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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. ... Becaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaause....... *tries to think of a logical reason*

  2. ...Nevermind. XD LOL Yeah, see, that is a new face!! And I made it all by myself. ^_^

  3. So now your dancing with... you know. XD LOL You are gonna have to tell me how you did that!! ROFL

  4. Yes, I have been uhhh..... busy. >.> <. xd the quote is still like that cause i really quote. xp>

  5. Yayayayayaayyaayyyyyaaaaaaay!!!!! Thank you for making me 5 star!!!!!! Wanna be friends?

  6. What about Naruto, or Bleach? And, you should watch Gamera at least once, you can find; yes!!! USA at 71!!!!! Haha!

  7. Hey dude!! How are ya? Haven't talked to you in a while....

  8. I have seen it, but I haven't poste yet... Would you like me too?

  9. I don't know... I have alot of fav teams.

  10. Really? I beat all of it, including Sephiroth, and I am finally at lvl 99. ^^ Birth By Sleep= PSP. Just letting you know. Did you hear about the 3rd enemy?

  11. Because... ok, you can hug on my page. *sighs* (I couldn't think of a reason. :P XD)

  12. Yes, the wonders are indeed fascinating... *looks through random vids, and then pupils dialate to the size of a pear on one vid* ...*becomes delirious* Momma? XD ROFL LOL You have to admit, that was kinda set up... lolz

  13. I have to say, that is extremely AWSOME!!!! WOW, I never knew about that, isn't it funny how things work out in the end? Like the pairing between a lion and leopard? XD

  14. XD Like if there is one of those hairpin turns, and you have to turn really fast, otherwise you lose your speed?

  15. Oh, yes!! You do more than amuse!!! lol You put me in stitches!!!!! rofl (I am very easily entertained. You could jingle car keys in front of me and I would play with them) lolz

  16. Those are cool!! But just imagine a flamethrower... or even a bazooka!! XD ROFL!!!!!!! That would be funny!

  17. I just read your interests... Lucky Star? ...Lucky Star. *begins to repeat the same phrase over and over agin* XD Lolz

  18. When did I say I was eatin your food?!? XD And hey, wazzup!!

  19. Then delete the comment!! XD ROFL LOL!!!!!

  20. You have a friend in D.C? I have a cousin down there!! ^^ BTW, hello!!!! *gives you a good morning/afternoon hug* XD IDK what time it is over there... lol

  21. Hi again!! How are you? *poke*

  22. pocketmouse Is your friend too? Wow, that is cool

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