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Blog Entries posted by Valendale

  1. Valendale
    Welp, time to reflect publicly on BZP. I always like doing that. This year, I'll be trying something a little different and I'll actually be typing this up while reading my private thoughts from my journal I wrote throughout the year.
    Starting with something that was a theme throughout the whole year: In December of 2022, as part of a musical Secret Santa exchange, I received the song Where Are You Now by Danny L. Harle. From there, I listened to the rest of the Harlecore album, and then discovered the whole musical world revolving around the PC Music label/collective. I realized I already recognized a lot of the names from the 100 gecs remix album. This really is my kind of music. I found so many songs I loved, but one artist stood out from among the rest: GFOTY. She's quickly become one of my all time favorites and over the course of the year, I've listened to her entire discography. Unfortunately, PC Music announced that they're ending new releases on the label with the end of the year, so I'm listening to some of their stuff on the last day, even as I write this. It was a great ride, even if I only caught the tail end of it. Oh, and going back to the gecs, seeing them live was the other big musical moment for me this year. Their new album was great too.
    As I mentioned in my last entry, I finished college, moved out on my own, and got a job. I feel a lot more independent now. With that, I've been doing a lot more cleaning and organizing this year for a variety of reasons. I've also had more time for my hobbies though, getting a lot more lego building done and integrating myself into a local lug.
    I got dental implants put in at the beginning of the year. Something I had forgotten about was that this prevented me from eating my favorite food for a month. I'm actually just now getting scheduled to have the crowns put on the implants. I'm honestly tired of all this stuff going on with my teeth. I'm so ready to be done with it.
    Something I'm noticing is I was able to become much more social and confident over the course of the year. I even went out on a few dates! Nothing that led anywhere serious, but I'm very proud myself for handling it in a way that felt very natural. Ironically, I'm also much more comfortable being alone now than when I was in college. I think there's something about being surrounded by people that actually makes you feel more lonely sometimes.
    I've started playing more seriously in @Voltex's BZPGOT games this year. I've only recently started getting caught up on all the previous story there, but before I started that, I decided to read/reread all canon Bionicle story material. This, combined, with another event I'll mention later, means I did a lot more reading than has become normal for me this year. Next year I'm hoping to get caught up on the BZPGOT write ups, maybe read some other Bionicle fanfic ( @Pahrak Model ZX?) , but especially start reading some non-bionicle books aimed at adults haha.
    Brickfair was great as I also mentioned in the last entry!
    There was one thing about Brickfair I didn't mention though. At one point during the con, I got a call from my father. He met up with my cousin. I hadn't seen her in 7 years, and we hadn't been able to spend quality time with each other in even longer. He wouldn't tell me what was going on until I got back and spoke with him in person. It wasn't instantaneous for us to reconnect, but we did it. Both of us were worried the other might have somehow become a completely different person in the interim, but we get along so well. We were able to have phone calls, texts, and finally meet up in person for Thanksgiving. This has made me happier than anything else really, and I think it's been so good for both of us to have the other back in our life. I've always looked up to her, we have a lot of fond memories together, and now we're making new ones. She's someone I feel like I can talk to like no one else, and she always has such interesting things to say.
    So that's obviously not everything, but that's the biggest stuff. Thank you to each of you who have had even some small part in making my year so good! And a happy new year to you all! I know I already have some good things planned for it.
  2. Valendale

    So, it's been a while since my last blog entry, and I've made some big steps in life. Thought I'd drop in and talk about it a little.
    I took my 2nd year of master's classes fully online. It was a big change from living deeply within the campus culture like I had for the previous six years, but I finished it up and graduated for the 2nd time! It was a lot of work, especially trying to balance it with job applications and attempting to have some semblance of a social life, primarily with friends who lived far away from me.
    It paid off though, because I did get a job! I actually interned at this same agency last summer. I'm only a month or so in, but so far I'm very satisfied. I think this will be a job I can be fulfilled at.
    Getting a job also meant I had to move into my own place. Technically I lived away from my parents while at college, but this is the first time it's just me. No roommates. I picked the furniture, all the messes are mine, and I'm the only one cleaning them up. It's close enough to work for me to walk too, which I really enjoy. Still exploring the surrounding area, but I do like my apartment's location.
    I also went to two Brickfairs! (Maybe I should do a highlight post like the old days?) Both were great fun. Last year, I met some people from the SCBricks LUG, which I've since joined. That's been a great ride over the last year, meeting people and going to events. Just before Brickfair this year, I did my first local show with the LUG. It was completely different from a huge convention, just being in a little library, but I think we put on an excellent show! This year's Brickfair had me bringing @T-Dawg for his first time doing the full con. Hope he enjoyed it as much as I did. I miss a lot of the old friends I hung out with at past Brickfairs, but I love all the new people I've had the chance to meet! I'd also be remiss not to shoutout @Mushy the Mushroomfor really making my Brickfair! (As well as basically keeping this site alive.) And there's one observation I made at this show that really encapsulated it:
    I didn't have breadsticks at Brickfair this year, but I sure at a lot of Thai food. Sometimes old ways have to fall away to be replaced by something new and equally beautiful.
  3. Valendale

    On Thursday, I went to the Orthodontist for what I thought was just a routine visit, but to my surprise they started taking some scans of my mouth, telling me it was for my retainer. And at the end of the appointment, I was informed that my braces would be fully removed at the end of the month!
    I started laughing with joy when I heard the news. One of the staff told me my laughter was contagious. That has to be one of the best compliments I've ever received.
    I've had my braces for almost 3 years now. They've become a part of my life as I've grown over that time. And getting them off reminds me of that, but it also reminds me of how much some things haven't changed.
    I've also already made an appointment with some friends to hit up a candy shop that day and get some of the things I've been missing out on for so long!
  4. Valendale
    Well, despite all the bad stuff and pandemic going on throughout the world, I have to say I think 2021 was a good year. The best year I've had in a while. I looked back at the year in my journal and realized this has been a year where I made a lot of my goals happen! The wishes I had at the beginning of the year came true! I've posted about some of the bigger moments in my previous entries but here are some bullet points covering good things that happened to me this year:
    I've kept up my health and gotten some dental procedures, that while not exactly pleasant, were necessary. I graduated college and earned a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering. I got a new car that runs very well. I took that car on a long trip on my own. As part of that trip, I attended Brickfair Virginia and had an amazing time. I passed the FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) exam. I got into a master's program and finished my first semester with straight As, learning some cool new skills and doing research along the way. I started going to the gym regularly. I've been spending more time with my family, including some time where I'm responsible for my nephew. After years of applying, I've finally gotten a job, which I'll be starting at soon. Here's hoping that 2022 can go as well for everyone as 2021 did for me!
  5. Valendale
    Just a few bullet points for now. Later in the week, I'll try to get a more detailed write-up/update up.
    For the first time, I'm sharing a hotel room, not with my dad, but with some Bionicle community members. Shout out to @Ziontyro Metalhead I win a Ford Mustang at opening Door Prizes. Red Axle Creature at combo build I stop @jed1ndy pacing to talk to him. Getting a tile printed with @Mushy the Mushroom's drawing honoring the memory of my cat Gilroy Smelling deals at the yard sale I jump on the "Pins on backpack" train. Being able to talk to cool people without making a complete fool of myself "You look like the type of person who's heard of Homestuck"-I point out this is an insult. Meeting someone who recognizes my online name. GET JACK STONED! We live in a society. Chris-chan did WHAT??? People actually like my moc: "WOW!...Betrayal at House on the Hill!" Small G&T reunion at KBBQ. Shout outs to my dawgs @Unit#phntk#1 and @-ToaD- I stick around for adult swim in the convention center for the first time, drink a few white claws, and play around in a pit of green bricks with some cool people. @socketball@Toa Niretta@Obsessionist@Mr. Cod@Tor I get a Brickee?!?!?!? Some of these might be a little short or vague, but I can always answer any questions in the comments. Thank you everyone for making it such a great time!
  6. Valendale
    Made a small little alt-build of 60427: Forest Fire. I call it "Forest Firepoint" envision it as a shrine to some sort of deity or spirit that might be found while wandering through the woods.
  7. Valendale
    Well, after 5 years, I made it to my degree. I have to say I enjoyed college ( I enjoy education in general.) despite all the rocky moments. 
    I entered in as very unsure of myself. Coming from a tiny high school with a graduating class of 62 people where everyone knew me was a big change. I didn't get into my first choice school, but I think where I ended up might have been better for me and still very proud to have attended. (This could be the same story for a lot of my college to be honest.) Plus it was nice to have a few familiar faces from high school going in with me, even if I didn't have them with me at the end. In fact one of the things that stood out to me today was how few people at the ceremony I really knew. Certainly none on a close personal level.
    College brought me a lot of new experiences that I'm so thankful for. I had to study and teach myself in ways I never had to before. I got my driver's license. I stayed in my first dorm and first apartment. I travelled to new cities and tried new foods. I played new games with new friends. I found my first real love. I went to therapy. I worked a real job. I looked out for people who couldn't for themselves. I went to parties that were totally different, even if they had a lot of they same people. And it continued right up until the end, even if a lot of these things were temporary and the days would sometimes seem to flow together without event.
    This isn't the end for me though. Right now, I'm planning to go back for grad school in the fall. I'm very hopeful about my chances to get a job in the summer and with any luck it will be something I'm able to continue part-time while I complete my master's.
    There's a lot in the past and future, but for today, I'm just going to be proud of my accomplishment. 
  8. Valendale
    Well, I tried to stay optimistic throughout the the year, and believe everything wasn't as bad as everyone was making it out to be, but as 2020 comes to a close...I have to agree that it sucked. Besides the pandemic and everything else going on, nothing particularly good happened. I didn't find love, I didn't get a job, I didn't graduate, I didn't get to go to Brickfair.
    Meanwhile, there were a few personal negative moments. I don't want to get to personal, but I lost my car towards the end of last year and I'm driving one I like significantly less now. And more recently, one of my cats has not been feeling well, and we may end up losing him if the medicine doesn't help.
    So how did we get here? The year seemed to be starting off well compared to last year. I was building great friendships, going out al the time, and spending lots of time in my school's student center. I was the best 2 months for my social life in a long time...and then the coronavirus hit. My school, like many others, closed down for the rest of the semester. The student center closed, there was no more late night vibing, and I packed up to ship home. At this point, I was still very optimistic, I was getting to spend a little time at my family home I hadn't been planning on, and I was confident things would get back to normal soon enough.
    Obviously, that didn't happen. But I initially enjoyed the chance to spend some time at home. I had been planning to graduate this fall, which meant, I wasn't sure when I would be able to spend more time there. My friends and I transitioned from meeting up in person almost every day to mostly talking online. But I lost contact with a lot of the people I was less close with, which was one of my favorite parts of hanging out in public at the student center. 
    I also spent a lot of the summer filling out applications and sending resumes, hoping to find a job or internship before the fall semester. Ultimately, I didn't. The fall semester was a strange change of pace, being back at school without being able to hang out constantly or spend time in public. But I handled my work very well, and I actually like my new apartment a lot.
    But all that has given me a lot of time to play some video games. I found a little RPG I really like called Heartbeat that has entered into my top 10 games of all time. I beat Crypt of the Necrodancer as Aria. I have done some online gaming with friends since we can't be together in person as much. Most recently, I have been playing a lot of the online implementation of Dominion, my favorite card game.
    So yeah, overall not a great year. I can't say for sure it was worse than everything that happened to me last year, but it was certainly not great. I think like all of us, I'm hoping for the best next year, but preparing for more of the same. I'm definitely graduating this time, I just hope I can get a job lined up and maybe have a few in-person vibes before then.
  9. Valendale
    It felt like I spent a lot of this year just thinking back on where I was the year beforehand.
    They say time flies when you're having fun, but I found that this year kinda flew by compared to last, which is saying something considering the "mood" or whatever of the year felt like it started 2 months early for me. (See some blog post I made.) 
    The last few years have been full of big moments and accomplishments for me, but this year I was mostly trying to just keep everything on track, and the few "big" moments were mostly negative. Still, there was some good stuff mixed in there and I made it out the other side.
    Anyway, just wanted to get that thought out there, may do a more in-depth write up tomorrow or something.
  10. Valendale
    Well, my life has taken a bit of a turn for the worse since my last entry. About 2 weeks ago, my boyfriend and I broke up. It was pretty mutual, we both had the realization at about the same time, but it's still been a very rough time for me. I've felt a lot of different things since then, which I won't go all into, but mainly it's a lot of just missing him and wondering if we made the right choice.
    And while I did wonder, I've felt pretty confident that we were better off not being together, as painful as that may be. It does feel liberating in a weird sense, and since we broke up, I've been being a lot more social. (I'm really enjoying all the time I'm spending with my friends.) That was up until Saturday night, where I ended up breaking down and crying about some other problems in my life. I realized I didn't really have anyone else I could talk to about these things, who even knew. It was moment of weakness, but in that moment I wanted him back, and that's the only time I've felt that way since the breakup.
    I just felt like venting that a little, and I had a BZPower dream last night, so I figured I might as well use this lil old place. I'll probably end up saying all of this to my ex since we're meeting up tomorrow to give some stuff back and talk a little, but there's one other thing I wanted to say to someone, that I can't say to him, even though he definitely already knows.
    Today, we would have been together for a year.
  11. Valendale
    So I've been a member here for 10 years? Wow, that's half my life.
    In the two years since I last reflected on my membership here a lot has changed. I've been doing a lot in college, and I moved into my first apartment and started working at my first real job with a Surveying firm. I also started my first relationship with my wonderful boyfriend.
    BZPower has changed a lot in the last two years too. Maybe activity was a little down at that point, but I don't think I ever would have predicted that we'd be at this stage in two years. If anyone is actually still here to read this, I hope you're doing good. I know I am, and honestly a lot of that does come the 10 years I've spent here.
  12. Valendale
    Catching up with people, meeting new people...
    Breadsticks weren't up to standard, I felt like.
    Nick Bluetooth dabs on Bionicle's grave.
    Zatth brings Gorilla MOC; Harambe jokes don't stop for the duration of the con.
    Come expecting trivia, get bad puns.
    The Barn, and the games we played there.
    Million Dollars, But..., Cards Against Humanity, Fibbage, Earwax, Quiplash, Superfight.
    I fill a bag with orange 1x1 bricks to finish the Onua Uniter Mosaic.
    Going off the Harambe thing earlier, we come up with Bricks out for Bionicle.
    I add the orange 1x1s to everyone's badges, for Bricks out for Bionicle, up to and including Kevin Hinkle at one point.
    10th anniversary of the Piraka.
    Hitting curbs and doing u-turns in the Pablomoblie.
    Cramming 9 people into the Pablomobile, including myself, Aanchir, and Christian in the trunk.
    Yes, we did a screeching u-turn while we were in the trunk.
    "I'm Sending the Farm Animals".
    Tom Dadden and the legendary Galidors.
    Xaeraz, Avokah Tamer, and I, plus a bunch of other con-goers, spend all day searching for pokemon throughout the convention.
    Our search ends with finding the legendary Mewtwo in the Duplo display.
    Can't stop laughing about Brumpotungus.
    66 hat hatpile.
    I win the Ghostbusters firehouse after the build.

    I'd like to put a list of everyone I met/saw here, but I won't for various reasons.
  13. Valendale
    It's so weird that the last time I was at Brickfair, there were still whispers in the shadows as to whether or not Bionicle would come back. And now, it's already gone.
    At least I get to go this year.
  14. Valendale
    Despite many changes, each of us usually has one profile image that seems to stick in peoples minds. So, when you think of me, which of my avatars comes to mind first?
    A. The Wizard. (Used pre-2013.)
    B. JIF Natural Creamy (Used as JIF Natural Creamy.)
    C. The Glacier (Used for most of 2013 and some of 2014.)
    D. Frost Tiger (Used as Blizard Hazard and for most of last year.)
    E. My Feet (Used for most of this year.)
    I may go back to one of these or I may find something completely new. It kinda depends on the responses I get here. I can edit the actual images in later if need be.
    UPDATE: I've decided on this new one, but feel free to leave your thoughts.
  15. Valendale
    I won't be able to go.
    I've been putting off this entry for a while, but someone asked me about it last night, and so I guess I finally need to put that out there. I'm working as an intern at a summer camp all next month. In the coming years, where I'll be an actual paid employee, I'll probably be able to take time off to come up, but that's just not an option right now.
    And I doubt I'll even be home in time for this, but I'd like for someone to be ready on that Sunday just in case I can find time for a Skype tour.
    Edit: If someone who's would be willing to let me mail them a leg so that the Kek Powerizer can be complete again, that would be great.
  16. Valendale
    This would have been late even if I posted it when everyone else did.
    -Crystal Beast
    -The Melting Room
    -Smash Bros.
    -New Gamecube controller
    -Viewtiful Joe
    -Finally, as a surprise: WIIUWIIUWIIUWIIU
    Honestly, I have to say that Viewtiful Joe is what I've gotten the most enjoyment out of so far. The new controller works well with it.
  17. Valendale
    Since Bionicle is back and Hero Factory is over, I thought I would make a list of my favorite HF sets:
    10. Black Phantom. Black Phantom kicks off our list with his cool ball-on-a-stick design and adorable pet. Truly fitting to be called the Green Nightmare Lord. Only reason he's not higher up is because of his odd bulk and the fact that said pet's legs come off too easy.
    9. Evo 2.0. Evo's weapon is just so much more awesome and practical than the other 2.0 heroes. His spike can also be used like a dagger. By the way, it's my personal headcannon that Evo is Von Nebula in disguise.
    8. Stormer XL. Big sword? Check. Weapon that looks like an ice cannon once you get past its launcher? Check. Chain? Check. Droney things? Check. Looses points for looking stupid.
    7. Frost Beast. His claw is very nice and sharp looking. His is the exact opposite, relying on his sheer force to cut through his enemies. His mouth is also perfectly shaped for breathing out frost breath. Fun Fact: I also like frost and am a beast.
    6. Waspix. Waspix really rocks the four arms. The upper arms stab, slice, and scratch through foes, while the lower arms pull electo-grenades out of Waspix's stinger tail, which is another thing you should beware.
    5. Rotor. Rolor's main draw is his little gas arm, which is capable of spewing out two type of gas, maybe more. His propeller may be a little loose, but it helps spread these gases in addition to granting flight capabilities. Rotor looks sufficiently fit to guard anything, whether it be bell tower or dimensional portal.
    4. Scorpio. It's a giant scorpion with so many body parts, you'd have to fight them all individually and fists that look like they could shoot arrows. What's not to love?
    3. Crystal Beast. If this list were ordered by glacialness, Crystal Beast would probably be at the top. Her color, structure, and size are all really cool. Her breath probably sparkles. Combined with more sharp claws, Bulk will not be breaking her egg. Looses A LOT of points for requiring modification to fix the awful color scheme.
    2. Meltdown. Or as I like to call him, Prince Meltdown. He's not really the prince of anything, but it sounds cool. He's one of Von Nebula's, and by extension, the entire Nightmare force's best scientists. His unique hand design really helps with this. Also know Nightmare Judo for self-defense. And when he fails to defend himself, there's always the fact that he turns into a radioactive, acid spewing spirit on death. Like Crystal Beast, loses points for requiring modification to be good.
    1. Thornraxx. Here we are, at the end of my list. Thornraxx tops it for a few reasons: Great color scheme. Claws that rip straight enemies, even if they try to heal, and, most importantly, the fact that Thornraxx is just so fun to walk around with. Unlike the previous two, Thornraxx does not require any modifications, but I do recommend removing the orange tubes.
    There you have it.
  18. Valendale
    So that guy Valendale has a blog now? Yeah. You probably don't know me, but I might know you,
    So that this entry is not a waste of space, I shall share an amusing anecdote: While creating this blog I thought about following it. Then I realized "Wait. No, that's stupid."
  19. Valendale
    Day 1: I win a Cars Duplo set at bingo. We do not one, but two reviews of it. A vendor then buys it off me for $20.
    Day 2: Galidor. Breadsticks bring it back. I begin gathering Skeletons for my next project. Late at night, Takuma introduces us to a new game.
    Day 3: People want to use fake punches in the vine. I refuse to allow such poor craftsmanship. The Yo Yo Piraka collaboration is going at full strength. I get me several good huffs of Kopaka Nuva canister air.
    Day 4: The public brings me all the Streetpasses. Xaeraz helps me liven up my mocs. Todd promises us all free food if we let the public stay for an extra hour, and he delivers. Laser Tag goes down. I do terrible. B6 promises a custom member title to whoever can chug a cup of icing from Pizza Hut. I take the challenge and succeed. It's starting to get to me.
    All the while: I am meeting several BZPers face to face for the first time. Vines are made. Food is eaten. Mocs are displayed.
  20. Valendale
    (Warning: Kinda long and rambly)
    So my last real entry was at the beginning of the summer, right after I graduated. Now, I'll be honest, I didn't do a whole lot for much of the summer. But, what I did do was plan for Brickfair. My dad has a new job and he couldn't take time that week, but hey, I'm 23 now and I have a functional car, so that's not a problem. It is a 10 hour drive though, and I didn't want to be tired and miss out on all the fun, so I had the idea that I would go up a week in advance and stay with my aunt in Maryland. This also worked out nicely since I haven't seen her since pre-pandemic.
    I started my drive up on July 21st, exactly a week before the start of the convention. This was my first time driving a long distance by myself, and I was in no rush, so I figured I would stop in a hotel for the night halfway up, along with any other stops I felt like making. The first such stop was at an outdoor mall. Normally, I don't go to a mall alone, but I've passed this one so many times over the years on my trips to and from Maryland without actually checking out, so I thought I could change that while also exploring "outside" a little. I got myself a couple new pairs of sandals there, because I had noticed mine were beginning to smell during the car ride, and I didn't want to stink up the whole convention hall with my foot odor. (There ended up being enough complaints about stinky people in the Bionicle section with me contributing...)
    I stopped for dinner and a hotel, both of which kind of sucked, near the NC/VA border. I hit the road the next morning, but the 2nd half of the trip contained many more stops, enough that it really increased the length of the trip. I needed food, to use the bathroom, and to charge my phone. I somehow managed to navigate the final leg and ended up at my aunt's place that night. I was proud of myself for making that drive myself, but mostly I was just tired. I think at some point, it could be fun to just go on a road trip along that route with some friends.
    I really enjoyed staying with my aunt for a few days. I think I made some healthy habits while I was there. I ate more fruit and gamed a little less. I took an enjoyable 2 mile walk each morning for the duration of my stay. I had been a bit worried I might have nothing to talk about with my aunt, but we were able to have plenty of good conversation. We also went on a few day trips together. One day we went to an art museum, and another we got me some nicer newer clothes.
    On Wednesday, I packed up and drove off to Virginia. It was only a 1 hour drive instead of the 9 hour one it would have been from home. My initial plan was to have my own hotel room, but I saw Ziontyro looking for a roommate, so I decided to reach out to him. That was a good decision, it was a great experience sharing a room with a couple other Bionicle fans.
    There were relatively few people there this year that I already knew. Most notably, I was the only farm animal. I did have Luroka there at least, but otherwise, I was trying to introduce myself to new people to make friends, rather than catching up with new ones. I'm a bit shy, and it took me a while to come out of my shell, but I'm satisfied that I was able to make a good impression on at least a few people. Also, there were just less people there this year in general.
    There were a few Bionicle panels this year. Nothing compared to 2019, but still good fun. I think my favorite was the "Actual, Physical Violence" one, where we all cheered like mad for everything Brian said and yelled out "Pickle [name]!" to all the guests who took the microphone. I think the mask hunt was also a good idea, nice to get people out looking around at the mocs during private hours.
    I think Saturday night was my favorite part of the con. ToaD came through for a while during the public hours, but afterwards, I met up with him and Unit and we went to a Korean Barbecue place near the convention center. It was a great dinner. Afterwards, I headed back to the convention center. This was my first time really staying there during the adult swim hours. Before, I had always gone back to a hotel room to hang out once adult swim started, even once I was old enough. It was also my first time drinking during the con, although I only had a couple White Claws. There was a large carpeted section of the convention full of green 2x4 bricks and that's mostly where I hung out during adult swim. This is really where I came out of my shell, messing around and having a good time with some cool people I hadn't interacted with too much up to that point in the convention. This was the type of night I feel like I haven't had in a long time, maybe years.
    The public hours were pretty good to me too. I brought my Lego version of Betrayal at House on the Hill with me to display, and I actually decided to sit with it during the public hours. Most of the kids ran past me to get to the Elsa castle down a bit from me, but it made my day hearing one kid yell "Wow, Betrayal at House on the Hill!". After that, it was usually gamer types who recognized it that would talk to me, but I still loved it! I was very surprised and satisfied with the amount of people that liked my moc.
    On top of that, on Sunday, one more person came up to me and asked me if I was the one who made it. I of course answered yes, thinking this was  just someone else who liked my creation. Then, he hands me a Brickee, the trophies awarded at Brickfair. I was SHOCKED at this, I was thinking there was no way he had the right guy. I even checked again on the website after he left. But it was for me, and I'm so happy with this! Winning a Brickee is literally something I wrote down as a life goal when I was in 6th grade. I think I had a grin on my face the whole rest of the day.
    I of course brought back a lot of Lego with me too. I picked up my lugbulk order. I won a Ford Mustang from door prizes, which led to some jokes with my friends back home. I snagged a few nice deals at the yard sale. And I got a few prints from Khing K and Ziontyro.
    Overall, Brickfair was lot of fun as always. Traveling up and going on my own was a big milestone for me, and between that and socializing I feel a lot braver. I also feel older, which can be both a good and bad thing. Thank you to everyone who made Brickfair 2021 such a good experience for me! And I hope maybe I made it better for you too.
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