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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. NO WAY!!!!

    Did you read it yet? I read the enitire thing 2 days ago... I won't say nothing if you didn't get to the end yet.

  2. ...Clean out your inbox!!!! XD Seriously. Please?

  3. Well... since I am not an owl,(as far as I know...) Cya in da morning!

  4. ??? Say what? XD Yeah, it is!! Who is your personal pic of, anyway?

  5. WHOAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome!!! Now I really can't wait!!! :D

  6. Do you have a fav character?

  7. *poke poke poke poke poke poke poke and finally... pokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepoke* XD Hello!!! How have you been? *gives you a hug* ^^ I haven't seen ya in a while.

  8. ??? What do you mean?

  9. XDROFL Now you are trying to eat Hapori, again? XD

  10. Imma good... considering that my epic is finally updated!! XD *gives you a hug* If I haven't tlod ya already, I give out alot of hugs. ^^ lol

  11. Hahaha! You dislike all that "teen" stuff? Wow, we have much in common!!!!! ROFL

  12. First off, do you like it?

  13. IT WOKERED!!!!! Your banner worked!! Could you put it in your sig though? Mine is kinda full... :P

  14. XD I liked when he tried to communicate with them, "Numa yay, numa numa yay, numa--" *gets hit by the laser* XD ROFL Well, I am off to see Love Guru, so... G'bye for now!! *gives you a goodbye hug*

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! *gives you a cake* Now eat it, before I do!! *drools as he stares at the cake* XD

  16. Aw. That bites. But at least you're getting better. I've just gotten sick, and it's... just plain horrible. Dx My throat and my bronchial tubes hurt. I went to the doctor already though, so I'm gonna get better.

  17. O.O You made Axalara??? Wow, that must have been hard! I'd suggest that you buy Keetongu, cause he is a 2006 set, and they are starting to become scarce... May we be friends?

  18. * poke poke poke poke* XD

  19. Hello!!! Welcome to BZP, we hope you enjoy your stay, and wish you the best of luck with making friends, posting topics and posts, and please. Pleas, have as much fun as superhumanly possible!!! ...Wait XD

  20. Hello! Kimimaro? Nice name. Did you get it from Naruto? Awesome show!

  21. Pocket lint? This is the... best gift EVER!!!!!!!!! *turns lint into a sculpture of Tahu* XD ROFL!!! GO LINT!

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