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Brutaka stole my ship!

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Status Updates posted by Brutaka stole my ship!

  1. You know, since you have no age, (ageless your are) I guess I can't wish you a happy birthday huh.

  2. My apologies, I haven't had the chance to update yet. I already sold the Metru-toran & the rahgah Kualus & Norik.

  3. Guess who just threw the stone into the Suva!

  4. Boom De Ada to that brother!

  5. I look like Alex in that hat. At least, in my opinion. Perhaps you could use my image as a signature for the Generals? I'm shadowy, but I'm not part of a shadowy organization.

  6. Yes, but in Virtual School. Se hasn't shown me her face yet, though we talk sometimes.

  7. Mmm hmm. Right. Really inappropriate.

  8. Not too sure. All were equally great.

  9. I swear to the dude, we spend minutes, upon minutes with absolute silence on the phone until we figure out something to talk about.

  10. That would be a very most welcome thing to receive, but yes. We do have my girlfriend. She & I started talking on the phone recently, & man are we different. Since we talk mostly through the internet, talking on the phone is a totally different experience.

  11. One day, I hope to grow into a Malcolm Reynolds.

  12. Doo-dloo-doo-doo-doo




    I'm singing in the rain,

    Just singing in the rain,

    What a glorious feelin'

    I'm happy again!

  13. I feel like Alex all of a sudden... GOT TO TAKE THE SUIT OFF!!!

    0kay, better. So, in the new pic of yours, were you working on anything in particular?

  14. Woah. The suit is giving me some new sudden interest in Clockwork Orange...

  15. I stopped being a rocker & decided to try out Jazz, R&B & some of ol, Frank Sinatra for a change. You can see my change on the new pic I've got. I also keep listening to Singin' In The Rain all the time. Must be the new change.

  16. Dude, posting out random stuff isn't a hobby of mine. I'm going to have to re-do all those 4 posts I've made by the end of the year anyway.

  17. Like Firefly? Dude, the series moves me.

  18. Busy with heavy painting I see.

  19. Overlord, you gots an enemeny. A guy named InfraRed seems to have an army of monkeys allied against you.

  20. Sorry dude, can't. Got lots of work to do. Oh, & the one thing that I have guessed about you, is that you are indeed a dude. You're not a chick because you wouldn't be talking the way you are. And since it says gender not set, yeah. I guessed.

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