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Status Updates posted by dotcom

  1. here we go again

  2. Hey man, any luck findidng the new UA toys? I just got Nanomech. He's freakin' awesome

  3. Hey there. I finally got a PS3, so I'm gonna try to get Vilgax Attacks ASAIA. Also, go to ben10toys.net if you want to see some spoilers for B10 evolutions

  4. Hey there. I see you're sorta new. See, you can only have 1 pic in your sig, and then they have to be a special size. You have 2, and they are both HUMOUNGOUS

  5. Hey watcha think of Rath? Have you seen Ultimate Echo echo, nanomech, big chill and cannonbolt, and Amphibian, armodrillo and NRG?

  6. Hey, click my sig links, kay?


  7. Hey, dude, do you know about the Ben 10 Alien Force TCG?

  8. Hey, how come you change at every chance you get, are you suffering an identity crisis? XP

    It's getting harder to keep track of you XD

  9. Hey, just so you know, your sig is 77 pixels too tall.

  10. hi, greg i hope BL11 is great!, ... did you get my PM?, it's been more than a month now...

  11. Hi, welcome here, if you have any Q's PM, And I''ll see what I can o for you.

  12. Holy mother of.

    That is the sexiest dang pony I've ever seen.

    ...did i just call a pony sexy what am i equius..

    Anyways, Modern~Warmare's ponies rock.

  13. How's the Multiverse coming?

  14. Howsit doin'? I already have three packs of the 2 1/2" guys. They. Are. Epic. Winzors.

    Sure, the've got flaws, but hey, so do the 4" guys.

    And gueess which? Eye Guy, ditto, Way Big, and BM, BV, and CB

  15. Huh. I hardly remember anything I did in my younger years. Probably for the best. Noobs will be noobs. :|

  16. I also like BIONICLE

    3 times the awesome BD

  17. I beg to differ in the AX issue. You got to admit, he's better-looking than some *coughJetRaycough* And admit it, if Bellicus and Serena didn't exist, or if they weren't so annoying, it wouldn's be too bad XP

  18. I curently have both the 1000th and 2000nd posts in the Official MLP topic. Yesssssss

    1. Rarity


      I hate you. xD

  19. I dunno. Probably halfway through next month

  20. I forgot I loved Breakfast Princess. Silly me.

  21. I got the pic in my sig from the teaser video. It appears towards the end

  22. I hates your totally awesome and totally owning super-detaile art, my entry to the Kirbold contest looks like a stick figure compared to yours

  23. I highly doubt that picture is BZP appropiate. Little kids come here, I recommend you remove it or ask staff if it's allowed. I'm just trying to help, though, don't take this the wrong way.

  24. i just need to tell you i find your avatar hilarious in the scariest way possible

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