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Status Updates posted by delta48

  1. why are you spamming me

  2. i saw a leaked video of the ending none the less im excited for it

  3. *psst* doesn't mean i cant be excited

  4. do you have an xbl tag?

  5. lol it'll still be hard

  6. You can only win the game if you're on your death bed

  7. 25exp event for gears 2 starts september 3rd

  8. for making me lose the game i now want you to win the game

  9. when was there a nope hammer

  10. cool you plan on getting reach

  11. i bet you wish you could do alot of evil things to sonu

  12. unless you know you possess him

  13. whats your XBLA tag?

  14. but only sonu could hear you cause you would haunt him the most

  15. but who will spam the mic in matchmaking then

  16. lol i see well whats to know

  17. it will probably do the same to you

  18. just stoppin by

  19. cant tell you how many times i get that "i'm your worst nightmare" gig

  20. who might you be?

  21. of my awesome hammer

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