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Posts posted by Valendale

  1. IC: Roy


    "Name's Roy White, I'm an engineer, don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He noticed someone else coming up to talk.


    "Ah yes. I do have news. Robots torched a whole village."


    Someone then tapped him on the shoulder. Roy turned around to see a young girl he towered over.

  2. IC: Roy


    The guy didn't stop, so Roy just got closer. Personal space was just a myth, after all. He didn't really spend enough time at the base to know everyone's names. He thought this guy was Jack....Something.

  3. Also, like Protalgif said, I love the callback. I remember reading that. I'm sure someone Valendale? got turned into mayonnaise at the end.

    EDIT: Also to Valendale, who posted right before I did, there had better at least be a clue to their identities.

    EDIT 2: About the mayonnaise thing, I know for sure SOMEONE got turned into it. There was also a deadly chalk circle which killed someone, but they were brought back to life by the Ignika.

    Yes there will be. And I think it was Negative/Pulsate.



    so we're all undead? cool

    Nah, just mafia.

  4. Bionicle Mafia VII: Frozen Wastelands


    Valendale had been waiting patiently for his turn. Long ago,his Tower Valendale, a base for mafia operations, had been destroyed. Since then, he had been posing as a villager. Secretly, he had been building a Castle Valendale in this place. It was much colder here. Too cold for any toa of fire. A toa of ice yes, perhaps even a toa of stone. Valendale turned around. He saw all the Chattering Corpse heaps there. He raised his staff, freezing them all into one giant Chattering Corpse Glacier. From this he pulled five of the best to serve him. There was a village to the South. This was where they would enact his revenge. He began summoning spirits to inhabit it.



    -If there is a group PM, include me in it. I want to see the plots you brainstorm in this. Also, for the Mafia, this is how I will know who you choose to kill.
    -I will PM you your role. If you don't get a PM, you are a villager. Do not say 'I didn't get a PM.' or the like.
    -You may change your vote once every round. No more, no less. When you do, please state what you are changing it from.
    -NO SCREENSHOTS in the main topic. None. Including them in PMs is fine. This means screenshots of any nature, not just ones relating to the game.
    -Yep, these were just copied from the last game.
    -Also, no single role may target the same target twice in a row.
    Undead Mafians x4- Matoran I have raised from the dead to serve me
    Cryo- An undead Toa of Ice. He counts as a normal mafian and may also freeze one target per night, preventing them from carrying out their role.
    Valendale- That's right, I'm playing too. I cannot be lynched until all other mafians are dead. I cannot vote. I have no say in killings. Every 4th night, I will revive one dead player as mafia. You will not know who.
    Turaga- Vote counts for three.
    Medic- May prevent one player each night from being killed.
    Blacksmith- Makes 2 sets of armor. One for himself, one for someone else. These prevent being killed at night. If lynched while wearing armor, you may chose someone to inherit it.
    ??? ?????- ????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?????
    Villagers x15- People with no special powers.
    Rugged- A Toa of Stone was formerly a hero, but was exiled from the village after a failure. Each night he may check the role of one player. If they are mafia, he has the option of killing them instantly and becoming a villager.
    1. Veigar y
    2. Blade #XII. Roxas
    3. CeeCee
    4. The Remorseful Automaton
    5. Der Xaeger
    6. Nara
    7. SmoothJazz 8. ToaKapura1234
    9. Chro
    10. Canis Lupus
    11. Lloyd: the White Wolf
    12. Protalgif
    13. Wasp
    14. Zakaro
    15. Dual Matrix
    16. MT Zhevor
    17. Toa Onorax
    18. The Icy Wonder: Voxumo
    19. SongBird
    20. Flaredrick: the Sniper
    21. Shadowhawk
    22. Pulse
    23. SonicBOOMXS
    24. Lieutenant Obvious
    25. Dragonstar7
    26. JLv2
    27. ShadowVezon1
    30. Dovahkiin
    Also, I mixed up the people who posted before me a little.
  5. IC: Roy White


    He had been here a while and he hadn't found anything. It was hot and he was out of water. His call was left unanswered. Just in case someone did show up, he drew a frowny face in a pile of ashes. Thinking it over, Roy realized that this may not convey the entire story of what happened. So he dotted it with a single tear.


    Roy figured he would head back up to the fortress and give them the news. He needed to pick up his next crate of food anyway.

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