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You just lost the game

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Status Updates posted by You just lost the game

  1. It took me 20 minutes to finish reading that lengthy interests list.

  2. As I said already I wouldn't expect him to come back.

  3. He's "bean" [pun intended] burried and forgotten after those 14 issues. Won't expect to see him in a comic again.

  4. He was in 1 or 2 but that's it.

  5. It's true. He's not in the comics or games.

  6. Dude, Bean is more dead then my pet rock I used to have.

  7. Everyone knows that the sky is what's up.

  8. Congrats on "winning" the game. :P

  9. No one can seem to avoid the game.

  10. Everyone has been losing lately. lol

  11. Couldn't you have atleast posted a comment on his page? :P

  12. I guess that's a good thing cus' I'd lose it.

  13. I thought U were hiding from Awilda? lol

  14. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

  15. But the annoying thing is that when you think about the game you lose the game. lol But if you don't wish to participate then that's fine.

  16. I just watched the Matrix yesterday and then I saw your avatar. lol

  17. Going to need a few more 5's to get to 4 stars. lol

  18. Couldn't you atleast comment that comment on his page?

    BTW Congrats on the promotion.

  19. It helps me forget the game.

  20. Good thing I take alot of naps.

  21. Well, I guess you're going to keep losing. lol

  22. I ALWAYS win the game because I brought the game here. lol

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