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Brutaka stole my ship!

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Status Updates posted by Brutaka stole my ship!

  1. [cake][frosting]IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!![/frosting][/cake]

  2. "Hello class, today were are going to learn to solve various quadratic equations through factoring, graphing, & through the use of the quadratic formula. It should be noted that the formula: (a+b)(a^2-ab+b^2) is one of the types of f......." *dreams of electric sheep* zzzzzzzzZZZZZ...

  3. *hugs* Hi! I'm just burning my brain doing math. What are you up to?

  4. That would be very great if you would send it to me via BZP message. Here, I'll review your story for you.

  5. Still slaving my night away! But I'm more bored than tired though doing this stuff.

  6. Nice. Glad that stuff went well.

  7. Sure! Later tonight I'll do that.

  8. The feeling is mutual brother!

  9. Master Reidak seems to be playing the new sequel: "Resistance: Fall of Shirt"

  10. I was just about to write you! I'm tired & a partial zombie now thanks to staying up late doing endless amounts of schoolwork! How are you!

  11. Lego customer service online replacement parts is what happened! I get all of my MOCing pieces straight from TLC itself.

  12. Really? I've got a PearlLtGray Roden Kanohi mask coming in a few weeks. Thank the Dude for LEGO customer service!

  13. Thanks for posting in my new topic brother!

  14. The most recent I've seen is Benjamin Button. Ones that I want to see this year are: Star Trek, Terminator: Salvation, 2012, & '9'.

  15. Nice! Brother, have you gone to Brickshelf to see The "American" summer sets? Mata Nui, Vastus, & a bunch of other dudes that look pretty snazzy.

  16. Well then, I wish you luck for today in school, & have a great nap! I'd hug you right now, but I fear I'd pass out because I'm so tired.

  17. I may get a summer set or two, but overall, I might not get any at all. Which ones did you get?

  18. I'm fine. Just extremely tired is all. Staying up all night finishing schoolwork does that to you. I'm going to try & get a summer job over at Gamestop & hopefully make a few extra bucks for myself. If not there, then the dreaded Wal*Mart will just have to do.

  19. Wow. Its 4:15 AM over here. Stayed up all night. I want sleep, but I can't get any.

  20. It truly is slow as ####### #### brother. Hey, hows that job goin' for ya by the way?

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