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Everything posted by BULiK

  1. okay, seriously?you dont need to be aware of "who makuta was in 2001" this isnt the same makuta. I think that you mean teridax because you seem to forget that as far as we know, nothing happened before mata nui island. as far as we know, there is no MU.and I find it hard to believe a "scholar" studied for years on two paragraphs. lolI agree with everything the dreadful flying glove just said*waits for staff*
  2. When bhukasa was telling toggler to go below deck, I was thinking: what? Go for lunch when the enemy is RIGHT BEHIND YOU!?!?!?!?!?good job, but i dont have time to comment on the rest of the chapter.
  3. well thanks for not responding to my questions and answers to your previous post <_<I dont think it right for you to assume that all of the canon bionicle history is the same as the bzprpg's history. remember, this is not teridax, this is... the makuta. he may not be the makuta species we know of in canon. because we do know that he is not the canon teridax, that means that we have no idea what happened before. the staff, as far as i know, have not said that the turaga revealed the past to the matoran. how did the turaga know all of makuta's goals, and suddenly pass that on to one of you "amazing" characters? they dont. they would have told the exact same thing everyone knows.
  4. ^corrected@ kalama:I have some problems with "fact" numbers 1, 3, 4, and five. 1: We do not know that! This isn't the canon teridax, this is a completly different evil overlord, okay? He may not want the matoran alive. He may want them alive to be slaves, not worshippers. Maybe he likes to watch them suffer? Maybe he wants matoran to come to his disco party? We have no idea what makuta really wants, we only have assumptions.3: We have no idea how many Rahkshi there are. If there is a large population of rahkshi somewhere in the MU, then it does not concern us. As far as we are concerned, everybody who comes from foriegn lands bumped their head on a rock, and doesn't know anything about their previous homes. Rahkshi Can kill toa in canon, but There has been no occurance of a toa being killed by a rahkshi as of yet.4: As far as I know, no Rahkshi have been seen on Mata nui. If I'm mistaken, correct me.5: How do you know that matoran will be killed if there is resistance? By the way you are talking about it, you mean if there is some giant rahi or rahkshi major assault, that the matoran will be decimated, right? As said in my answer to #1, We have no idea what makuta wants to do with the matoran! And if he does to a major attack, who's to say he wont have nui rama (or some other rahi) swoop down and take all of them as prisoners?Is that all?
  5. for future reference: BQOTT BNG

  6. for future reference: BQOTT

  7. as long as there are no ponies involved, im fine with a broad spectrum, lots of categories, but no big twists, because, like in some contests, like system based creations contest #1, I would have entered, but I couldn't find the "inspiration" that was manditory.
  8. so you found the answer to your prievious question, correct?
  9. And why do I have to tell you when you could just click the link in my sig and because all my characters are on one side, you should know which side the one i made a monht ago is on, and also, I won't have to explain to you what he/she looks like and is like.
  10. we really have no idea, other than the staff, and i dont think they are changing anything, IMO, because this has only been going for 4 months now, to short for a major change, and tuck is inactive, so his plot hasnt finished yet. you should try making a character, it's fun. although awkward at first.EDIT: ninja'd
  11. Actually he hasn't, his blog post is for merely discussing the Ussalry Squadron he made.Do you guys know what this means?'BIONICLE, raccoons and other miscellaneous items' is getting a new blog post!:Pyou really need to stop making a blog post/mentioning a blog post/linking to a blog post every 10 posts! no offence, it just gets a little bit annoying, since this is a discussin topic, and if people wanted to see when you made a new blog post, they would follow your blogit seems the winter has frozen my charcters plot down to a crawl, so i must think of a way to implement my other character that i made a month before.
  12. Just search it in The forum archive. I loved chapter 10suspense, action, cliffhangers, secrets revealed, new tech, riddles told, awesomeness, flight, telepathy, cosmos jumping, new characters, old characters, middle-aged characters, chapter 10 had it all.so that is part one? good thing you said you will post the new chapter soon! I thought this would mean a month of delay! good thing it doesnt!
  13. oh, like the mini-bosses in the binding of isaac?EDIT:alright kalama, this is what i think. I, now, do not have time to go back to your previous posts, since you summed it up. ill use your more recent ones.(I use rhetorical questions because they are supposed to make a point)so, lets say, as said by nuju metru, there are about 1,500 to 2,000 inhabitants. that makes 1750, IMO (its like when i microwave soup, if it says 2-4 minutes, then I do the middle of that )alright. so lets assume that he meant the npc population, so that number does not include any PC's. since if we divided that equally by all 7 koro, we would get 250 per koro. but all koro's are not equal. since xa-koro probably has a smaller population that the other koro's ill just dvide that by half, making 125, then divide that by the other six koro. that makes roughly 21 per other koro, so we add 21 to alll koro populations other than xa-koro (i'm assuming xa-koro has a smaller population, due to rahi attacks, murders, and other crimes, drawing and/or murdering some of the inhabitants)making (remember this a very rough estimate) 271 per koro. now, lets see thorugh the eyes of your average ta-matoran npc.he owns a hut near the wall. he has some basic training with the guard, because of frequent rahi attacks that season. his occupation is a lava farmer, so he harvests lava, cools it (making useful soil) and sells it to le, ga, and onu-matoran. every day, he goes to a small fenced in property he owns, not too far from the village gate, and drains lava. he cools it, does other lava farming stuff, then packs his soil into bags and ships them to merchants and such. lets say that there is a large rahi assault (may happen every couple years) and it breaks throught the guard's line. even thought multiple player's pcs attack the rahi, helping out to defend their homes, businesses, dignity, honor, allies, and friends. but it isnt enought. this ta-koroan is considered poor, and if he loses his land, home,etc. he will be in big debt, and have a setback in his business for the next few months, to maybe even a year, depending on damage. this is all he has, and he doesn't want to lose it. does he just sit back, look out the window, drink some tea, and then wait to get mauled by a nui jaga? no! And dont think that makuta wouldn't kill or hurt nonfighting matoran like in that rhetorical scenario because, if he gets to them, he will capture them, and brainwash them, until none are left! If a village gets to a point in an attack, where it is an extremely larger force than usual, enough to get past the village defences, then i assume the staff will have the npc villagers get up and defend themselves. and also, take into account all the pcs that would be sitting there killing time in ta-koro, waiting for something to cure their boredom?and also, do you think that a staff member would drag eveyrone in a koro into the 2nd-OPTION rpg then they would be putting all those who just wanted their own plots into something, with high mortality rates., surrounded by high odds and makuta infected rahi? this isnt military conquest, kalama. about you talking about rahkshi. sure, makuta could unleash them on a village, but:1: makuta wants the matoran alive! sure, he might kill some, (especially the ones that are fighting him)2: you make a point saying that rahkshi, beasts that owneded toa nuva, wouldn't be stopped by a handful of matoran, but anyway, this is why hehasnt unleashed large (or any) rahkshi against the villages. because even ta-koro canon-wise could not be saved by the guard and two nuvas against 3 rahkshiis that all? sorry for overreacting. and the rushed-ness
  14. (I used spoilers so that it would take up this much space when im quoting)Alright, I havent got time to post yet, so this is what I think @kalama: okay, so this stared out as: @1: that really makes a big difference (sarcasm). im not saying I dislike you, your ideas, and your creative sandbox spirit. @2: I do not see any relation to pohatu. "foot" "man" could be any man who walks on foot as some sort of infantry usually is what i think of the term, not pohatu.you calling me a "civvie" in what I think of a sneer-like manner (sorry if i misjudge) I find somewhat insulting.I know different groups and tactics are used for different tasks.You saying that they need all this stuff doesn't make sense to me, IMO. you say that they are slower, but can do more damage and survive longer, and the light ones with disks, as seen in mnolg, use small arms fo a reason Iwill state later. I know that this ussalry division is his idea, and goes by his rules. and when would the ussalry have such "heavy resistance", other than the bohrokswarms, which as of yet, have not been introduced and may not be introduced to the game at all. and each villages thing having "island wide operation" I dont get. each koro should have its own defence force defend itself, not wander the island with other village's business!1:why would they need to survive longer in the wild, when they would be operating near villages and patrolling tunnels?(rhetorical) 2: even if they were going on a long range mission or chase, they would be slowed down by the extra gear and unless the escappe their chasing is an old lady on a wheelchair, then they wont bbe able to catch up. 3: if the on es as seen in mnolg with only disks are "light cavs" and "too weak" to stand up to a larger forcce, then why would they attack the hordes of rahi in the battle of kini-nui as seen in mnolg? (rhetorical) 4: rahi attacks dont come that often, and anyways, most Pcs are doing the owneding, leaving such a slow ussalry unit to mop up the rest. 5: remember, these forces are mostly volunteers, with some exceptions.I will catch up to your other posts after my laptop charges
  15. Yeah, i love the pictures too! my favorite is the one in golaith after the herculean indunation, and i think keiths style of characters really fits with the time period the book takes place in
  16. looking nice. I cant wait for it. and that preview looks great. ive noticed you take a lot of time making special effects. very great ones in fact. does your other preview mean that there will be some hand drawn elements?Yes, expect more hand-drawn portions. It actually helps make the comic look more diverse, because after a while, sprite art gets kind of low-quality.Also, here's an announcement from my sister, because she insisted that she have a say here.-----------------------Ahem, hello, everybody! I'm just going to be referred to as "RealLeka" right now, just for the moment. Anyways, what's happening is that Absorba is regularly working on the comic structure, including raw sprites and applying affects, while I'm working on certain portions including the background, and yes, the hand-drawn areas. It'd take a BIT longer, but it won't cause too much damage. Expect it done by next week or so. We're sorry for the delay, so let me just put something here to hold you over that's a personal work that I whipped up in about a half-hour.LinkThanks, everyone, for being so patient!I had no idea you had a split personality, Absorba/RealLeka, but anyways, the preview is nice, in a way. and i don't think that the sprite quality is low at all, IMO, althought i do have a personally disliking of the kit you are currenly using. (i cant believe i forgot the name)
  17. To discuss the Amazing Steampunk book trilogy, if anybody else here has read it. I just finished it myself.
  18. I just finished the leviathan trilogy. best. books. ever.

    1. BenLuke


      Best books ever? Naahhh. They're still really good, though.

    2. BULiK


      considering i read the first one in two days, the 2nd in 1 day, and the 3rd in 12 hours, i think they are amazing

  19. Congrats on 1k posts Tx Wadeso when will we be leaving for onu-koro EW?
  20. I've been gone a couple days, and wow, alot has happened!about that ussalry thing, i would join it, but im a bit busy, although i might do something this weekend. and actually, its not po-koro footmen, its the po-koro guard and its not the artic watch, but the sanctum guard.and even if i made a ussalry member, i would personally prefer just the disk, instead of all that equipment.
  21. ya know, that makes alot of sense, protecting animals that will either way get infected and raid villages or your innards
  22. oh boy, ive been waiting months for this! justonly it would be better at a time when im not at my grandparent's house :/ I'll send something in if I leave my grandparents house.
  23. I finally got to listening to this. i skipped through the lord of the rings part because I have only read the hobbit, but ill listen to it after i read the lord of the rings.and one day, ill just have to get nuju metru's patented sandwich.
  24. The PM system is hard and confusing. It involves typing.posting does as wellPosting has typing but PMs have typing.only if you use italic :/
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