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You just lost the game

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Status Updates posted by You just lost the game

  1. I remember you...can't remember vwhere though...

  2. But peanut butter and jelly is the ultimate combination! LOL!

  3. I still win even if everyone is watching me.

  4. So you're the Ninjo I've been hearing about.

  5. Awesome! Can I have some!?

  6. And I keep winning because you guys keep losing! LOL!

  7. Nuparu staring at Vezok! You'll never win the avvie contest! LOL!

  8. Thanks! Your avatar is cool to with the branches and the red sky!

  9. Anyone who reads this I just wanted to say that I have changed my avatar.

  10. Well, the old author actually did die though. LOL!

  11. Merry Christmas to you to!

  12. I know! Twilight does suck!

  13. Well I think I got my first comic when I was 7 or 8

  14. Who doesn't read Archie and Jughead! Lol!

  15. yeah! too bad he can't right now.

  16. Or maybe I should ask my cousin who is a great MOCer too build me a MOC and use it as my own. LOL!

  17. You mean a building a moc contest? If it is I probably won't because i'm not a good moc builder.

  18. this may sound like a dumb question but what is it?

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