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Brutaka stole my ship!

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Status Updates posted by Brutaka stole my ship!

  1. By the way, your new interests are, interesting.

  2. It certainly seems someone has rated the both of us lower. I already have a few suspects but no real evidence as of yet. I'll keep you informed Paige!

  3. Yes, she's an 0kay friend.

  4. Uh... Huh? Who are you?

  5. Hey Paige, my computer has been doing really badly for a while so don't get mad if I reply to you late 0kay. : ) Goodnight Paige. *hugs*

  6. My computer died last night so I didn't get a chance to say goodnight. So... Good morning!

  7. Really? I just sent you one. Let me try again. my email address is slategarner@att.net

  8. I'm looking at your send email section of your page, & it still says private.

  9. I do. But your's seems to be private. I have a public email so anyone can email me.

  10. Well, it will be magnificent if I can ever get around to it...

  11. I double posted again. DX Sorry. But about my epic, I'll be making a remake of it this summer so it isn't totally dead. It will be MAGNIFICENT!!! I promise you that! Take care, I gotta go.

  12. Happy New Year Paige! Forgive me for my timing, my computer broke a few days ago. *hugs* Hey, you remember that old epic I made a few months back? Well, that kinda died. I just haven't had the time to get it fixed right what with school & all.

  13. Happy New Year Paige! Forgive me for my timing, my computer broke a few days ago. *hugs* Hey, you remember that old epic I made a few months back? Well, that kinda died. I just haven't had the time to get it fixed right what with school & all.

  14. Sucks for those two. Thanks dude.

  15. Cr@p. I double posted. Sorry.

  16. Yes, but I don't have Xbox live yet. It's: Marauder Syel

  17. Yes, but I don't have Xbox live yet. It's: Marauder Syel

  18. I used my Christmas money & got myself Gears 2. XD

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