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Status Updates posted by Overlord

  1. H'm interesting. I remember seeing that you left, but you're back now.

  2. So I've finally managed to purchase a Light Blue Kaukau. :D

  3. I like your avatar. :)

  4. I like your personal statement.

    But I like my own even more. :P

  5. Oops. Sorry for the duplicate comment.

  6. If your personal picture is supposed to represent you...

    *calls police*

  7. Good, you changed your location. :P

  8. Overlord Attacks! :P

  9. Hi again! It's been a long time.

  10. At least you don't make topics about munching masks... *shudder*.

  11. *(continuing from comment below) Also all my short stories are dead, so feel free to read them, but to review them you'll have to comment on my profile or something. :P Still haven't finished the sixth one, either. Anyway, how're you?

  12. Yeah... sadly, it's expensive too, and I don't think they're planning any more.

  13. I'm just surprised, that's all - I remember you from before I joined.

  14. Hello! You share a name with one of my BZP friends - namely, Morgoth. :P

  15. If you're the supreme ruler of all, where have you been? :P

  16. By the way, I have TWO sequels to Fire Lost if you'd like to read them. :P

  17. @Your interests: Wow, your 5th book? I'm only on my first. :P

  18. Hello! You are now five stars. :)

  19. Hello! You are now five stars. :)

  20. Blademan Toa of Eternal Doom.

  21. Wall-E was a rather nice movie. And this is probably the most sane comment on your profile. :P

  22. Thanks much. :P It's just plain black as usual, though.

  23. Heh, I forgot you said you'd return. I'd given up hope and such. But welcome back! :P

  24. Lol, I should know better than anyone. I did that once before, and received a nice reminder from Macku: Toa of Bubbles. But thanks... I'll take it down sometime when I'm not so lazy. :P

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