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Blog Comments posted by delta48

  1. That and where you can hug and receive hugs...as the title says. :P


    EDIT: Also...I could really use a hug right now if anyone cares to give it to a coat loving disco man... :P


    -Jordboy1 :miru:


    Comeing right Up!

    *gives Hug and home made coat as well*



    Okay....*takes a deep breath*

    This feels so wrong...yet good. O_O *hugs you back*

    Thanks, Ranna! ^_^

    And thanks for the awesome coat! :biggrin:

    *starts discoing with the little joy I can have at this time*


    -Jordboy1 :miru:

    what makes you say its so wrong


  2. I rented it, and it sure is fun using the ripper on those things. But I just got to a rage inducing part where the Necromorphs start growing back their limbs. What do I do to stop them growing back?

    you have to step on their heads i believe you stun them then cut off their limbs then step on their head

  3. wait you got it for the ps3 im am so gonna get for the ps3

    but one thing i thought you didnt have any consoles

    I didn't get it for the PS3- I just used an image off the PS3 cover because it was one of the few non-graphic images. Second, I have consoles XP. N64, Lamecube, Xbox, Xbox 360, heck- our mom even bought a Wii a few days back but dad made her return it because we are short on spending money XP


    Because severed arms are the most kid-friendly things on the planet.


    I'm kiddin'.




    So, it's like Bioshock in space but scarier, and with less "LETS SHOOTS DA ENEEMIES BOOM BOOM CACHOO!"


    You know what I mean XD


    Well, it's not like Bioshock- Bioshock is one in a million, but I get your idea. But yeah, terrifying game with a lot of plot bound to be unravelled.

    if you can on xbox live you can download the suit from level 5 they have for the ps3 to

  4. wait you got it for the ps3 im am so gonna get for the ps3

    but one thing i thought you didnt have any consoles

    I didn't get it for the PS3- I just used an image off the PS3 cover because it was one of the few non-graphic images. Second, I have consoles XP. N64, Lamecube, Xbox, Xbox 360, heck- our mom even bought a Wii a few days back but dad made her return it because we are short on spending money XP


    Because severed arms are the most kid-friendly things on the planet.


    I'm kiddin'.




    So, it's like Bioshock in space but scarier, and with less "LETS SHOOTS DA ENEEMIES BOOM BOOM CACHOO!"

    sometimes you have to run like heck

    i saw some of the stuff on sci-fi it didnt look bad and the parts where you go in to space is cool

  5. wait you got it for the ps3 im am so gonna get for the ps3

    but one thing i thought you didnt have any consoles

    I didn't get it for the PS3- I just used an image off the PS3 cover because it was one of the few non-graphic images. Second, I have consoles XP. N64, Lamecube, Xbox, Xbox 360, heck- our mom even bought a Wii a few days back but dad made her return it because we are short on spending money XP

    oh so you got it for the 360


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