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Brutaka stole my ship!

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Status Updates posted by Brutaka stole my ship!

  1. I'm going to one day smack you upside the head for daring to call me an advanced baby Overlord...

  2. I ask cause I'm looking for the BANNED EPISODES!!!

    Like the Porygon seizure episode, the Gay James episode, Heck, one of the BANNED EPISODES involved Ash actually getting some mouth-to-actual-mouth action with either May or Misty. I think it was May.

  3. I will. Its awesome. You used to like Pokemon right?

  4. I thought you said you couldn't be both.

  5. I IZ S33KER!11

    I S33K S7UFFF!!1

  6. Guess its not a part 2 for Fire Lost is it?

  7. I'm preparing to have dreams about math, schoolwork, & rock all while the Cloverfield monster is trying to eat me. I saw it today, & I NEED that DVD!

  8. Why does he deserve it? - 0kay, I will.

  9. Sweet chicken sauce! Great!

  10. I'm also going to try out Live free or let me die by Skillet.

  11. ...no..... why would you say that.........

  12. ...Tren Krom Lazer beamz? Maybe?

  13. Yo, I'm going to be doing a major profile update soon so keep your eyes or, what ever you've got, peeled.

  14. The thing that got censored was H e l l by Disturbed. So, how was your trip!

  15. You've got a new Etna every time I see you!

  16. The list I'm going to try & learn before this Sunday are: Holy Diver, ######, Happy Birth/Dethday, & The Pretender!

  17. Man, am I banging to see her again. She & I were great friends those years back, but due to personal things we decided to do on our own, we hadn't seen each other for that long. I just hope she's just as happy to see me as I'll be to see her. This one meet has given me the power to start learning some new songs &...

  18. Great! I'm going to a friend of mines birthday party on Sunday, & my parents are having their anniversary party soon after that. Plus, my friend's older sister is a girl who I have not seen for over 6 years! My parents say that she looked great when they saw her at a Christmas party that I chose not to go to. I'd have gone if I knew she were going to be there.

  19. HEY!!! :D How's my favorite frozen northern girl doing!

  20. So? You're the Overlord. That's all I need to know.

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