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Everything posted by ~Mat~

  1. ~Mat~

    Mi's Workshop!

    Coming soon to a blog post near you... Oh, and Happy holidays!
  2. Sorry, cant really say, Cause I just got into 8 Bit through an 8 Bit version of a real song. You could ask Cholie though.
  3. ~Mat~

    Bring Back Teal!

    I for one adore teal, Count me in. ;D
  4. New Blog seal! And 8 Bit music rocks. :3
  5. ~Mat~


    Well tomorrow and Thursday are my midterms, Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... Anyway, Extreme online time begins Thursday! Christmas vacation Ftw!
  6. Cool, It is a great state, I just wish the weather wasn't horrible right now. T.T

  7. "Time goes too fast..." - Er, Idk "ITS GON' RAIN!" - Ollie Williams and "Tomorrows' getting harder make no mistake!" - Bon Jovi
  8. Aah, Its no problem at all. :)

  9. No need to be rude. :P Im just helping out.

  10. ~Mat~

    Snow Chance! :o

    So today I learned that tomorrow brings around a 10% of Snow. VERY uncommon in South Louisiana, Last time it snowed was... Oh yeah, Last year... Around 3 Inches... But that was after a period of 4 years without snow! But yeah, If it Snows Ima SOOOOO Get pics.
  11. ~Mat~

    Name Change...

    Changed from BS01MatoroIgnika to .:MatoroIgnika:. .
  12. Ive been re-hired to AE, and BS01 is back. Brick/Maj is still down though. ;.; Srsly guys, get a photobucket, sure they have a limit but theyre so much better.
  13. ~Mat~

    This Sucks...

    So Ive been fired from AE, for no reason. The sets are dying. Majhost and Brickshelf are spazzing out. BS01 is going crazy. Yeah, this sucks... T.T
  14. Thanks, I posted the topic just a minute ago.
  15. So with the BrickMaj Crisis is full swing, I created a PhotoBucket account. Now I can show my Painted MN, Btw where does a painted sets topic go?
  16. :D Another Stargate fan.
  17. ~Mat~


    I got Tahu and Taka, epic win. Kthxnight.
  18. Your signature is too long, It must be 5 lines of text or less.

  19. ~Mat~

    Hay Gaiz!

    I got 4 of the Stars ! Gresh, Skrall, Piraka, and Rahkshi. They own.
  20. Yeah, I do. But Im out of the comic biz...

    For now. ;) Thanks anyway though. :)

    Anyway, Im not doing that for now, cause Im heading a section of the game team Im on, I have to make sure the workers get done their work, Plus I also joined The Dark Beings shop.

    So yeah, Alot. :P

  21. Wow thats a long title, anyway right now I cant upload to Brick/Maj, So Im thinking of getting a photobucket account, does anybody recommend Photobucket? And on the matter of my 300th post, 2 away! I know its sad its taken me a year to get to it but I digress. Now my question, Where would a painted sets topic go? Its the whole set.
  22. Im excited, 300 is my favorite Number! I'll do a stopmotion for this.
  23. Gold and Norm! Soon I'll post more pics, or, when I get more paint.
  24. ~Mat~

    Mata Nui Goldy!

    5.5 Gold peices in, I RUN OUT OF PAINT! -.- Other than that, It looks great! Previews coming soon.
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