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Everything posted by Iver

  1. How did Rebdob throw Vohon more than 20 feet in the air? He's like, half Vohon's size. On a side note, maybe you should try some blurring effects to simulate movement, because it looked like Vohon was floating for a second. Also, I feel that the mid-air conversation was a trifle long. On the other hand, the melting effect was awesome.
  2. Ah, it's like the ceiling gag. I like these. I look forward to more of them.
  3. Number 4. Because everyone knows that the only way to tell an ancient story is through song!
  4. It doesn't really matter if it's an injoke or not, the effect is the same.
  5. What will it be like? I mean, if it's just in the HF Universe, where all living things are mechanical, will it be real sets with CGI actors? I hope it doesn't have humans. If it's awful, I hope LEGO will be prepared to remove it from canon. And Farshtey better be involved in this. Also, didn't Universal produce TLR?
  6. Actually, that fight was planned years in advance.(See: Faber Files)
  7. I wonder why the LTSL sprites weren't in this one. I mean, theoretically, you do have the sprites for them.
  8. Well, it's only to be expected with an edgy show like "Firefly" that is full of themes that the LEGO Group likes to avoid. Like the show's overhanging "war" theme. Not to mention it's cult status, which would most likely prevent the set(s) from being profitable.
  9. It looks like Akino is turning into the next Makito. Before you know it, he'll be everywhere. Well, your avatar is already everywhere, so I guess that counts.
  10. I'm confused. Was this a self-parody, poking fun at those who criticize Bionicle? Or was it genuine criticism of the Bionicle franchise? The feeling kind of flip-flops throughout the comedy, leaving me confused on your position. And who was the strawman? In other words, who was the character being set up to be made fun of? Was it Vakama, who may represent an unpleasable and irrational fan? Or was it Mata Nui, who may represent a fanboy, who easily accepts everything and shouldn't be listened to. To make a long story short: What was the point you were trying to get at?
  11. The comic is amazing. As they always are for you, the graphics are good, the characters, premise, and story is good, and the detail is good. But let's take a closer look. The use of times, places, background noise, and realistic locales really immerse you into the comic, and neither the colors of the backgrounds or the characters seem out of place, as usually happens in these kinds of works. The outer and inner monolouges let you get a good grasp of the premise and what the character is thinking. The zig-zagging of the panels and text is really fresh and interesting, and really makes you feel the passage of time. The characters are like normal people, and their interactions, no matter how irrelevant to the story, really bonds you to their world. The PA in the first comic made me feel like I was in a subway station, and the references to Bionicle medicine blew my mind with the work you put into it. The twists and reveals in the plot embroiled me in the comic, and I can't wait for the next installment.You have won the award: "J2's Paragraph"!(J2 is my nickname now.)
  12. Whenever you fall from a building, Concrete Man will be there to catch you.
  13. On the Psychology of Robots The computers that our characters have for brains still work like them. That is, at its core, they still follow a simple trainof thought(ie. yes/no/if, on/off). However, while they still recieve commands and have a specific function, like a normal machine, they also have a personality and choice. These can lead to mistakes. When humans make mistakes, we call it sin. When a sentient computer makes mistakes, it considers it simply bad. Like humans, our "living" robots can continue making bad choices and mistakes, and, with their own mind and free will, they may even begin to like the break from their regimen of do-gooderness. Now, normally, a computer will only make a mistake when the user does or when there is a broken or missing link in its code. But since the HFU(Hero Factory Universe)'s computers have no users, and free will, they can actively make mistakes. Now, going "bad" is the computer equivalent of insanity, and when people go crazy, they can perform things that others would call "evil". A "good" robot will perform the "good" function directed by its thought processes, which feed its mode of thought. When a robot goes "bad", it will get "bad" thought processes, which will give it a "bad" function, and will perform that function to feed its mode of thought, much like a drug. Take for example, our "villain"(we'll call him "Bad Dude"). He worked as a construction and deconstruction robot. Now, Bad Dude's favorite part of the job was demolition. His "good" thought processes would rationalize this as being glad that the old, decrepit building was gone so a new building could be built in its place. But nope, Dude had been watching those explosions a little too long, and a little too intently. He decided that demolition was all he wanted to do, but the company that he worked at wouldn't allow him to do that. So, he stole some explosives, went to the nearest building, and KABOOM! His thought was altered by the awe and beuty of the explosion, and his life of crime began.
  14. This mystery was excellent. It kept me on the edge of my seat until its thrilling and satisfying conclusion.
  15. To be continued on Easter!(Feb 14)
  16. Stories are here.Questions, comments, criticism, news, discussion and reviews for the Epic all go here.
  17. Review topic is here.The Origin of Mr. MakuroThe last organic creature in the universe sat alone, next to a metal coffin and a lifeless automaton. An automaton that was almost finished. All organic life(besides immobile things, such as plants, but without living things to pollinate them, they too, would die) and civilization had mysteriously come to a halt. Even buildings and bodies had disappeared, and no one knew why. But this last creature wasn't about to let all life disappear, or its legacy. He was building a robot that would begin a new era. An era of new, robotic life. He had already built the body of this new being, now all he had to do was make the mind. The creature decided to give his creation a wise, fatherly mentality, perfect for the progenitor of a race. He also encoded the ability to learn, to understand, to judge and make decisions, to create new things, to have emotions, to have a "gender", and to name. The robot was given the knowledge of all the stars, their names, and their planet's names.It also came to grasp the organic's mode of speech and catalog of names. It learned all the sciences and schools of ideation, and the innate desire to test, push, and redefine their limits. It also learned the different forms of creatures and their names. And, most importantly, it learned how to make them. The only thing left to do was to give it a directive and a name. The first part was easy: "To create life and to repopulate the universe". The second part took some thinking. Then, the Man gave a small smile. He recalled that the people of a certain archipelago had made many advances in the field of robotics. He didn't know their language, but he knew what he thought it sounded like. The Man was partially glad that there was no one else alive to watch him. He decided to name it: Mr. Akiyama Makuro. The robot was now finished. The Man had no idea of how long it took, hours or days. It didn't matter. Time no longer mattered for the last member of an extinct group. He sealed the first member of a new group into a rocket, and shot him to the planet called "Makuhero". The man sealed himself and all of his tools and equipment into the metal coffin, which was set to explode, blowing itself and all of its contents to atoms. Akiyama Makuro is going to start new life. They don't need to think and worry about where they came from, he thought...
  18. Are the review topics in the Epics forum for questions, comments and reviews? Or are they exclusively for full-blown reviews?
  19. Well, the comedy itself is based on the Maori Controversy, where an actual hacker was wreaking havoc with our forums. But in this comedy, it is all part of the evil plot of the Bawsz, who wants to get revenge on Bzpower for banning him years ago.
  20. Actually, angels aren't human, and they weren't girls until the Victorian era.Anyways...LET'S GO DO SOMETHING!
  21. Didn't we already settle this? Remember? Greg went to sleep, Botar got mad because it went beyond the title, took over the comedy for one or two chapters, and a sub-comedy was made: A Dream In The Life of Gregf.
  22. The colored text makes it hard for me to read. Maybe if there was a translation it would be funnier... or was the last four sentences supposed to be the funny thing?... My head's still reeling...
  23. Jaller Mahri? Glad there weren't any ear-mounted exploding peanuts this time. Was this "epic music" by any chance "The Final Countdown"(THE NEW NATIONAL ANTHEM)? Not to mention that he is an ELDRITCH HORROR THAT HAS EXISTED BEFORE TIME, AND CAUSES ALL WHO SEE HIM TO GO MAD. But at least he smells nice.
  24. Hey, these are pretty good. It's refreshing(as others have said) to see a comic that has a generic intro, while being genuinely entertaining.Aahh... big vocabularies are so fun.
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