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Everything posted by BULiK

  1. looking nice. I cant wait for it. and that preview looks great. ive noticed you take a lot of time making special effects. very great ones in fact. does your other preview mean that there will be some hand drawn elements?
  2. The PM system is hard and confusing. It involves typing.posting does as well
  3. I wanted to buy it before, but after i got the perks I realized that premier perks gave you more than just bold print names and a blog. after that i checked the prices. i put no, because it didnt make me ore leaned towr=ardds buying it, it just opened my eyes to what it was.
  4. as expected, I recieved no nominations. *fist pump*on other notes, @EW: is everybody except stannis and atiel at the inn?
  5. you should make a post in the biomedia topic, not make your own.try pressing the button to have them send an email that lets you login to change your password. it helped me alot
  6. I consider making original names relatively easy, just think hard for a couple minutes, letter by letter.
  7. ive experienced a streaming lag before, but that was a while ago. try it in a couple days
  8. I hoped that part would get a laugh, heh. Yeah I just went back and reviewed six to eight; they go well together IMO, so probably good timing there. And glad you liked the part with the tunneling through the hut. That's one of those things I just thought of on the fly and thought it would make for a striking image if you imagined this as a movie. Great in all aspects is very high praise! Thank you!Yeah, if it seems like I went overboard on the Treespeak, I probably did. It's not really an intentional Paracosmos thing, just sort of a disagreement with how it was often done officially. IMO the best Treespeak from MNOG had a basic rule that if you could use it to shorten a sentence, they would do it. But officially it was often just a word thrown in here and there.But yeah, I just love messing with linguistics and having characters speaking oddly in many different ways, often to indicate different cultures, so I probably just got carried away a bit with the Le- characters, heh.i always imagine this as a movie (i have about 6-7 imaginary worlds, some bionicle related, ranging from futuristic, to tanks, to steampunk, to dogfight, the airplane kind of dogfights) . the hut smash scene reminded my, (in my imagination) as that promo picture of a bohrok smashing through its hive.and on the note of treespeak, in agents of surrender i do recall you having alot of treespeak, two word sentences, a bit too much, IMO. in this, i have noticed you made a couple treespeak only sentences, but not much.i will get to reading chapter 9 tommorrow, for i am at my grandparents house and i just bought a great novel, and i also have 2 nonfiction books and another novel to read, so i might have enough time to squeeze that in, between reading my other books and eating mexican food. and also, i like the current rate you are posting chapters, because it kinda sounds like a serial (thats how jules verne released 20,00 leagues under the sea, around the world in 80 days, and journey to the centre of the earth, if i recall correctly, in a newspaper serial)
  9. to answer all your questions: the biomedia project at tronec.org streams bionicle videos, serials, and games (mnolg, mnolg2, and vnolg) on their website, with automatic savings, with a free accound, or you can play mnolg with the chapter select no-saving, but creating a free acount is what i recommend. there are also downloadable versions on the same website, as well as downloadable versions for multiple other bionicle games at that same website, (tronec.org) and bogaproject.weebly.com, which also has links to mnolg online in the downloadable games.both of these websites are maintained by bzp members, and bogaproject.weebly.com (made by gatanui) and tronec.org (multiple bzp members) both have easy and cooperative access and catagories.
  10. but have a B:NG model, put on a cheesy pun off a fake ersb rating (ex: A for awesome, or n for nostalgic) add a cool title, with a backdrop of the title in matoran language, and a backround that looks like a battlefield in ruins, that would make an amazing cover, and also, it reflects of the titles of the game BCOD's name was based off of, where it is usually a lone soldier walking a battlefield.that would be an epicly cool cover for B:CoD IMO
  11. ooc: ah, i see. i thought morning had already passed, sorry.IC:Nichou had a rude awakening when suddenly stannis was yelling at himself in the room left of Nichou's room. He had never considered that his trusted comrade would be mentally unstable, yelling at nothing in his sleep. As he rubbed his eyes, he put the small amounts of homely items he had taken with him in his pack, ate a bula berry or two he had bought at a vendor days earlier, and dismissed the thought as he whittled away at a small, fist sized block of wood he had brought with him.obviously stannis is a scholar, warrior, and tactician. He doesn't seem like the person who would yell out in his sleep. There must be a reasonable explanation for this, but for now, I must wait. He tried to not think about the events of last night, and hafu and tamaru's deaths, instead putting his energy into making a carving of an ussal, waiting for one of his comrades to burst through the doors with new or orders.
  12. Finding good 3D artists? Next to impossible....Maybe we could borrow some of the BIONICLE: Next Generation models. They have some really good ones (both models and modelers).i second that motion. they have some epic models. there are some pictures of them at microsnipe's brickshelf
  13. thanks for the support!and i dont entirely like the name "the seekers" I actually like the unofficial "stannis's group"
  14. i would use rebrick, but its only for 13-older, so i have to wait until febuary
  15. IC:luckily, Aurax, who was familiar with the streets of po-koro, directed The members of stannis's group to a local inn. but there is more to come......."rooms are 50 widgets, no exceptions." said the innkeeper."how about..." Nichou glanced at his comrades, doing the math. "40 widgets per person, instead?""no, 50""40""do you really think that your 'fancy' sword, annoying personality, and ugly face will get the price down?" the innkeeper sneered.Nichou, clearly offended, (and not quite the haggler) gritted his teeth, and muttered to stannis. "get that annoying rockhead to lower the price, please"After a debate, multiple references to atiel's rather-on-the-large-side hammer, stannis's group got a good deal."alright, alright, 40 widgets per room. here are the keys" the innkeeper grumbled. as they went upstairs to the 2nd floor, the innkeeper chuckled under his breath.as they entered their separate rooms, at least half of them (the tourist-like ones) had their mouths hit the floor. their rooms accomidations included a stone bed, a door, and a single lightstone. the cheapness of the rooms obviously suprised them. either way, they were so tired by the night's events that most of them fell asleep on the spot, most wondering what will happen next, in onu koro.ooc: i tried to spice this up a bit, add bits of what i9 call comedy, instead of a 2 sentence post like" and then they went to bed in a local inn"sorry if i misjudged any of your characters.
  16. and we all dont EW to cryon other notes, im still at my grandparents house until furthr notice, and will not be active that much. although, i am currently in the progress of creating a filler post on stannis's group getting its much needed rest.on the note of names, my username is based of a matoran moc named bullets (because of its dual cordak blasters) when i was 9 years old. I then changed it to bulik a couple years back. all my charcters so far have names i completely made up on the spot. although, i am thinking about a new character whose name is based off a norse word that early norse colinists in newfoundland called for eskimos, which can be roughly translated into dwarves.and woah, piroks post count has really boosted since i last checked.EDIT: made the filler post. hope you like it *crosses fingers*
  17. I also think the killer is the rogue gb, and you bring up a good point about him in the MU so he could observe them, because they might be possible threats when they return to SM. and his volunteer to see if the MU inhabitants are foes probably does relate to him having built marendar, which before i did not notice.
  18. should i make the filler post? because you mentioned someone, meaning possibly other than you.
  19. oh yeah, sorry. i just didnt want to spend the time scrolling throught the pages. i forgot about the search button, xD. ill do it myself now
  20. I still havent beat onu-koro. go adventuring and get your accuracy up in le-koro, your strategy up in po-koro, and dont go to ko koro yet. and dont forget to trade the koli balls while your at it
  21. wow. chapter 8 was great. also becuase i read 6-8 consecutively, because i was lazy the past couple weeks and didn't read them until now. i thoguht that the gahlok tunneling through the hut when being knocked back was brilliant, and "onua's gahlok was now two dimensional" cracked me up
  22. good jod kalama, and also, speakig of the wiki, could all the members of Stannis's group just pm me their matoran's descriptions so i could make a picture for the wiki?
  23. I seriously dont get this. not the project, but the news story. why did this get on the front page? just because it's made by a bzp member does that mean its on the front page? the minecraft one, I get. that makes sense because it was succesful, it got it's 10,000. but his? karzahni! lets make a front page story about every bzp member's cuusoo ideas!?!?!?!??!? i just think its not right to make a front page story about this, without making a news story about other bzp cuusoo ideas, like the bring back bionicle one, for mata nui's sake! like i said, I consider it fine to do a front page story about the ones that get their 10k, like the minecraft one, for instance, but making a front page story about this? it's unfair and disgraceful, in my opinion, putting THIS over all the other bzp member's ideas, when this hasn't even got its 10k! and your putting THIS over bionicle. thats just even more saddening and bone chilling then that my little pony meme
  24. if you seea blue matoran workig on a boat, then go to the left of that screen. there will be bamboo lying on the dock. get the bamboo, and get some cowries shells 10 or 20 i think and you should have sufficiant supplies for a hachet. which is crafted at the person you craft fishhooks from. and if you ever get low on money, trade kohlii bals from po-koro, to ta koro, which will get you twice as much money thsn you spent on kohlii balls. if you have 0 widgets, get seaweed, which you may have someone craft nets from, which you can seel to the boat making matoran.oh, and also, go to onu koro with a fishhook and a string, and then you can help a mining foreman get his tool, and he will pay about 30 widgets, and also, give a lightstone to one of the miners, and he will give you about 30 widgets. dont spend this too soon foolishly, so go to po-koro and buy as many kohlii bals you can get. go to ta koro and sell them all, because they sell for twice as much in ta koro
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