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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. ^_^ lol Sounds like a good book. :D *is in a hyper mood for some reason* >:D ROFL How come you are tired? Also, the pic is nice. XP *will never say those words again*






  2. 10 of those pies hit me* ... I'm hit!!! *falls over on the ground* XD ROFL!!!!!!! Tanks for da pie!

  3. 3 stars, WOO!! XD Hello!!

  4. 4 stars!!!! You are welcome. ^_^ XD

  5. 4 stars!!!! You are welcome. :D

  6. 4:00A.M?!?! XD Sounds like somebody had fun!!!!! ^^ I missed you!!! *gives you a hug* :D Also, how are you doing?

  7. 5 star automatically!! You is welcome. :)


  9. Aaaagh!!! My teachers hate meh. >~/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png" /> ^_^ *hugs you* lol How are ya?

  10. Actually, it is MIXTAR!!!! XD LOL j/k

  11. Advent is alive!!!!! rofl lol

  12. Ah, I figured it might be that... after 3 hours. XD *poke... pooooooooooke* :P :3 *hugs you* ^^

  13. Ah... I see.... Hmmm.... *burps*

  14. Ahh, my nemisis, we meet again... whoever you are... XD

  15. Ahh, my nemisis... we meet again. Mwahahahahahaha!!!!!! Hey dude, wazzup?

  16. Ahh, so you are watching the normal vids...

  17. Ahh, sso you like them too? Sweet!! I really wish you could play as Night Terror though. Isn't he that awesome!?!?

  18. Ahh, thank you very much!! ^_^ I can't wait for the MOC.

  19. Ahh, that Envy. He is pretty cool... *gasp* Where did Riley go? rofl

  20. Ahh, you can always find something on the internet... XD So, hello!!!!

  21. AHHHH!!!!! *gets you off* Why are you biting people!?!?!? T.T That hurt alot..... *rubs where he was bitten* XD ROFL

  22. Ahhhhhhh--!! *suddenly turns back to normal, then falls in a lake he was above* Help!!! I. Can't. Swim!!! *goes under the water, and it says 2ft near the edge* XD LOL

  23. AHHHHHHHHH bye-bye, AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!

  24. Alright, and also. Argh!!! You'll never get me lucky charms!! *gives you a cookie, then runs away* lol

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