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Everything posted by SonicBOOM XS

  1. Ok, having recently beaten Adventure AGAIN, for the umpteenth time, I'll put in my views: It is a game based mostly on nostalgia than anything else, but the game is still fun and at least less glitchy than 06 is. I've generally avoided major glitches and never had anything bad happen to me, aside from a few screwups in Sonic's Emerald Coast, but the game as a whole stands up nicely. Except for voices and story and lipsyncing. Those were terrible to the point of hilarity. And then there's Chao, which is pretty much what everyone remembers anyways. They're still cute, but too many times I've intended to pick up a Chao and instead hit it with an attack. Oh the agony >.< On the subject of Lost World, Sonic X-Treme much? EDIT: Also Egg Viper's really easy. I remember my first time went mostly without a hitch. I dunno why you guys are hating on it, it's NOTHING like Silver's broken ITSNOUSETAKETHIS battle.
  2. I could've sworn I said Skrall was gonna cover himself in stone to prevent conduction, but oh well. Good match. Strategy against Kiina: May the best Glatorian win. For Victory, for Glory, for Power.
  3. I sign up for the tourney. And hold off the strategy?
  4. Can I still apply for the tourney? Strategy against Keizah. I'm bound to lose because I haven't done jacksquat aside from studying for tests lately -.- I'm done for.
  5. Pahrak, you caught my forfeiture, right?
  6. Whoop dee doo, in the midst of all my life-work I forgot about signing up and giving my strategy against Lava. Oh well, I have no time to give a strategy :/ I forfeit the match. Lava wins by default.
  7. IC - Reelyz: Reelyz walked along the alleyway, going over his evidence. Which is to say, he was going over nothing. Despite his best efforts, currently he was at a standstill, not really able to progress further, The Suits were proving fairly uncooperative as well, restricting access to certain areas for "security reasons" as they put it. He soon emerged into the heart of Phan-Metru. Bustling, Matoran and Toa going about their daily lives. Kind of awkward, not being given the respect you deserve when you're in the midst of a busy crowd. The occasional bow or salute, but nothing more. Then he saw it. A green wisp, about 10 meters up. Faint, but visible. Reelyz planned out his route to it... OOC - Reelyz is open for any interaction.
  8. Flaredrick and I have agreed to a match. 1000 widgets going in, Tahu vs Skrall on the Valiant.
  9. I wish. I had just gotten into Bionicle with my Kohrak-Kal and thus did not know about the name of that little mask thingy (I immediately assumed it was some sort of mask XD), let alone that there were METAL ones out there.
  10. Out comes Lesovikk's team. In goes a chocolate bar made of vanilla ice cream...
  11. I'd say the books end up being less canonical than the comics, due to Hapka's somewhat controversial modifications to the story. The comics were, as a whole, written by Greg F and his story team. The movies end up least in my book. They are mostly canonical, the problem arising with character appearance, some dialogue, some implied romance, and the skipping or total rewriting of some events (search for the Great Disks, no fight against the Morbuzakh).
  12. Big huge giant robots have been around since the dawn of time. There was no ripping off involved.
  13. Canis and I have agreed to fight. Skrall vs Virus Rider, Hero Factory Villain Containment. 1,000 W each. I probably lose. BTW, I'll keep my blade.
  14. Let's see... We've seen: Matoran get struck by lightning that should kill, instead end up as Toa. Makuta literally get turned back into flesh in a body that should not support it, yet survive. Keetongu took quite the fall from the Coliseum. Takutanuva got crushed under a door (granted, Takanuva "died", but Teridax survived). The list goes on and on. Suspension of disbelief. Krekka's really durable. Like, Nokia phone durable. And then probably some.
  15. Iunno. I recently went through all the movies and the older ones still end up better. HOWEVER, MoL and LoMN lost some of their sheen over time. WoS is now my favorite of the movies. In comparison, TLR isn't too bad, but it's not a big thing otherwise. I do like the LEGO cartoons though, so the makers of TLR have some redeeming factor. Honestly, I would've been fine with a 5th movie. I still want a 2006 movie, though.
  16. A more functional Inika mask design. I'm running out of heads XD
  17. That's the thing. Pahrak's working on it, though, so it's fine. If I can choose my weapon, then Skrall has Earth Elemental powers. XD
  18. Nor the bomb blasts in Iraq and a similar earthquake hitting Pakistan as well.
  19. I meant with some sort of upgrade. I see all those items, but they're not "upgrades" as Nuva and 2.0 are. Eh. Skrall open for a match.
  20. This is very interesting. How did I not know about this? I would like to join the Ambage. I may miss a few Skype events, however.
  21. You seem to forget that Greg F holds ALL universes and timelines in the palm of his hand. I end up with both masks and teleport myself to a time where no one can find me. My masks.
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