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Status Updates posted by delta48

  1. nice halo armor

    recon shoulders with odst helmet

  2. how does your avatar keep changing every time i see your posts?

  3. was wondering what it was

  4. whats the anime called in your blog?

  5. who those 3 people in the personal pic

  6. hey do you have odst im lookin for people to do firefight with

  7. oh ya my tag is mutedstatic man

  8. hey whats your xbl tag im looking for someone to firefight with

  9. whats your xbox live gamertag i wanna know so i can play you in odst

  10. ah makes sense now

  11. i was thinking about changing it

  12. i lied about that age thing on bzp if i told how old i was i would have to kill you lol

  13. who's that supposed to be in your avie

  14. i just noticed your name lol

  15. ah i remember that show now i hate it

  16. i got it for christmas by pre ordering it i also got this wierd code with it

  17. im picking up my copy of darksiders tomorrow i also got a comic book with it

  18. where did you get a pic of isaacs new suit

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