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shadow pridak money gang

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Everything posted by shadow pridak money gang

  1. *raises glass*Willing to take reviews whenever.
  2. Been meaning to get into Animals as Leaders, but I haven't checked them out yet.Anyway, anyone buy the A Lot Like Birds album?
  3. Tilian had spent Round 2 practicing with his Invisible Helm, so he decided to take this round to get some battle experience.Seeing TiN still was raising zombies like nobody's business, he snuck up behind him and fired off a gunshot."Miss me?"OOC: Back.
  4. Tilian was ready, though, and sent out fireballs to incinerate the Krana of Nujanii's Rahkshi, sending them plummeting through the ice.The island couldn't take much more of this...
  5. Y'know...you're lacking a ranged specialist in Kuyre's Army. Dorian is available in Ga-Koro. :3

  6. I doubt that it was an overall failure from a business perspective, with a subscription thing like LU, you may have enough subscribers to make a profit at the beginning, but then later lose subscribers and be losing money for every day the game is running. Probably they're taking it offline to avoid an overall loss.- 55555Making it free to play was the worst thing they could have done. Then, everyone who wanted to play it would have stopped paying for it and just hopped on the free bandwagon.Team Fortress 2, anyone?Actually, it was not possible to switch back to a free account once you had already payed subscription.~Gata. What I mean is, in Team Fortress 2, when the game was made free to play, there was an influx of players who only joined because they didn't have to pay, and the game didn't make as much money.Same principle applies here.
  7. IC: DorianWell, now what? 10,000 widgets had slid out from under him, all for the sake of personal vengeance. And it was still morning...OOC: Dorian open for interaction.
  8. IC: DorianDorian, by definition, was not the most moral person. But if there's one thing he hated, it was being lied to. Especially by an employer. That was how stupid men died.Not to mention, maybe if he talked, things would work out for him, whether monetarily or "He's at The Dripper. Table closest to the corner. You can't miss him; hella ugly, almost like a Rahi-Toa hybrid."
  9. OOC: I was just trying to alert you, that's all. IC: DorianDorian had heard something about that: Tamaru of the Chronicler's Company had been murdered in his hut, with some kind of skirmish going on outside. That meant...Putting two and two together, Dorian realized he was being used to do the Makuta's dirty work, and that he was right all along."I...might know something."
  10. Tilian, meanwhile, had aimed his sniper rifle at Iruini's head and put a bullet through his eye socket, the small lead slug going through his head and into the thick block of ice.Just to be safe, he summoned an army of 500 Combat Nektann to keep watch around the area.
  11. IC: DorianDorian had been headed to the docks to get a good first impression of where his bounty might be when he was stopped by Ga-Koro Marines.Oh, for the love of..."What's going on here?"OOC: Kalama...
  12. Don't have to be such a tool about it. I misread. My bad.
  13. Luckily, Tilian was high enough that he didn't sink, so he summoned an army of Kadin-wearing Toa of Gravity, who all combined their powers and threw Nujanii to the ground below.Tilian ruled the skies.
  14. The island was starting to break apart; chunks were flying everywhere, zombies were being destroyed, and through all this, not a single one of the combatants had died yet.Of course, that would change if someone didn't say something.Tilian flew upward, far above the island, and then yelled down to the group below."Skyward!"
  15. What the Karz are they all doing?Suddenly, Tilian saw the zombies and realized. Quickly, he summoned a Gukko and flew high above the frozen remnants of Voya Nui. He summoned a Kadin-wearing Toa and took his mask, sending the minion into the frozen ground below.
  16. Tilian fell into the water, screaming curses as he stabbed his kukri into the ice to prevent his descent into the freezing water. He climbed out, superheated his body to offset the hypothermia, then had his Botar-clone teleport behind Kayzata and punt him into the water.
  17. Tilian created a large fireball inside the armor of each Makuta, incinerating their Antidermis and sending their armor plummeting to the ground. He snapped his fingers, quelling the fireball Nujanii had sent, then drew his kukri and began circling around his opponent.For good measure, he summoned a member of Botar's species, who began randomly popping up and landing kicks and punches on Nujanii.
  18. IC: AngelusAngelus grinned and nodded."Thanks," he said, "it's of my design."
  19. Tilian had an idea when he saw the freeze disk get launched. He summoned an army of Miru-wearing Toa of Ice, who froze the water, giving them all an icy surface to stand on."Now," he said with a smirk, "shall we continue?"
  20. So much for alliances...He looked around, viewing all the dead combatants. A lot of them, he had killed himself. It was...eerie."I guess one of us isn't leaving this water alive," called out Tilian to Nujanii.
  21. OOC: It's not hard to roll six inches, no matter how weak you are. It's like waking up in the morning.IC: TilianAt this point, he'd had enough. He sent out a Ko-Toa army, who turned the little "mountain" into a solid block of ice.Tilian fired off a bullet, causing the weakened structure to shatter and fall into the water.With that, he shook his head and dove into the water with his kukri, ready to land an underwater strike.
  22. OOC: Snipers generally lay down. Cover purposes, y'know?IC: TilianTilian rolled, barely avoiding the disk that could have destroyed his good looks, and summoned an army of 200 Toa of Iron to attack Nujanii.His Muaka disappeared in a BLINK! as the Toa moved towards the other sniper nest.
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