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Toa Cykron

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Status Updates posted by Toa Cykron

  1. I do not sow

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tahu3.0


      Oh.....................................i don't watch dat.

    3. McNugget


      Neither do I. I thought you actually meant you didn't Sow...

    4. Toa Cykron

      Toa Cykron

      I don't anyway. :P

  2. Please tell me... how did you animate your PSA's? I want to animate like that to. :P

  3. Now I have found your userpage! Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! :P

  4. Thanks man, I decided to try out for Pohatu instead. ^_^

  5. Soooo... I put it on Brickshelf, then give you the address for it? Sorry if I sound stupid, but what is PM, Personal Message?

  6. Where do I send it to you?

  7. After I do this, what do I send you? What lines should I record?

  8. I have a Windows Vista. (Did I already place this comment? Sorry if I did.)

  9. How can I audition for Onua?

  10. Hey, Grav! Let me guess, you like KOTOR 2 also?

  11. Hey SPIRIT! Have you read any of my comedies? Just love the TLR spoof... :P

  12. Thanks for friending me!

  13. Ok, you can be the half-insane janitor

  14. Well, I was wondering, would you like to be a customer in my comedy, Playas'?

  15. Lol, I have been inactive since april of 08... Until I started writing comedies again...

  16. Hey man, I have been reading your comics. They're hilarious! :D

  17. Hey, you say you need a Technic Vader helmet? My friend has one he may be willing to let go...

  18. Hey LNU! Did you see my comedy? I worked hard on it so I wanted to spread the word.

  19. Hey dude, did you see my comedy, Bionicle Star-Spoof?

  20. Not much, just readin' your TLR spoof. It's great!

  21. Well, if it isn't SPIRIT... How ya' doin'?

  22. Dude, check out my fan site! The address is, www.bionicleplanet.webs.com

  23. It's the king of cool himself!

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