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Everything posted by BULiK

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TUCK!and also I might be a bit more inactive due to christmas stuff.
  2. I didnt say I would use and/or try to approve timed explosives, but, it was just itching there at the back of my mind.oh, and Merry christmas
  3. BULiK

    Why Not?

    slighly longer, twice a week. that way, less work for you, and longer, more in-depth comics
  4. oh, i remember this. i loved it, the 3d in it with the moving mouths combined with the special affect environments with mocs moving around in them blew my mind. i still havent finished it though... time to change that
  5. Because of my strange mind, I almost always think of wierd and/or genius stuff to help me go to sleep. Then I make a little debate in my head, thinking of whosoever this applies to and why they would use it. last night, I thought of this:*crude drawing*Then I posted it to brickshelf, as seenherea timed explosive!Ya see, that circular device is supposed to look like a sand... timer.... thing.... that I happened to convientently forget the name of, that would slowly pour sand out below it. and below it, there just so happens to be a little.... bucketlike.... device..... which would collect the sand. that would move the stick it's attached to on a hinge downward, at the time frame of your choice, because of the wieght at the other end of the stick, and then, on the bottom of the bucket device, there is some heatstone powder stuck to it by tree sap. once the sand in the bucket like device weight more than the weight, the arm would fall down, and the heatstone powder stuck to the bottom of it would smack into the tray of lightstone powder, and then boom.I'm not entirely sure why I posted this, but probably because otherwise it would be itching at the back of my mind.
  6. uh, ive been kinda confused if this person is real, because of the sceptisism of the commenting people. is he actually real? if so, how did his hard drive explode?
  7. BULiK

    Humble Indie Bundle 4

    psh.... i havent got it yet. my mom's having paypal trouble. and anyway, I already have every bundle since #2, so the extra games from Humble bundle #3 are worth nothing to me. but im just waiting till later, because my brother is buying this one. we take turns
  8. BULiK


    actually, in ended on november 24 2009, which is when b6 got the e mail. the rest was terrible. its like you know that onw of your best friends that supported you for your whole life is goign to die, and there is nothing you can do
  9. he's training for dive bombing on naval targets *coughinvernakiaorhoweveryouspellitcought*<all-seeing gaze instantly switches to Bulik's location>Would you like to repeat that?Actually, never mind, being wanted and infamous is quite fun I'm just sayin', Lohkar might wanna invest in some ....AA guns, if he hasn't already.i dont know if there are AA turrets in bionicle, but maybe some kind of slingshot turret (i actually designed one a month ago, in my mind) that would throw stralix's 'nades at the aircraft gukko
  10. he's training for dive bombing on naval targets *coughinvernakiaorhoweveryouspellitcought*
  11. M'kay, thanks. and are the other members of stannis's group going to make wiki pages? only 2 have.
  12. in layman's terms: Makuta noticed them giving out hints, so he is telling the matoran to shut up (using assasins) so some brave heroic matoran (yours truly and some other people) are investigating one of the targets, and protecting him.and yes, hafu gave out a toa's portrait, witch unscrewed and had a note in the hollow middle. these notes are believed to be about the temples.oh, and, who will create the stannis's group page on the wiki? I'd be glad to, buty because i didnt found it, i would like to get the O.K. first
  13. Tamaru's dead, and I helped to kill him. No, I don't feel guilty. Now we're going after Hafu and I will (hopefully) assist in (hopefully) stopping you
  14. that does remind me of how in bionicle heroes, you coyuld upgrade your characters elementalo power that would let you smash through some obstacles into secret areas, but having some elements breaking open caves and stuff where there is a stash of cordak launchers would be what i would like to see.
  15. wow, I have about half of the sets you think are the coolest!
  16. psh!! whats really boring and annoying is a 12 hour car ride, with 4 siblings.I'm glad that isnt happening anytime soon for me.
  17. Well, I've heard of it, but I haven't played it. I guess I'll check it out. It's 10 bucks on Steam right now... Your new homework: pick up a copy of Battlefield 2 or Battlefield 1942 and let your gaming knowledge expand! If you can't afford to buy a game, download Battlefield Heroes or Battlefield Play4Free. This is very important. hmm.... I might watch some gameplay videos and/or consider buying those games. and I'm glad that there isnt gore in battlefiel 1942 or battlefield 2.and why would i need to do that anyways if i have star wars battlefront 2, which you said is basicly the same thing? [/retorical question]
  18. I have a ta-matoran waiting to be played, so i might be able to do that
  19. Yeah, that's mostly what Katuko was suggesting. Remember, Battlefront is just a Star Wars version of the Battlefield series, so if one of us mentions Battlefield as an inspiration, you probably know more or less what we're talking about.That's also why we don't really like to use Battlefront as an inspiration, because it's usually better to go to the original: Battlefield.never heard of it
  20. I'm back from vacation! i'm gonna control my character now.
  21. Well, to be fair, I think we were going with Order vs Chaos or something. I think it's always been a separate personality formed with the Kaita - though that wouldn't work ingame for obvious reasons. ...Or would it? Maybe the "driver" that moves around is AI, or the Kaita doesn't move at all, leaving the players in charge of uber-powerful weapons for a short time. Anyways, like I said, it was a totally random, spontaneous idea, so I'm definitely not emotionally attached to this. actually, that could work like in a vehicle in star wars battlefront 2, (dont just shoot me down yet!) where in in gunship, for instance, multiple players can board it, there would be a pilot, a remot control missle guy, a gunner for left turret, and a gunner for right turret. im pretty sure the same thing could be plausible for a kaita, one guty drives, another uses left arm, on uses right arm, and the other.... special attacks equivalent to a grenade maybe?
  22. BULiK


    Actually, I have asbergers syndrome, autism, and I forgot the other one........ Why do you ask?
  23. I think nuju metru is really gonna be annoyed because he was in the middle of mocing them xD
  24. well, atleast somebody finally posted this topic. i hope it fares better than my blog entry
  25. what about 2010? did you completely miss that giant brawl? just add some rahkshi and skadki botsin a desert with giant robots above them
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