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shadow pridak money gang

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Status Updates posted by shadow pridak money gang

  1. Haha, same. I've never run more than one char in an RPG, and now I've got....five? XP

  2. Asylum was one of my favorite records last year. Dorek and I were going fanboy over it on WLM for hourrrs.

  3. Well, then.....haithar. :3

  4. You the same guy from BS01?

  5. Oh, and not all staffers are mature. I was right on that too. :P

    SK, Grant, Varaka, Cholie...

  6. The thing is, I can TOTALLY pull it off with the rules I set up. I mean, it would have been nothing like last years. That was just lawless stupidity at its worst.

  7. 'Grats on being randomly selected, bro. XP

  8. I know. And....I'm sorry. I'm just really, REALLY peeved about WWII being knocked out before that, and your comment about spamfests struck me as blah, because, really, any minor event becomes a spamfest on BS01.

  9. I'm doing Wiki War II on BS01, and I thought of you.

    Just wanted to know, I'll beat the poor sap who goes against me senseless...and I'll be thinking of how I beat you senseless. XP

    Miss you bro.

  10. Kellin's in Po-Koro, fighting Zar's Skakdi. If you want, you could "borrow" him.

  11. GASP. The chronic, clastic, and cool spawnistotallyfreakinglazysyndrome.

    ...Have you ever considered being my apprentice? :'D

    Have you ever

  12. Enough to slap that quote onto your userpage? :'D

  13. How do you spell followers? Let's try it, kiddies.


    Now, detention for unoriginality.

  14. He's in Ga-Wahi, bro. Good to see you!

  15. Hey, buddy. Wanted to check in on you. :)

  16. Hey, I'm chronically lazy, but I cranked out a four-part series in like a month. One hurtle at a time. And, to be honest, I'm interested in reading your stories, Var. ;D

  17. Various assorted things. XP

    (Wait...you do know I'm joking, right? XD)

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