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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. *slaps HN quite a few times before running off*

  2. *high-fives* *happy-dances*

  3. THANK you for what you said in GTaBT (me burning the tree). I should buy you flowers or something. =P

  4. Chapter 1 is coming, I promise; I just need to slog through some school projects first.

  5. And . . . that's when my psychic powers (yes, on top of everything else, I am indeed psychic) come into play. *uses powers to call team to bail me out here* *starts using powers to toy with your mind* NOW who's the scientist?

  6. About what? I haven't got a PM from you since you told me you needed my shipping info.

    (Have you sent that mask, BTW?)

  7. I don't suppose you can finish up LST soon and get onto Wings? =P

  8. BTW, you might lol at my new Rule 86. =P

  9. I'm actually not sure if I could post it on BZP, since it'd probably dock some proto from my bar. If I post it -somewhere-, I'll let you know. =D

  10. Well, it was a good name; the fact it annoys you is just icing on the cake. =P

  11. Wasn't me that said that. AND I DIDN'T MEAN TO COPY, I SWEAR. I actually didn't realize it until I had finished and submitted her profile, and by then it was too late. >

  12. I got my contest entry up~.

  13. I designed the city of Shi-Nui to be like Teirm from Eragon. :)

  14. It came from "Inheritance." I liked the name the Urgals gave Eragon, and incorperated it into my name. Besides, it goes well with "Inferna." =D

  15. *places bet that the number of times you'll delete your rules is 12* =P

  16. ...


    YOU WILL PAY!!!!

    *flys on her Garchomp's back and overtakes you* *throws Pokeball and catches you* I caught a Hewkiinuva! Oh wait, that's not a Pokemon. Oh well! *giggles insanely*

  17. RPG romaces: Midnighters, Kingdom Gaeabotania, Bloodstorm, The Last Revolution, BZProvince, Outbreak III, and now the Seneca AIM RP. [/likes the last one best]

  18. Good boy. You live in California?!? I've been there twice, but I totally envy you.

  19. *Nemesis creates plasma beneath your feet* *slams a tower of fire towards you*

  20. I'm not gonna be able to update Heroes And Halflings for a while. I've got a pagent, then I'm back in school. Grr...

  21. I can't guess. TELL ME!

  22. Actually no, the Cavern of Souls was not from that. I just cooked it up because it was the best way to describe a future place in the epic.

  23. Happy New Year's, Kagha! (Though knowing you, you probably won't see this for a while =P)

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