: Duly noted.

  9. Eat all the fruit when she gets it.


    Or buy a frog?


    How else do you get rid of em?

    We tried a Venus Flytrap once. Didn't work very well. :annoyed2:


    Dunno about fruit flies, but with ants you're supposed to leave it out even after they're all gone. I suggest you leave a trap out more or less continuously for a month or so, and you should see a downturn in the flies.


    Plus, then it will be colder anyway.


    But regardless, just leave out your trap 24/7 and that should be significantly better.


    55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

    That's what we've been doing. <.<


    I hate fruit flies. ughhh. I haven't discovered a way to get rid of them, they must breed fast or something. :P

    Tell me about it.


    Mrs.Dokuma speaks the truth. Thankfully, we just have normal flies :P

    Lucky you. Sadly, we have fruit flies, house flies, and spiders of various sizes lurking around the house. :P


    Try the shotgun! :ohmy:

    I rarely find fruit flies at home, but they use to live in pot plants.

    That's also where they lay their eggs, so look there.

    Mom doesn't like the shotgun idea, but I'll keep the potted plant thing in mind. :P


    I fail to realize this fruit fly problem. Although with ants....I just use the trick of-

    Wet Napkin=genocide.

    *doesn't see how that works*


    Might be useful, here's a little tip. You can catch more fruit flies with Vinegar than Honey. Serious.

    *goes to get a jar and fill it with apple vinegar*

  10. O hay, same way for most of my female characters, though not as much anymore.


    Like Vizya [From Danny Phantom], Ripskull [From TFD], Reavri [Reality, FoTT, offsite RPGs], Vex [RoTT, Oblivion], Anavrin [RoTT, offsite RPGs, Reality], that character I used in the God of War RPG, Spartan III Julie from the first Halo RPG, Spartan III Julie from a second Halo RPG [lol, huge drama here], and plenty more that I can't remember. *doesn't remember the characters they were all affiliated with*


    But RPGs need love. Though, not always the romantic-y kind, cuz every game needs that cute little character who is so naive and so nice to everybody.

    Yeah, I guess. I guess I'm a bit miffed/flattered that everyone guns for my characters. :P


    So scary. :fear:



    Tell me about it. :P


    At least my character just wanted to kill you. :P



    That was a refreshing change from the norm. :P


    Eh, I suppose you're a magnet. :P


    -Nuju Metru



    A magnet indeed, :P



    Thats slightly disturbing though.

    *nods head in agreement*


    I'm hurt you didn't mention your fake fling with a Staff Member. :unsure:



    Actually, I did mention it. In the "anyone-else-I-might-have-forgotten" catagory. :P

  11. O hai thar :P


    How was school?

    Alright, I guess. Chemistry's harder than I thought, though. (My teacher made thermite on the first day back, though, so that's a plus. :P)


    Blagh, you reminded me I gotta figure out how to save for a laptop myself before college next year.

    Glad to be of service. :P


    Pfft. I'm already through the sixth. :P


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