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Everything posted by BULiK

  1. Holy karz..... just watched the avengers..... you'll have to excuse me for a moment while I pick up the pieces of my blown mind

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BenLuke


      I'm miffed that no one shouted "AVENGERS ASSEMBE!" at any point in the movie.


      It was still pretty awesome, though.

    3. BULiK


      too busy playing galaga to respond :P


      I loved the galaga part

    4. Simulacrum


      Yeah, I noticed that.


      Personally, my biggest complaint was my second favorite character; Hulk.


      The first time you're introduced to Banner's green-alter-ego, he's a rage-filled beast, attacking anything and everyone he sees.


      And then he's nigh-human. Able to follow orders and even work with Thor for a few minutes. Whaaat de heeck?

  2. have you noticed it created 5 entries?
  3. I can't really think of an interesting 2d scroller, but a heavy action style would be similar to the megaman battle network games.other than that, I can't help you much.
  4. That's for us to know, and Ro to find out... the hard way .
  5. IC:As the main rama force changed their formations, tohgno had to adapt. Klumy maneuvered to pick some strays off with his claws while tohgno would throw madu cabolo at the the groups, killing about half to 3/4 of each pack with each hit since they relied on their numbers to protect and overwhelm individual attacks, thus making cabolo extremely effective. But tohgno was running lower on cabolo every throw he made , and knew that he would have to go back and get more when he ran out, but he still had enough to last him some time.Hopefully the relatively little pressure he was relieving on ground squad would allow them to focus more on clearing the path to the hive.
  6. made another fan comic.Payback:
  7. IC:"I'm starting to have second thoughts about coming with voi now," kreigero joked sarcasticly to the others.
  8. nico's expression was priceless. when the boxes open, some hungry cannibals may be ready to strike.
  9. @Soran: sure!that's awesome! you can use Ma-"T" Nui whenever you want!other fan comic:
  10. yeah. I would have more to explain like Ma-"T" nui, and actually the torture machine idea was inspired by the same type of transmittig brain .thing that one woman used to drink the coffee with the robotic arm thats been in the newsI'm glad you like the fan comic. I actually have another one planned.also, I like how you have the "house plan" of all the panels to be used in each part of the house
  11. that is the work of the latest forum update. horrible for rperswho havent checked topics in awhile.
  12. Nice comic! also, while the forums were down, I toiled for 6 hours (slow internet on this laptop >.<) making a failish "fan comic"(I had to find a legitimate excuse to use your awesome backrounds )
  13. My bad. =/ Typically when an issue is noted(Even if it's small), it's a good idea to gauge how many members it affects. Problem is, it seems it's affecting everyone. =PQuick question, though; this affects the blogs too. Is there any quick way to mark blogs as read, without going in and going through every single entry? There used to be a block with similar options on my blog, but I had merged that with a few other blocks back before the upgrade last time... So, I can't really find it any more, and the icon next to the blog, which used to do the same thing, got changed to a 'head to recent entry/comment' style button when the blogs were overhauled. =/there should be a content block on the right in some cases on the leftthat says mark blog as read
  14. for some reason all of the topics i've read became completely unread. is this happening to others too?
  15. very. the story mode has a unique squad system (AKA you get to boss npcs around), and it has online multiplayer like most other fps games
  16. hey, just wondering, but who are "the six" you guys talk about sometimes in the beginning. it seems sometimes you are talking about charcters, but others about the six stolen plot
  17. :Phave you played republic commando?
  18. on battlefront 2 it has kashyyk beach*stalemate*
  19. why battefront1? 2 has spacebattles!
  20. IC:The ko-matoran returned a cold look (Pun intended) at the toa of fire. "They are mistaking us for his accomplices", she said.
  21. IC:"Looks can be decieving," Kreigero commented. She continued holding voima's mouth shut.
  22. Initial reaction:You are under arrest!*Cue lightsaber battle music*
  23. IC:kreigero clamped her hand over voima's mouth to shut him up and muttered a few barely audible words about a certain toa of gravity being a scumbag.She looked around, hoping a fight would not erupt, but it probably would, and she didn't want to be the one to start it.
  24. The small green pieces have been in surge so they aren't newNinja'd
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