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Everything posted by SonicBOOM XS

  1. Member Name: SonicBOOM XS Theme: The Dark Hunt Word Count: 750 () Story: The Stains of Time Eliminator wiped his hands clean with the water of the Great Sea. Just outside Metru Nui, on a small fishing boat, he had killed another of his targets. The sea, even with its pure water, couldn't wash away the stains of blood on his hands. He decided to reflect on his life. He'd lived too long; anything before joining the Dark Hunters was a weak memory, possibly just fragments of a dream misconstrued as an actual event. As far as he was concerned, his life began when The Shadowed One recruited him without trial. His penchant for stealth and killing were just what made him so useful to The Shadowed One. There was a cough nearby. Eliminator didn't hear it over the roar of the sea. He was the hitman of choice for most. Even The Shadowed One hired him for his personal purposes: take out any rebels or incompetent Dark Hunters. He did so without prejudice or fear, attributes which all too often ruined an otherwise successful mission. Granted, the other Dark Hunters feared him and reviled him, and he personally knew of a group that plotted to eliminate him, but that didn't change anything. Metal scraped against the floor. A few grunts came from behind Eliminator, still drowned in the noise emanating from the storm. He'd been contracted so many times he couldn't count his missions anymore. His name popped up more often than any of his colleagues', and clients even offered to wait for availability. Of course he would be asked to work for Makuta Teridax, the leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Nobody knew what became of Miserix, but rumor had it he was executed in a volcano. The Shadowed One couldn't care less: he just wanted money. And Teridax was paying very handsomely. Footsteps, now, along with pain-ridden grunts and moans. Eliminator was too wrapped in his thoughts to hear anything. Teridax had assigned him to assassinate the Toa Mangai one by one. So far, he had killed one Toa of Water, two Toa of Ice, and was in a boat with the presumed corpse of a Toa of Air. His kills had been simple and elegant, a quick slice here, a jab there, a break here, and another dead Toa joined the ranks. So why was he so drowned in thought, why did he have doubt, why did he care? A dagger flew out of nowhere, breaking his thoughts. He caught it, only to be blown back by a strong gust of wind. Jurak stood, limping on one leg, a mini-cyclone by his side. “Don't even bother trying. You're dead. Maybe not now, but even so.” Eliminator taunted. “I know I am, but I need to know. You. I knew you before you became a Dark Hunter. We worked together, protecting Matoran, working with Toa. So answer me this. Why did you kill Kodan?” That was it. Eliminator froze in place, his inner turmoil rooting him down. It wasn't that Eliminator didn't remember anything before the recruitment, it was that he suppressed those memories. Or, rather, he had them suppressed by another figure. But suppressed memories can only be held for so long. After he killed Kodan, he'd nearly passed out of shock, something which should not have happened. Had another Dark Hunter been the clean-up guy, he'd be dead by now. He looked down at his bloodstained hands. He remembered his fights alongside Jurak, working to protect innocent Matoran with his powers over darkness. He'd fought for them. He could never kill a Toa or a Matoran. Anyone else, maybe, but them? Eliminator looked up, the rain mingling with tears in his eyes. He'd never cried before, but the sheer shock of this revelation forced them out. But he had a job regardless. And even his past could not interfere with his present. “I'm sorry, Jurak.” --------- “Congratulations, you've eliminated almost all of my targets.” Teridax said as he paced up and down his chamber. Eliminator listened obediently. He looked down at his hands. The rain last night, however intense it may have been, could not wipe away the stains of bloods. The tears last night, however emotional they may have been, could not wipe away the stains of time. “Lastly, go and kill Toa Naho. She's our last little target.” As far as Eliminator was concerned, he had no past beyond the Dark Hunters, and the only thing left to do was embark on another dark hunt.
  2. Entering both Surge into the tournament. Also, I'm open for matches if anyone wants.
  3. Anything, really. Like stepping on anything WILL hurt. And I think I cut myself on a few claws or something. And scratches. And digging for pieces took a toll on my hand -.-
  4. Member: SonicBOOM XS Theme: FISH FISH OH THE FISHES Word Count: 996 Link: Trouble with Takea
  5. Did you know Takea sharks prey closer to Matoran settlements than one might think? They actually hunt within 1 kio of a settlement, since their preferred diet generally accumulates within that area. Just some trivia, but it's something to look out for if you ever go fishing. Like I was on that fateful day, the day I made my biggest catch ever. I'm a Po-Matoran. Guys like me, we prefer carving, shaping, Kolhii, anything that takes advantage of our strength. We don't lava surf, we don't swing on vines or dig out tunnels to other Koros. We don't predict the future, we don't find ourselves in snowstorms, and we absolutely do not go fishing. Or anywhere near the sea, for that matter. The closest I've gone is buying a Makuta Fish near the shore. I spent the rest of the day overcoming sickness from just being close to water. And so, one day, I find myself closer to the sea than I would ever have agreed to, at least under normal circumstances. I'm leaning back on my chair, situated in the middle of a fishing boat, floating in the middle of the sea, and looking as calm as possible. The key word here being “looking”. Because let's face it, EVERY Po-Matoran is scared of water. It's the darkness to our light, the Makuta to our Toa. You get the point. Anyways, I've somehow managed a straight face, which I wouldn't have been able to alone. Here, I have an Onu-Matoran and a Ga-Matoran for company. Which lessens the paralyzing fear in my mind. It's mostly the Ga-Matoran. I've had my eye on her for a while. She's not a bad pick, and word's being going around about her recently. Oh, how I want her heartlight to flash when I hold her, how I want her mask to touch mine's. First come, first serve, and I just so happened to share first with this joker. He's blind, has bad taste, and obviously doesn't want to be here any more than I do. That's one thing we have in common. The second thing is an interest in her. The third thing is enmity toward each other. There is one difference though: I had a plan. The Ga-Matoran is a major fishing enthusiast, so when I and this mini-Makuta asked her if we could go fishing, of course she took us out to sea. “All the fish are gathered in this spot. We're about three quarters of a kio away from the village, so we can get back pretty quick.” She hands us three rods, each made out of some strong bamboo. We get out our lures, chose a spot, and fish. Did you know Takea shark love the smell of a Makuta fish? I feel a tug on my rod. Something fell for the lure and is currently either a Takea shark or engaging in an unwitting act of cannibalism on a poor Makuta Fish piece. I look over. There they are, the unmistakable twin rubies, the twin wells of blood. They're situated on a snout, under which is a mouth filled with teeth which would make even Makuta cry for help. Those teeth are clamped on the little bite I used as my lure. My heart starts pounding. I'm not really doing this, right? I'm not going to actually go ahead with the plan. It's insane, it's worse than what that fool Akhmou was doing with the Comet balls. Where's your sense of Unity? I mull it over. I almost lose the shark. I strengthen my resolve. I'm trying to increase my sense of Unity. That Ga-Matoran is what matters now. It's my duty to get her. It's my destiny to be with her. “Hey, guys! I think I got something!” The Onu-Matoran rushes over to my side, tipping the boat over. “What, what is it? Lemme see!” He's oblivious to the absolute paralysis of the Ga-Matoran. Did you know the only thing Takea shark love more than a Makuta fish is fresh Matoran? “Alright, time to reel it in!” I yank the rod up, draw on all of my Po-Matoran strength, and watch as the shark flies, arcs through the air. It's so beautiful, so graceful, that I forget my inner nagging doubts. What's even more beautiful is the Ga-Matoran I will soon be calling my own. The shark lands perfectly onto the boat, its mouth wide open, then shut in the next instant. The Onu-Matoran is screaming and yelling for help as he gets devoured by the beast. The Ga-Matoran is in shock, rigid as a statue. Time to put my plan into motion. I start screaming, going crazy, acting out fear. I lunge at the beast, whipping out my handy carver's knife. It's the first time I've ever used it to kill, but you won't believe how useful it is. By the time I'm done, the Takea is about ready to be cooked and served, and I somehow obtained the Onu-Matoran's mask. The Ga-Matoran's passed out, and the Onu-Matoran...well, the Takea had a good meal before it went out. I start adjusting my mask, bring out the Onu-Matoran's mask as proof that I tried to save him, and start crying. Part of it's fake, and part of it's real. I shake the Ga-Matoran awake, who gets up and looks around to analyze what happened. When she sees the Takea, she remembers...and she starts crying. I hold her in my arms, tell her it will be alright. That I tried to save him. She replies by saying she's sorry, she should've told us Takea were around in these areas. She tells me I saved her. The tears mingle with the splashes of water on her mask. And all this while, I'm just thinking about how wonderfully it went. I went fishing, and I'm returning home with a catch. The best catch I've ever made. Oh, it's a magical world, ain't it? ------------- Word Count - 996
  6. It was done in 30-ish minutes and I was half-asleep, but thanks a ton for the review. It's really helped me. Now to spend more time on my next story XD EDIT: After rereading the story, I think some of my stylistic choices kinda threw you off. I thought I implied that Velika was the one who said the world wasn't round, it was flat. And he got ridiculed. It worked in my head as a reverse Galileo. That being said, I didn't make it outright clear, and I worded it badly so I guess you ended up confused. And the rest was intentionally vague; like I said, half-asleep and 30 minutes. Not a good combo XD
  7. Well, you say sharks are out. Does that mean I can't use Takea?
  8. Usually. There aren't a ton of writers competing though.
  9. Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, good old stop-motion, and flipping BATMAN. Black > everything except maybe very very dark grey. That aside, I am worried about how audiences will react to the stop-motion and the use of Lego pieces to the extreme. I mean, the Lego laser blasts are awesome imo but will audiences think of it as cheaply made? Then again, Chicken Run and Wallace & Gromit didn't bomb at the box-office either.
  10. A few typos and grammar errors aside, the story's a good one overall. For the record, I'd have put Ga-Matoran over Ga-Koroans, but your call
  11. YAY FISH Now to think of a good idea for it...
  12. Yay Vhisola Isn't she pretty much the only stalker-girl figure in Bionicle? Need more fanfic about her
  13. Might as well see what people think of my first attempt at Bionicle-themed writing. Revenge - SonicBOOM XS
  14. There's no way around it, the 2008 Makuta would've destroyed the Nuva if: 1) They weren't specifically ordered to hold back by Teridax. 2) The Toa Ignika didn't make an appearance (and even then it would've been a stretch) 3) They weren't blinded (which didn't make much of a difference anyways) 4) Teridax didn't betray them in the end. If we discount those, the Piraka utterly annihilated the Nuva too, as well as Voya Nui entirely, and the Inika already had a tough time just trying to stand up to them. Bohrok-Kal don't come close.
  15. Thanks! I haven't posted my other works on BZP, and most of my recent writing was restricted to the aforementioned school essays as well as editing friends' essays and theses :PI'll be writing more in the future now that it's summer, so maybe I'll improve. Hopefully. XD
  16. Finishing up Code Geass, on the last episode of R2. This anime is probably one of the best anime I've watched, up there with Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Toradora!, and Angel Beats.
  17. Hey, guys and gals! I finally got around to writing a story and decided to work on a topic I thought up quite a while back: it was a disillusioned Matoran reflecting on burning down his village, but I changed it to become more of a Velika origin story (to explain his current killing spree). It's my first story in a while (school essays dull my writing skills considerably ) and I understand that this will most likely not be a very good work. I had fun writing it, though, so I guess that counts for something. Enjoy! ------- I'm sitting here, looking at the ruins of Le-Kawi. Rubble, still smoldering with the odd tendrils of smoke, litters the once beautiful jungle floor. Ash, its blackness permeating the pure green of the leaves that fell from the canopies, is responsible for the crunching sound emanating from the footsteps of the weeping. At the moment, the only thing I can think of is...well, nothing. No one knows who or what was responsible for the devastating fire that took the homes and lives of many. Some say it was the Kardas Dragon, a mythical beast that once guarded the Mask of Life. Others say it was the Kanohi Dragon, come from the labs of a few crazy Makuta who decided to make life a living Karzahni for the rest of this universe's inhabitants. Oh, for Mata Nui's sake, get your head out of a Madu fruit! It was obviously the Tahtorak! Have you SEEN that thing? It rampaged through Metru Nui like a Gukko Bird after a berry! And then you have the small group of conspiracists. And of course, they're pinning it on someone from among us. Don't you see? It's all so clear, it HAS to be one of us, it was an inside job! And even if it wasn't one of us, then it was from Ta-Kawi. And so on and so forth, with their twisted view of politics and social policies. Funny how it's always the crazy ones that end up right. Reminds me of the time people believed that the world is round because you can't see anything past a certain point, therefore the world must be curving. Guy comes up, yells that the world's flat because you CAN see everything, just that our draw distances are too low. He lives in a cave now, drive to madness by the laughter of his peers, but turns out he was right: there's an outer boundary to this world, and it's flat since you can see the other side via telescope. Guess the astronomers over at Ko-Metru better reposition their telescopes every now and then. But I digress. Point is, it's the conspiracists who are right: it was one of us. Can't say who, that would violate my code of confidentiality. I'm sworn to secrecy, and I won't say who did it. All I will say is that no one suspects him. Turaga's looking stressed, he's being harassed by his adviser to initiate war with Ta-Kawi. Tensions between us have fired up recently, pardon the pun, and we were just about ready to go to war with Ta-Kawi anyways. You don't just let a sister village block off your supply chain; we needed those resources to fashion taming instruments and form supports for our tree huts. Just because we've been running low on Bula berries and Vuata Maca doesn't mean you shut off our main resource line. You can tell he doesn't want to fight Ta-Kawi. Him and the fire Turaga never really got along, but they worked together for the sake of keeping the villages alive. That, and he's a pacifist: he wouldn't let us form armor for our Gukkos or create weapons of any sort. Now, though, things are different. Our current supports are failing, and we're running low on tamed Rahi. We may just have to go to war. But he isn't going to do anything until the adviser stops blabbering on heatedly. Turaga sends him away and asks for some time to think, then spots me sitting. Calls me over. I'm relatively close to him since we used to be best buddies before he became a Toa. After that, we don't talk much, but I go regardless. What do I think we should do? I don't know, but maybe going to war with Ta-Kawi wouldn't be such a bad idea. You've been a Toa, you know how to fight and how to lead. Sometimes people will need to fight, and you're no longer bound by the Toa Code. He argues the point that no one needs to die over petty things such as supports and instruments, not with half the village gone. I counter by saying that unless we get both, we're dead anyways: either the rest of the village, weakened by the searing heat, falls to the ground and we all die, or the Rahi pick us off and we are forever remembered as the best meals them carnivorous Gukko ever had. And after all, wasn't he the veteran of a hundred battles? Did he not remember what happened to Lesovikk when his team died because he failed to save them? Did he not understand the necessity of sacrifice in the name of saving many? War is a reality he must face, and he knows all about how to win it. He shouldn't let his honor be stained because he stood around while the remnants of his village fell to the ground. He should remember what happened when he neglected to kill the Doom Vipers that wiped out his entire team, and try and prevent a similar fate from happening here. That gets him. His eyes become steely, resolved. His agreement to war should be more shocking than if the Turaga of Metru Nui was revealed to be a Makuta, but at the moment, the only thing I can think of is...well, nothing. Again. He thanks me for my advice and walks away, no doubt preparing one of his elaborate speeches to rally the Matoran together under one cause. I walk away too, except in the opposite direction. It takes me a while, but I get there. A cave, dark and damp, populated with tiny Nui-Jaga and maybe a few corpses. I step in. The dampness rushes over me, but it's a feeling I've gotten many times. There's only one inhabitant, a Po-Matoran with a few drill tools. Poor guy's been here for years. He's still gone crazy from the internal annihilation he suffered for his views. And as I've said, it's always the crazy ones that end up right. “Did you do it?” Yes, I burnt half the village down. Controlled fire, not a tough task. Enough to incite the villagers and force a war between two tribes. The other half will collapse in a few days time, as you wished. “Good, good. Have some more of this.” He hands me the same vial he's given me thrice before; it's filled with a green substance that seems almost...alive. I down it in one gulp, get that same euphoria and energy I did the past times. Get that same loss of senses. Get that same feeling of obedience. I will follow this madman to the ends of the world and back, along the solid wall boundaries, and I will do everything he says. “Those fools. I came here to observe MY creations, and they LAUGH at me. At their CREATOR. Well, not much of a problem. Before long, everyone will know Velika is not someone to be trifled with. And they. Will. Pay.”
  18. Well, now that I'm a confirmed member, how do I join the Skype aspect of the Ambage? Also, I would like to start writing asap, but I'll be out for the next 10 days on vacation. Additionally, it's been a while since I've checked this topic out. For the Monthly Writing Prompt, we have to submit it as a story on BZP or could we use it in a write-off? And I agree with Legolover, having a coop writing competition would be a great idea. It would at least iron out grammar errors
  19. His weapon will stay the same, a lightning sword thingy. Its name? What is this, Bleach? XD
  20. A +5 in agility, +3 in mind, and a weapon reforge for Surge please.
  21. I would like to sponsor Surge, please.
  22. Congrats Pulsate! Also I'd like a +5 trainer in agility please. As well as a +3 in Toughness.
  23. Good match, Zakaro. At least I got free money
  24. I saw Kiina winning the widgets and I was like dangit I lost. Then I saw I advanced so I was happy. Then I realized I couldn't use the Sea of Protodermis so I was like dangit again. Then I realized I'd better stop talking like this and actually post my strategy so I was meh. Good luck!
  25. No idea WHAT that is. Is that some sort of princess demon or something? XD
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