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Brutaka stole my ship!

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Status Updates posted by Brutaka stole my ship!

  1. I'm up trying to finish what is left of my Algebra course & be ready for my new segments several hours from now. Needless to say, I've got the red eye.

  2. We're both mutually stressed aren't we?

  3. Dude, I haven't seen you on here since like, forever-ago. What happinen!

  4. Brother! Its been far too long since you & I have had a chat! How are you dude!

  5. Hi! I'm sorry I haven't been very active lately. Things have never been busier at my place. How are you!

  6. Hey dude! Yo, I'm sorry I missed your birthday. Things have never been busier over here believe me. So how're you doing!

  7. Rest in eternal piece-s ACFII. You will be greatly missed.

  8. *Kisses & hugs really hard* Hi! How're you doing this fine night Paige! Too bad ACFII isn't with us anymore, but I trust that one day, he will return. I'm missing those days of extreme hyperness & mutual insanity. *hugs*

    *hugs some more*

    *kisses again*

  9. Dude, your story is awesome.

  10. Have you read the new Empire of the Skrall serial yet? When I read about those invisible dudes that made Tuma's species extinct, all I could think of was: "Generals? On Bara Magna?! IMPOSSIBLE!

  11. Went to Texas for the week to see the sights & be a part of my cousin's wedding. Anything interesting happen to you?

  12. Yo, no hard-feelings a-ight Terra Dark Dude? Later!

  13. I can't believe you fell for that! Dude. Dude..

  14. Yeah, so... Wait, you knew that was a joke on you right?

  15. Hi. I just got back from my vacation.

  16. You have no idea how much good that will do you in the end.

  17. Dude, my fridge is at the repair shop. It had mold inking every part of it, my house is in foreclosure due to rats & termites, & my newest ship has an unrepairable leak in the bottom of it. If I were you, I'd write a little message, & put it in a corked bottle.

  18. Dude, you still there? SPEAK TO ME!

  19. Whoever is putting my stuff on Ebay is going to face the Wrath of HUDSON!

  20. O_O New face? Already?

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